If you've heard the story about Tony Abbott getting headbutted, there is a new twitter hashtag #nutthecunt. I think most will agree, whilst not condoning violence this is bloody funny.
The story goes that a "yes" supporter confronted Abbott and headbutted him, but in the perpetrators own words "[It] was just a lifelong ambition to headbutt a fascist because I'm a skinhead that likes ska music and hates fascism. He's an evil c---, I'm an anarchist and I believe in human rights."

Speaking exclusively to Channel 7, Astro Labe denied the attack had anything to do with the former Prime Minister’s opposition to same sex marriage.

Labe had been drinking for six hours when he spotted Mr Abbott walking from a meeting on Hobart's waterfront.

"I was thinking: 'there's Tony Abbott, I'm going to headbutt him'," he said.

“I decided I was never going to get the opportunity to head-butt that c*** again, so I seized the moment."
Asked if he’d do it again, Labe answered “probably”. “Depends on my level of sobriety,” he added.