Had some after work drinks on Friday, and as it’s getting into the silly season there were a few extra ppl around the table. Eagle st on a Friday afternoon lots of sexy girl and wankers. Anyway 1 of the guys at the table a youngish project manager iv meet in work circles but never had any direct business dealing with. Was starting to be a dick.Good looking, provate schooled, loaded parents, rugby nob. Full of piss, rack and self importance.

So his claim to fame was that he got the clap(STI) from a random girl he saw a couple of times. Was saying how he hated using doms and tried to get away with it whenever he can. I also hate them, never use them in a relationship, and in a moment of stupidity have banged a few working girls both FS and ML bare back. Currently having unprotected sex with a shop girl. ( as Austin powers said “ I also like to live dangerously). More likely I’m a stupid cunt.

Anyway back on topic he said. He was asked about it said not a big deal as he’s had it befor. Then came the bomb. Said he had been to a few massage shops befor he got treated. I asked what happened. His answer
“ he loves shop girls cause they are stupid and don’t ask about protection or if they ask he just pays more”.

He was told it was fucked. But said they are just shop sluts and if they don’t want cock get a job at a sushi shop. Then the other rugby dickheads all laughed. I finished my drink and left.

Be careful in your punting brothers. There are dickhead punters and ignorant shops girls who don’t give a fuck about your health.