This was a big part of their advertising when they first opened so I took up the opportunity. Had a great massage with the former SS girl and a tall Thai girl who’s name I can’t remember, but I’m sure I recognize from LMH. Had a great time, they were super busy so apart from having to answer a phone call, it was a really fun experience and both girls made sure they equally played their part. Went for option 3 for both and they both stayed until the end unlike some other places where one disappears before the finish...overall a great experience. If 4 hands is your thing this is a good place to capatilise.

Shop: 7/10 - a bit exposed at the entrance and parking not always easy.
Girls: 9/10 skill, 7/10 looks.
VFM: 9/10 - same or cheaper then others and made it fun.
WIR: Definitely, although I’ve been back since and just kept it to one girl.