Ok it's finally time ...I gave them a fair go ...I thought maybe just maybe there might be some good providers but today the final straw and the poor camels back came to fruition.
One of my regular providers couldn't perform so I dropped into a well known massage shop of which I had 20/80 % success just hoping.
First cab of the rank err no thanks and started to walk ...second cab ..well I dithered .it's only 40 so I could walk. Well what followed was pure crap, even singing in Chinese to me wtf I don't want to be serenaded honey I want to be turned on not off. Offered me all the options but I took option 3 for 70. Bad choice, well when the clothes came off arghhhhh...how was it possible to hide that. OMG what do I do standing there I thought just go whats 100 bucks but then I was horny so I thought ok close your eyes and think of England. Then the singing happened again. F me dead. As for technique well if I was a sauce bottle I was well and truly shaken up.
After 30 mins of this just got up, waved, got dressed and high tailed it out.

So now 25th May 2019 The Prof will now eliminate 1 in 6 girls in the world from his pursuits. In my past decades of mongering probably had 2 good Chinese experiences to speak about. Now its time.
Thanks for listening.