Prob should'nt even mention this but curiousity has got the better of me.
This happened to me about a month ago at a well known shop which for obvious reasons i wont b mentioning. Id been seeing this girl for about 3 mths and each time became a bit better up to the point of this offer.
I was in 2 minds about what to do as the moment was fairly intense but really didnt expect it.... Yet.
Im sure we have all thought about it and no doubt some prob have regs that allow them to do to keep as good customers.
So how commen is this offer, is it the girls have to do more risky stuff because of competition do u think, or did i just get lucky?
....or unlucky depending on your perspective i suppose. I never ask girls to do this as i feel it could ruin a possible good potential relationship and usually dont get offered.
Keen to hear other experiences.