Had a spur of the moment punt on the Sunshine Coast yesterday.
Decided to head into a place I had not Been to for over a year, and previously had an awesome punts with an older 30ish Chinese lady.

Well this younger thin girl comes out mask on, current climate and all.
Friendly enough. Thought what the heck. Shown to room, undressed layed down & ready for massage. Girl comes in asked which pressure all good.
Now this is how I grade a good punt, little bit of friendly banter, a few well placed rubs in all the right places etc etc
Now there was none of that during massage while on my back, I thought no worries, massage not the best but relaxing enough.
Then the flip, straight up do you want, I ask how much? She went straight for the pineapple for standard no touch no feel.
I said to much? Conversation back & forth down to 35. I thought give it a go.
Now this is my personal concern about my attitude from here, she starts process no lead up mechanical, No real interest other then the $$$. Put my hand on her covered bum, No go at all.

Well I asked her to stop, i do not wish to continue. It was horrible & normally I would have just let it happen & coughed up the money.
But I think I gave had enough of over inflated prices. Now don't get me wrong, I am not a cheap skate & have paid overs before & am willing to pay for great service & attitude.

Now this is where it gets interesting, she thinks she should still get paid because she touched it???? I said no, I stopped because no good. She not happy, could tell from eyes that behind that mask was a look of anger.

I said just finish massage please, well from there no effort & lots of talk to other girl in Chinese. I guess about me 🤣😂

Well thank God she finished massage 10min early, and then just stood there staring at me. Saying this is my only money you not pay etc etc
I gave her the change from massage cost. Only a fiver.. She just threw it on massage table and fairly sure swore 🤣😂

I dressed and could not get out of there quick enough. Just your thoughts guys. Was I to harsh on her??? Just that I have had enough of over paying for pathetic service.