Just found out my On/Off Thai Gf for the better part
of 4yrs has been Offering much more than just
Therapeutic massages to customers. Strangely Im
the Cunt for accuse her do - quoting her own words -
shit work like that.
So present her with 3 photos recently advertised in
Sydney. After 4 years be very intimate with this girl
even with face covered or blurred in 1/3 photos.
Her birthday suit alone is enough for positive id.
The other 2/3 photos are clear face photos and no
attempt to hide her identity but still she strongly
denies any wrong doing.
And I agree.. if this is what she wants to do and she
do so safely. Go for it Sweetheart.
Im sure I'm not the 1st and definitely won't be the
last guy to fall head over heels with WL claiming
only to be ML...BUT .. with all the lies told to family
back in Thailand or friends, bfs or even husbands.

Honesty and respect is key people.
Treat all people. The same way you wish to be treated.