Has anybody ever managed to bagged a WL for casual fun after being regular customer, I pretty much have when I was a regular with a hot Thai girl and she invited me over her place for a night (I was 25 average polite aussie guy and she was 36, fit tight tattooed body. How I managed to do it was I got her number to make bookings direct and after a while I would message her to book and she would message me to come see her if I hadn't seen her for a while, eventually our schedules conflicted(her messaging me to see her and I couldn't) and one day on her day off she messaged me out of the blue to come to her place) Was pretty fun and so good with out having to worry about time limit and forking out the cash. Anybody got experiences of their own??. FYI I'm not talking about getting into something serious but when you guys clicked and the sex was the best for both parties.

Long story short we had to pull then pin as our age gap and her personal things in her life plus it was casual and we both knew it wasn't going to last forever.