Quote Originally Posted by Punter 747 View Post
Gotta agree with Shurin unfortunately. Looks kinda old or uh maybe just ugly. Or both. I was kinda disappointed not gonna lie. But beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and her service may be top notch to make up for it I guess...
Someone informed Star about this site, emphasising that it’s very important and impactful. Then she saw this post and was quite upset by it, as you could imagine. Reading “old” and “ugly” cut pretty deeply.

Yes, beauty is subjective and I won’t argue anyone’s right to their opinion. I would just like to say that once you spend any time with Star, you will see her personality shines through so strongly, it’d be a challenge to remain unaffected. I can’t imagine anyone not finding her incredibly attractive and addicting afterwards.

To me, she’s very sweet, kind and funny with a cute vibe about her. It hurt seeing her so affected by what she’d read.

As for her age: she’s in her 20s. Anyone who has proceeded past a lineup can attest to that.