Quote Originally Posted by cuteguy View Post
If it was to be then it would have occurred. That's my view. You break up for a reason and there's usually no turning back. For women this is usually the rule. On the other hand, many men suffer in relationships and regret the good old times.
That to me feels a little like putting too much trust in 'fate'. Learn from mistakes of the past so you are not doomed to repeat them, and when faced with an opportunity don't die wondering.
The good old times more often than not is falsely remembering only the positives and none of the shit that went with it. Usually this is borne out of loneliness, desperation or dissatisfaction with the current situation. That's why punting can be a good brain clearer, after a great session you don't find yourself saying "Yeah, but I wish I was back begging my partner for sex, putting up with nagging, fighting every second night about inconsequential shit and wishing I won Powerball so I could run off to The Bahamas..."