Establishment: Sari Thai Massage
Address: 187a Victoria Rd Drummoyne NSW 2047 (via Formosa St carpark) - 2 hours free parking.
Contact: 0435 091 788
WeChat: Drummoyne187a
10am to 8pm
Rate: 60 minutes $70

One of my regulars ml invited me to visit. Shop cleaned and tidy booked Annie. Paid for an hour, standard size room big space, double sized massage table, standard set up. Clothes off saw Annie walked in, petite body size, long silky hair, very traditional Thai look, good convo. A bit cheeky, slapped my bum and asked me whether soft or hard massage, just similar to Sandy’s cheeky attitude, good welcome.
Annie crawled on top of me, her body weight just right pressure on me, strong arms liked her ways of massage, sat on my legs and bum to bum touching. Good massage from Annie and follow with part 2, nice B, firm bum, no tattoo and young property. Tipped her of her good service
Looking for young good properties, Annie is good.