I'm a rookie punter. Been lurking around this forum and reading alot of interesting information, experiences and insights.

So after decades of hestiation, excuses and lack of confidence (basically I was just chicken shit) Ive finally bit the bullet and recently have had a handful of punts over the last few weeks.

I've visited 3x MLs and 3x WLs. In each session, I'd eventually cum. This is where it got interesting for me and I wasn't expecting this at all.

When the sessions get to part 2 and/or part 3, my little soldier wouldn't rock up (pun intended) to the battle. It stayed hidden in the trenches. Basically my dick was limp, it remained soft, wasn't rock hard!

Again, Yes i did cum but, it felt flat, soft release and very much forced. It has been very unsatisfying and a personal disappointment coz I know I can get it up and last longer.

I'm 40yrs old, married and have kids.

I've started punting because I like to try other pussys. I'm no different to every other punter in this forum.

When I reflect on the situation to understand what might be the blocker(s), here are what I've considered as possible causes:

- guilty conscience lingers in my mind
- lack of emotional connection with the wl/ml
- can't perform with new girl just met I.e. not a one night stand type of guy
- girl not hot enough to get me excited
- stage fright. All new experience and havnt got comfortable with new environment
- maybe I'm not ready to interact with ml/wl or it might not be for me?

Personally it's BS and all abit too much. Didn't think I'll have this problem to deal with but somehow im experiencing it. I don't know what it is exactly, yet. Could well be a combination of all the above.

Note: In between my recent punting endeavours. I had sex with my wife and it was normal. My dick was rock hard and the sex was good as usual.

Has anyone else experience this? If so, how did you overcome it?