Bewarned - this isn't a review of some cute Thai spinner... (she is cute and Thai though!)

Spent Wednesday morning as I often do with a regular Thai ML of mine on her day off and I could tell she had to get something off her chest - something was clearly bugging her... Anyway, it turns out she had a difficult customer the night before. This guy had originally asked for another Thai girl, who's he's seen several times before but she had a day off so the boss sent in the only other Thai girl working and that was my 'friend'. So in he walks and $50 was placed on the table immediately and with out any discussion about what was expected the massage began.

I should say my 'Friend' is relatively young and arrived in Sydney just a month before the COVID lockdowns - so hasn't years of experience under her belt yet...

Within 15 mins the guy turned over and started asking 'favours' the usual deal - clothes off, can I kiss, can I touch, etc etc... before long my 'friend' starts holding back and saying "you've only tipped $50 - what you're asking for will cost more" or words to that effect... The guy starts to argue then gets up and complains to the boss. The massage ends with a nhj and little more and my 'friend' saying she probably looked and behaved pretty pissed off for the rest of the session.

Anyway - the upshot was she got fired... No longer has a job at this shop on Castlereagh st on a Tuesday. 20% cut in income just like that (this shop is good for her - she averages 7-9 jobs / day there, more than the other shops she works at).

Life doesn't need to be so brutal, does it?

I attempted to suggest that she's probably better off - there's plenty of choice in the city and the combination of a dodgy regular customer and a dodgy unsupporting boss is more that I would bother with..

She reminded me that she's Thai - most shops are Chinese owned and they typically tolerate 1-2 Thai girls to satisfy customer demand but beyond that favour Chinese girls.. so there's actually not much choice for her until another Thai girls leaves or is sacked...

Being a bit of a sucker in these situations I started to think of ways to help - other than handing over fists full of cash... She's a nice chick and I enjoy my time with her...

What I dreamt up last night was a hypothetical approach to (non-violent) mob justice for the dodgy boss....

Suppose I shared the shop number and my 'friend's name at that shop and simply asked you lot to attempt to make bookings with her a this shop (you wouldn't be able to fulfil yet because she's not there!) - would she get her job back??? I don't currently know the shop or my 'friends' name at this shop so will need to recruit her before I proceed, but was curious to hear some feedback..

Over to the 'mob'!