Quote Originally Posted by DayMan69 View Post
I agree, prices seem to have consoldated upwards across the board - each girl works multiple shops so I'm guessing a kind of standard rate has been magically agreed.

I'm seeing the following on top of shop price of $70/75:
NHJ - $50
CBJ - $100 (and the offer of CBJ seems almost automatic now)
FS - $100 to $150

Once a price goes up, and people get used to the new price, it doesn't come down. Think coffee, beer and restaurant prices. Have they ever actually gone down? Nope. I think this will be also true of RnT shops despite any coming influx of girls.

Recession? Maybe. Putin is certainly going off his rocker and the US Fed Reserve is not helping. Int rates will continue going up here in Oz. I don't believe in crystal balling, but whatever happens, our girls won't be reducing their prices. Sorry boys.
$100 for CBJ? MLs are generally charging $150 for part 3 now unless she's older or MILF and willing to take $100. A reasonable amount for CBJ is $50. Nothing more!