Anyone else had the joy of being treated like shit by this establishment.

Not a regular but I have been there at least 20 times since they opened and quite liked two of the mamasans and the dozen or so different ladies I have seen.

However I recently made a booking and rocked up about a minute late give or take a few seconds.

I was told not only was my booking busy for the next 30 mins but so was every other lady.
So I simply said ok and left. I am used to the crap these places pull (227 Nth has done the same thing recently too) so I just went elsewhere.
So much for a special trip over 50km to get there and approx $16 in tolls.

Arrived at work the next day and checked my burner phone on my desk.
To my surprise there were messages from the mamasan after I had been and gone asking where I was.
So I replied that I was there and was told she was busy.

Said mamasan then blocked me on wechat......effin hilarious. Luckily I do not need to go there to see my regulars but man it is in such a convenient spot as I often drive past it on my way to and from the city and I love the big rooms.

Should I go full psycho on the bitch and talk to the owners about loss of business or should I just lay down and take it.

LOL as if I will lay down.