Let me first talk about the difference between brothels and private services. Girls in brothels generally have guaranteed services, and secondly, the prices are affordable. I have made an appointment with 3 girls this week, I hope I can give you a reference.
Ginza club: J Toa: This girl is very interesting, she has the feeling of a typical Japanese house girl. When she first walks in, she feels like a Japanese wife waiting for her husband to come home. She warmly holds your arm and greets you. She has a slender figure, straight legs, and short hair. She looks very capable and clean, which makes you feel very friendly. Afterwards, the normal process started. During the process, her bbbj was OK, and DFK also did it. I think the overall service is average for Japanese girls. level up. It is worth recommending in all honesty. 8/10
V Nana: Vietnamese girls generally have very fair skin. I think her looks are on par with my private date this week (below). Looking at the photos, I feel like Yujie Fan, but the real person looks softer and has a great figure. At that time, it took about 30 minutes. Although it was very short, the girl didn't rush at all. It is worth mentioning that the bbbj started from the shower to the bed, which made people feel like a little wild cat teasing you. After the end, there is a sense of conquest, it is worth recommending!

sdycolour sisme: 550/1h This girl is a girl from Sichuan. She is very enthusiastic when meeting her. I especially like to tease her and complain to the customer service when she says the service is not good. , The nose and breasts have been done, but I think it is harmless and natural, especially the breasts. I don’t know if she doesn’t tell me. It feels the same as the real thing. During the process, there was an extra service blowout. Hard work and great blowjob. In the second round, it felt very tight when I put it in, and the cooperation was very high, and the reaction was not fake. Overall, the service attitude is not bad, and the girl with a high degree of cooperation in the private bell. She said that when she was doing private bells in Melbourne, she was basically booked up every day, which was really great. It is also one of the good choices.