So I was just at a fairly reputable massage place and got an okay massage for an hour which ended in a hand job.

To my surprise the masseuse afterwards turned around and said that the hand job was $50 extra. She never said this before doing the hand job and I had not said anything regarding extras at all. She did however offer a blow job for $100 while doing the hand job (which I did not take her up on).

I have a few points here.

1. I would expect that due to the nature of these massage shops that most people would assume that at the very least a hand job would be included in the price and is not really an extra.
2. That $50 is an exorbitant price for a hand job.
3. You can't perform an "extra" service without giving a choice and then declaring afterwards that it costs money. If I was told that it would be $50 for just a hand job, I would have declined.