This is a Real Estate agents take on it that I received by email the other day

Well, I had a very interesting conversation with Elbow Easy this afternoon.
I rang him and asked him if he would like to buy some ground in the Kilcoy Paradise area.

This is how the convo went:-
ELBOW: Hello Elbow speaking

Me: Hello, it's Harold from Kilcoy Paradise here.
ELBOW: What can I do for you Harold.

Me: I have some land I thought you might be interested in but if you buy it there is no cooling off period. Once you sign the contract there is no going back or changing your mind.
ELBOW: how much land do you have ?

Me: I can't tell you that until you sign the contract.
Elbow: well how much do you want for it ?

Me: no, can't tell you that until you sign the contract.
ELBOW: Well how do I know what I'm getting or how much it's costing me ?

Me:Well you sign the contract and then I will tell you.
ELBOW: surely you don't expect me to sign something that I don't know what I am getting or how much it's going to cost me.

Your call!