Yesterday afternoon when I was leaving n5m I bumped into a fellow punter who was just entering, a bald Asian dude with ear piercings and what appeared to be neck tattoos, and he gave me this really hostile dirty look, like he wanted to pick a fight, I was thinking to myself "wtf was that?" but I kept my head down and just walked past him as I didn't want to cause anything that could lead to trouble, when I was exiting the door I turned around and he was still looking at me, so I just left quickly and walked to my car, on the drive home I kept thinking to myself wtf just happened? Did I do something to piss him off? Maybe I walked with too much swagger? Or maybe he was in a bad mood and just lost shit loads of money at the Star City lmao.

In all my years of punting this is a first time for me, totally not cool, I actually felt sorry for the girl that he was about to see.

But that got me thinking, has this happened to you before? Do you guys ever judge fellow punters that you see? I always just minded my own business and kept my head down, never judged anyone that I saw either in the waiting room or hallway, and if eye contact made I may give a quick nod of acknowledgement, just to be polite and not awkward, but now I'm wondering if there are guys that secretly size up fellow punters that they see? Or have you come across any aggressive or nosy behavior in the past?