A funny/ embarrassing moment just came to my mind so I thought why not share it and get some laugh about it as well as hear some of the embarrassing stories you might have punting related or just life in general.

This was when I was 16yo so quiet a long time ago, me being a curious teen thought getting a sex toy would be a great idea, and unlike other sensible teens getting a fleshlight I went with the big daddy “Thrust Pro Elite Vagina and Ass”, it came in a massive box and probs weighed like 10kgs ish.

So, one weekend my folks were out on a trip, and I was stoked to have the house all over to myself. I wasn’t a popular kid or even outgoing at the time so for me it meant, gaming ordering Domino’s and trying out positions on the sexy butt that I had just dropped $300+ on (I probs used unidays discount too and it was still expensive).

That thing was nice, almost felt like the real thing (well at that time I thought), now I know it’s similar but the real thing is way better.

Long story short, I had just used it, cleaned it up all good and had left it to dry outside cause no one was home anyways. And here is where I made the mistake of not setting a reminder or a post it note so I wouldn’t forget to bring it back in and store it.

It completely skipped my mind and the next day when my folks came in, after a few minutes of being in the house my dad walked in with a smirk on his face and asked me I must’ve had an exhausting weekend, bit weird but ok. Still had no clue I had not brought the toy in, and later as I went to the general vicinity of where I had left it to dry I saw it being covered by a bed sheet. I took that thing to my room so fast and stored it and sat there embarrassed af knowing my folks (most likely both of them) saw what I was doing over the weekend.

Ever since till I moved out I was super careful not to let any of that happen ever again. We’ve never spoken about it, maybe few years later I’ll bring it up over the dinner table ahahahah

Any embarrassing stories during punting or life in general you guys wanna share?

I might have some more from my uni days which I’ll comment below as I recall them.