There's a homeless girl who live on a street under the tunnel near the train station, actually there are multiple homeless girls around there, But i have been eyeing one as she seems younger , cleaner than the rest and also having a normal body not being junkie skinny nor obese. I have been talking to her for quite a while and she told me her name is Valerie and she is 22 yrs old formerly from Central Coast.
I have been venting my dating Goth girls problems lately to her while i offer her vapes , beer and food sometimes and listening to heavy metal . She just laughed and said homeless is worse and she told me she sucks my cock i will forget. I laughed and said that's not how it works. She called me a cuck if i don't accept , using my words against me. I asked her to show me her needle marks she told me she has none and she doesn't inject anything but smokes weed and i guess she is alright.
I went home and and thought about it and on Friday night in the rain she sucked me off and then i left. Next time i think will take her on a date to KFC to share a bucket of chicken and chips and then to a Airbnb or Motel as taking her home could be dangerous.