I recently had a new massage experience. I won't name the shop or ML (PM me), but I would like to know if anyone else has experienced this. It was new to me.

Towards the end of the massage, still lying on my front. ML grabbed one of my legs and pulled the knee out to the side. Imagine you're on a racing bike, pretty much laying down on your stomach, legs splayed out to the sides. Like that, but just the one leg. From there, ML massaged the crease where my thigh meets my groin. So, it's not like it's TT, but at the same time the back of her fingers are brushing my sack and johnson as she massages that crease. It was fantastic. ML does one leg, then the other, then gave the perineum a little massage as well. I can tell you, if I hadn't already decided to go for the extras, then this would have sealed it.

Is this a common technique that I have just been missing out on? ML was PRC if that has any relevance.