Have you ever been offered a reduction of the fee the ML quoted because of some thing happens? For me, I did't produce the goods in the end, even we tried for the entire time of the session. The nice lady offered reduction because she feel bad. Obviously I paid the full amount as it was my problem that I did not produce. As I am getting old, I understand doing to the end is getting harder and harder.

In my punting history, plenty feel bad that I did not climax but this is only second time, I was offered reduction. The first time was at the old Star in spring hill, now closed. It was a ML from Japan, she didn't want to take my money because I didn't climax. I paid at the end. She have gone back to Jap and married. We are still friends.

Any way any one have this experience? PM me with your experience (current working ML or WL) then I will reply with my current ML whom I had the experience with.