A good shop needs to have consistency and I’m afraid Tiffany dropped the ball with Bella. Don’t get me wrong, I love this place for the unique service they offer (ass play) and gorgeous stable of beauties but Bella - nah.

Average plain 30s to 40s girl with good massage skills. Fine for a therapeutic shop like Vitality 99 where you can catch the occasional clothed hj for $30 but at Renwick level - nah.

Massage is fine. Hard the way I like it. I get a call. And Bella hands me the phone while getting a bit more sensual.

After the call she motions for my legs to open then stuffs a dildo up my ass like sticking the back of a toothbrush to clear a drain. Yikes and painful af.

Next we do the flip. But no clothes off for her. To make matters worse she applies burning septic towels to my cock and balls like I had just returned from a bordello in Bangladesh.

I touch her clothes and motion for them to come off thinking her English is not good. No response.

Eventually I touch her zipper and she gets it. Only boobs out. No pussy.

Ok let’s make the most of this. I shove my cock between her melons and blow a weeks worth of cum. It takes her 10’minutes and a packet of antiseptic wet wipes to recover. Ok finished now.

Tiffany had promised me 10-15 of her killer therapeutic massage at the end. No worries that will salvage it.

Tiffany comes in ‘Sorry. with customer now. no can do.” How was Bella? Let’s talk later.

Saw a couple of her other hotties on the way out - Amber, Angie, etc. I felt even more short changed.

Shop owners please don’t put out sub par talent. You will only lose loyalty in the long run. Too many options out there now. The pandemic is over and talent is flourishing.

I was so frustrated I accidentally side swiped a car on the way out. Now I have to pay $800 insurance excess on top of a bad punt.

Last time I was there Ii booked Emily. I rock up and was told she can’t do overtime and was sent home.

Honestly too many options closer to home.