Quote Originally Posted by Punter Poontang View Post
Just hand it to Wilson or Yuki at the desk and tell them what it's for. They'll put it aside and are noting down each contribution to keep track of the total.
While pledges are warm and fuzzy, it may be better to declare the donation on this thread once it has been made. It'll keep the thread on the right pages so anyone who hasn't seen the holygraila-dex can use it.... Once it has been used for selection purposes I can't imagine too many people would begrudge a few bucks for the project architect and labourer.

Slight detour: Attn Bro's

You guys seem to have done the (not so) hard yards ploughing your way thru the nubile selection at Ginza...
If u can be bothered Please briefly define what u class as an awesome, fantastic, unreal etc body.... Reason being everyone's taste is a little different, for example I think Rina had the bomb body ...really fit and toned with a perfect little arse and well proportioned tits. I seem to read and reread so much of your stuff the definitions would come in handy .... Gucci I am guessing Cassie is perfect in your eyes??
As I said if u can be bothered....

Bro AhLungor has done the real hard yards ..... Up and down and up and down Cleveland street :-) Next time make it count Bro and do a review lots of tits there waiting for you.