The Qld minister for local government was on Alan Jones this morning stating the facts why the Rudd government 's press release on the run policy for illegal boat people/ asylum seekers at PNG will be a complete failure because he is bringing them within a dangerously close distance to Australian soil:

The closet point between PNG and Australia is only 4 km! The place is called Saibai island Queensland 4875 and between the island and mainland Australia - well , you can walk across in low tide !!!

Don't listen to me, listen to David Crisafulli:

So what will be stopping the boat people for making that final 4 km - they can swim, or canoeing both Olympic but this is dead serious and no laughing matter, once they are on Australian soil, they can just walk into any regional airport in far north Queensland and board a plane to Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne within hours, no checking of passport !!

Just my 4 cents !!

May be they are better off to be left in Naru or where ever and from. A distance !!

We need to say No to these garbage on September 7 !!