Using Wechat, I found a Korean WL through an agency, and the first time I saw her we seemed to get along pretty well in terms of conversation. I saw her a second and third time, and the third time we didn't have sex, I brought food over and we ate and talked. During one of these sessions, also got her number and contact on a chat app.

One night I was her last customer, and we ended up spending the night together at a hotel. The next day we had breakfast, and she paid for it (which surprised me a bit, because the WL I went out with in the past never paid for anything). We did the hotel thing once more, and even spent a whole day together, with her introducing me to some of her friends.

Then she had to go interstate, came back a week later and since then I haven't seen her. I've asked her out tonnes of times, but she always says she wants to but she's working. She said she changed her work, I asked where and if I could come see her, and she didn't tell me. Haven't seen her for about a month now, but she does respond to my messages, and we just go back and forth like "I miss you" and stuff.

I'm posting this here to see what my fellow brothers thoughts are on what she wants. When we first exchanged contacts and she started messaging me, I thought she must've wanted me as a regular (I know she keeps phone contact with regulars because I've seen her text them) but if she wanted me as a regular, then why won't she tell me where she's working now?

The second option is she may be keeping a list of 'stand by' guys for possible visa husbands.

The third option is she may actually genuinely like me, and is just actually really busy with work with no time to go out with me?

I just think it's a bit odd that she keeps in contact but doesn't want me to see her at work. In my experience if a girl doesn't like you at all, she'll just taper off and eventually ignore all your messages.

Also, if anyone thinks they are seeing this same girl and the same is being done to them, happy to talk in pm to see if it matches up.