Kat at Ashgrove advertises frequently in Locanto - $100 for 45 minute massage etc.....She used to work at Grange....both private residences ---- I wasn't sure if it was the same person so I visited again at Ashgrove resulting in a walk away....Looks 3, Body 3, Attitude probably good but the looks were not great and a $100 is quite a spend for a RNT,

187 Days Rd Grange - new massage shop opened and copying the same business model -$65 plus $50 tip for basic ending....Thai girl nice enough but nothing special...I don't really go for the massage so i was dissappointed - massage 8, looks 6, attitude 6, ending 5 and basic....won't be going back....better off going to some of the private MLs I know -

Overall dissappointed especially after reading the gold coast reports ! -- seems the Brisbane shops are still too spoilt with customers paying too much to provide good value...my opinion !