Hi A44, I'm glad another punter gets similar service. I had one ML pay for a full extension coz she had had a really crappy week and she didn't want our good booking to end.

Miyamoto, when I'm in a crowd I tip first to get preferential treatment. Most guys don't tip up front so they just get served when the bartender is free. In a busy bar, that means that I'm not waiting 20-30 mins in line for a round. I did it recently at Anzac Day. Ended up getting a fer Elijah Craigs as doubles when I had paid for singles - and the bar girl sure was easy on the eye. With Kings, I very rarely tip the managers but when I do it's if I need them to grab something for me and I always tip up front. The last time I tipped one it was to grab a bottle of wine from the shops, keep the change (about $30). I got my wine quickly and that same manager knows exactly what kind of experience I'm after so makes sure when I'm in, I get recommended the girls that fit that description as well as getting first pick of the booking. I think I've only spent about $100 tipping the whole year so far. The other thing that happens is that manager tells the girl I'm a cool guy.

Now this may not work for everyone but it sure works for me. As for the girls, I don't ask for extras or pay for extras. I just make them laugh, have a good time and the rest just happens.