I've been seeing this Chinese girl for about two months now, it's been a bit on and off because of fights and that. Her English is ok, she definitely understands and is able to write, but prefers to speak Chinese. Anyway, last week we decided to get back together after a fight, and we were gonna meet for dinner after work. Just as a bit of background, I used to sleep over at her place in the inner west a bit, but she's moved a few times and been looking for a new place to move to and her current place isn't where I can stay. These are the texts:

Me: So you want to meet tonight?
Her: um I come out then. Let see what time
Me: Ok...do you want to stay together tonight?
Her: Not sure the place yet~have a look first
Me: I mean...stay in city together?
Her: um yea ~
Me: Ok...then don't have to worry about time or being too cold
Her: um yea

Me: Hey what time are you coming out? Should I go home first?
Her: yea u can go home first

[night at 8pm]
Her: can we meet up tmr? It's too cold outside
Me: Umm...I already paid for hotel...
Her: what?! Why u didn't tell me...oh my god don't waste money
Me: I asked if you wanted to stay together tonight and you saud yes
Her: I thought u said stay together...language problem...not live together

Anyway, this was the second time she had flaked on me at the last minute so in addition to the $400 I already paid for the hotel, I was pretty pissed off. It only takes a 20min train ride for her to get to the city, and I asked her if she was going to come out or not, and she said no, that she wanted to meet another day, so I told her to fuck off.

Too harsh? What do you think?