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Thread: relationship with WL

  1. #21
    99 Premium Member (特級會員) cisco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by asiafever View Post
    Have dated a stripper, and had 'relationships' with a ML and a WL out of office so to speak. It's a tough gig, but if you really like the girl you see past that sort of thing, if it plays on your mind then end it quickly. All three relationships ended for me because we just weren't that well suited. Your mate needs to make his own choices, as for bringing shame on a family, why? What she does is no less honest than many professions, she is trying to make her way in a harsh world. I have more respect for a WL than a rich girl living out of daddy's wallet with no life experience etc.
    Anyway, that's my 2c worth..
    Best comment...

  2. #22
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    All i can say is I have been in relationships with all 3 strippers, MLs and WLs.

    if the relationship is just based on sex and money, it will fail fast!....

    only 3 out of 100 are genuine where they look at you for - immigration - at first then love later once they get to know you.

    the only most compatible thing to getting it right with relationships I have found with ANY girl is star signs and zodiac. only 2 star signs you are most compatible with for each of us (i have been on Adult Match Maker, RSVP, WL dating, ML dating, etc). for others, you might as well donate your entire income to their fund so that they can marry someone else...

    Strippers tend to be the most fun for me as I am comfortable as they are the most happy go lucky. but YMMV...

  3. #23
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    Wilisno I agree to pool all of the threads of this style together, that is what a good administrator should do.

    But as for being an annoying topic just because it crops up every few month is narrow minded.

    In my humble opinion it is far less annoying than those advertisers posting in the after report section. And we know how long that list is getting.

  4. #24
    99 Premium Member (特級會員)
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    Galactus that is one way of looking at it. But much of our lives revolves around looking at things from a certain point of view. Your gf comes home from work, where yes she had sex with 4 strangers. She sees you, smiles, kisses you (which she doesn't do to punters) and makes sweet love to you, not because you pay her but because she wants to. She gives herself to you. You read reviews of her AND smile to yourself knowing that she's an actress for them. She's putting on a show. As I said, it's not for everyone, and we all tell ourselves something to help us sleep at night. It's awkward at times, but in the end those 3 r'ships I had were awesome because there was nothing to hide. We bared our souls to each other and decided if it was worth pursuing. I'm a hopeless romantic like that I guess.. and a sucker for Korean girls too!!

  5. #25
    99 Premium Member (特級會員)
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    Hmmm. Interesting question. Monogamous? Kinda. As much as it could be. We never discussed it really, but we saw each other most of the times we weren't working. Would I have been upset? As contradictory as it sounds, yeah probably. Would she? Most certainly. Sounds crazy, doesn't it?
    I know what you mean. I tend to say something really stupid in the heat of the moment but luckily I never fought with any of those girls.
    A couple of times when we were out they would feel a pair of eyes on them, they worried a client had spotted them, I shrugged it off by saying "You're hot, they're just perving!" But yeah, I did wonder sometimes.

  6. #26
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    By accepting her as a GF or partner or whatever status you assign as long as it involved the so called "heart".
    You also accept, the fact that, she works for money. Not for a real sex.

    Once, I read a sexology column on weekend edition of a newspaper, written by a famous sexologist in a country somewhere in Asia.
    He was considered the top brain for 'marriage' sexual issues in that particular country, where sex is still considered as somewhat taboo to be discussed so openly in public. (Now you know why the 'marriage'.)
    However, he manages to do just that for years. Talk shows, health programme, newspaper articles, anything possible you name it. His name was considered as synonymous with sex, not in vulgar way, but a wise man, a wise husband (well this is the stereotype of that country, so please pardon me for bringing that taboo words to Brothels/agencies forum) .

    He said that sex for married couple (at least that's what is morally allowed in that particular country) isn't just body to body skin to skin contact.
    It's also a form of communication.
    Marriage (or any adult relationship, sex isn't outlawed) isn't going to hold without enough communication. And sex is one of them.

    Based on the wise thoughts of that guy, I constructed an opinion.
    When you accept a WL as your partner or anything more than just a friend or anything that you would have "heart" or "love" word involved at some point.
    You also accept that, she had sex with other guys, only because the money consideration in the form of hourly rate.
    And those would not constitute a 'communication' of a couple.
    Provided of course they didn't develop or didn't try to develop a higher level of "you-know-what-I'm-gonna-put-here".
    If you couldn't differ that 'money consideration sex' to yours, perhaps you should consider everything.

    Then you can say, If I find WLs and it was just sex okay. No communication.
    Well then be honest with yourself with following statement:

    - you and your partner (sex worker having more experience with opposite sex. And more experience and time in communicating with opposite sex.)
    Which one, you would consider as easier to change heart and love another opposite sex?
    If you say she's more prone to change of heart.
    Then explain to her, not in a reply to this comment, why you aren't prone to that.
    And of course it's hard to explain. And it's actually harder than explaining to a non-WL partner, because a WL partner knows everything, environment, your punting activity. Hey you met her as her customer, didn't you?

    - do you think, a WL, would think a guy he met in a shop is 100% believable in dealing with another WL? However you present your excuses for seeing another WLs?

    What do you think about yourself? Have you put yourself in her shoes?

    Do you think you can handle other WLs more than her handling customers without hurting the other?
    Other --> you and/or her.

    This is something rather difficult to resolve. And can only be proven by means of one's action, rather than rubbishes spitted out of one's mouth.
    She had enough of rubbishes from customers. She knows words mean nothing. Words are words. Actions are the real thing.
    I'd say this would need time. And a long one. Not weekly/monthly. I'd say count it in semesters.
    And a single problem would trashes efforts done for semesters.

    - Provided(and assumed) that she didn't after visa, money, or anything.
    Would she fall in love so easily for a guy? Why would it be you when there are others who visit her at that shop? Why are you special.
    So unless you have the face of the most handsome man ever born on the earth, whoever it is, what features do you think she liked about you? Dick size? Able to make her orgasm? Sex techniques?

    Are those things she liked were your personality and/or the comfortable feeling you can give to her when you are outside the shop. Or anything.

    Oh man. They are human. Not cold-hearted machine. A perfect human. More experienced with life I'd say, than most of us.

    Phew. Another boring lengthy post.
    But hey, I got nothing to do, so thanks for providing the space.

    If you feel sick reading my username because it's synonymous with lengthy posts, so be it. I love it, and this forum allowed no maximum characters. There is a minimum number of characters for a post actually.
    I'm interpreting that one: you are somewhat encouraged to post more characters than less.

    That's hundreds of words,
    And just 2 cents worth of monetary benefit,


  7. #27
    99 Premium Member (特級會員) cisco's Avatar
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    I like to read your comment bro, as i ever said , you are a wise man bro Jj999

  8. #28
    99 God Member (神級會員) wilisno's Avatar
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    It's just silly that one can look down upon a WL because she has sex with other men, so she's not worthy to be a partner ! Maybe a WL can look down upon those punters who go punting behind their partners' backs ... at least the WL is wiser and gets paid for it !

  9. #29
    99 God Member (神級會員) AHLUNGOR's Avatar
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    I think there is a max no of characters you can write in a post.

    We just never quite reach that length!!

    I knew that when I moved the 143 pages of Newtown massage across to the new forum, I can only copy about one page long of posts instead of muitiple pages.


  10. #30
    99 Premium Member (特級會員)
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    Quote Originally Posted by project_manager006 View Post
    Good questions. I have done some premature thinking and asked myself, how could I look my kids in the eye when I know their mother used to be a WL?

    It is still something I find hard to grapple with...
    Project manager, I can help you. You should refer again to my solid philosophical basis for the celebration of sex in the "how open are you about your punting life" thread.

    I am free of sexual hang ups, and society would be vastly heathier if everyone else were too. You can start close to home.

    Anyway, I am just a fucking slut, and I couldn't be prouder of it. And so was fucking Lord Byron, De Sade, and Don Juan, vastly influential people. I weary of this frustrating argument.

    I am free of fucking catholic sex guilt. If I had a wife wife who was literally a fucking working whore, I'd think she was all the hotter for it. I'd be a beneficiary of her outstanding sexual professionalism for a start, let alone her income. To repeat, sex is something to be celebrated, IT IS NOT FUCKING GRUBBY! It is just farce and a debasing of human dignity to have such hang ups. Look your children in the eye instead and and SHOUT this wisdom to them.

    Just as I see the working ladies I already see as hot - just as you see them as hot too - and they fuck other men don't they? So why wouldn't you think your wife was just as hot too?

    Hot Wl's, if you'll have me, I PROPOSE to you here and now. Let's bring up the first batch of societies healthiest and best adjusted children. Let's not wait "a thousand years' to kick this off.

  11. #31
    99 Premium Member (特級會員)
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    Commander M wrote:

    "All I can say is I have been in relationships with all 3 strippers, MLs and WLs.

    Strippers tend to be the most fun for me as I am comfortable as they are the most happy go lucky. but YMMV.."

    Commander M, I am amazed. ML's, WL's and especially Strippers are defined by their sexual allure and hot bodies.

    And you have had girlfirends of this hot standard??

    Are you a good looking guy? Don't be modest, tell us! Though I know attractivenss is a total package with blokes, thier personality and humour is a big part of it too.

  12. #32
    99 Premium Member (特級會員)
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    Project Manager, sorry if I was a bit vigourous in my passage above, I don't mean anything personally directed, just detailing my philosophy again - that time with two glasses of red wine in me!

  13. #33
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    I am very average looking guy who at one time weighed over 105kg....

    I just have a great Aussie sense of humour and am very happy guy with confidence.

    Girls think I am intelligent, a good listener and great conversationalist on many topics as some of my favorite hobbies include travel. Last week I left a Hooters Parramatta girl dreaming of traveling to Thailand with me next year... and I have my mate from the forums as a witness to this.

    its not about looks

    its about showing you care about the girl and how you treat them bro...


    Quote Originally Posted by Sextus View Post
    Commander M wrote:

    "All I can say is I have been in relationships with all 3 strippers, MLs and WLs.

    Strippers tend to be the most fun for me as I am comfortable as they are the most happy go lucky. but YMMV.."

    Commander M, I am amazed. ML's, WL's and especially Strippers are defined by their sexual allure and hot bodies.

    And you have had girlfirends of this hot standard??

    Are you a good looking guy? Don't be modest, tell us! Though I know attractivenss is a total package with blokes, thier personality and humour is a big part of it too.

  14. #34
    99 Premium Member (特級會員)
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    That is very wise Commander M for all we brothers to listen to - you are saying to make the very most of what you do have. Great advice, thanks!

  15. #35
    99 Premium Member (特級會員)
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    Agree with Commander. Sense of humour, respect without groveling or any such thing, etc etc they seem serve me better than the fact I'm hung like a donkey, with the body of a god and the face of an angel.. though they help...

  16. #36
    Baby Member(留言版初哥) gimpy's Avatar
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    Get the guy to read Private Dancer:

    for free here:

    ...or get him to read one of the many Thailand forums. You can read many a story of heartbreak and horror at the hands of WLs.

  17. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by project_manager006 View Post
    Good questions. I have done some premature thinking and asked myself, how could I look my kids in the eye when I know their mother used to be a WL?

    It is still something I find hard to grapple with...
    Just look in your kids eyes and tell them this ' Listen here Kiddos, your mother used to be a whore and that's no big deal, before you guys were born, you were still dangling on my balls and I happen to piss, fart around with it all the time!!! '..

  18. #38
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    If you would think something like that, of course a relationship with WL isn't right.

    Okay, people are just prejudicing those WLs. Assuming. However, you define those "labels" you put on them.
    If it isn't one. However you define it.

    Read this, it's on the comments sections.
    This is going to help all bros thinking maturely. (And logically)

    These things was done countless times by users of this forum..

    Maybe, including me?lol.
    Maybe. I can't prove and get the evidence or any recording that shows I had an actual conversation with working ladies. They told me when we have finished our 'sex business'.
    So, of course I wouldn't think of bringing a recorder, a pen and papers.

    10 Reasons Why Non-Sex Workers Should Not Write Papers About Sex Work

    1. The only people truly qualified to speak to the experiences of sex workers, are sex workers themselves.
    2. Basing a theory on myths and stereoypes and then 'proving' that theory using other myths and stereotypes is not a study - it's a creative writing exercise.
    3. Sex workers are living, breathing human beings with hearts and every time you describe them as something other than living, breathing human beings, their hearts break.
    4. By far the most 'degrading' aspect of sex work is the associated stigma, discrimination and vilification - a direct result of the disempowering misinformation propagated by the media and the anti-sex work lobby.
    5. It is exceedingly arrogant to assume not only that you understand the intricacies of an industry you don't even work in, but that you have the right to speak for those who do.
    6. Contrary to popular belief, sex workers are perfectly capable of putting pen to paper and telling their own stories.
    7. By denying sex workers the right to have their voices heard in the political arena, and attempting to limit their sexual and financial independence, anti-sex work feminists make a mockery of the fundamental principles of feminism.
    8. You don't see sex workers writing papers on the work practices of marine biologists or the psychological wellbeing of accountants.
    9. The portrayal of sex workers as degraded victims is, in itself, a form of degrading victimisation.
    10. You risk looking like a fool who wrote a paper on a topic you quite obviously know nothing about.

    And if I add.
    I'd add easier points.

    So, how would you describe, a degraded human?

    How do you know they are degraded?
    Why did you say, that was degrading?

    Can you answer those without any inexplicable components within your answer?

    You may agree, or you may not.

    Sorry admin.

    If you want, you can just delete my post.
    But this is going to be a nutritious food for human mind.

    I hope this is going to stop all of these arguments..

  19. #39
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    Degraded humans will have to be the Americans. Why?? Cos their cockheads and i despise them.......... They fooled the world by showing us a Walt Disney Production in the 1960's, showing off Neil armstrong walking on a fake moon WOW!!.. They couldn't send another crew right up there again. Why?? Cos there is too many eyes in the sky with today's modern technology...... Bunch of losers, the Americans and Jews.....

  20. #40
    99 Premium Member (特級會員) rooter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hell no View Post
    Degraded humans will have to be the Americans. Why?? Cos their cockheads and i despise them.......... They fooled the world by showing us a Walt Disney Production in the 1960's, showing off Neil armstrong walking on a fake moon WOW!!.. They couldn't send another crew right up there again. Why?? Cos there is too many eyes in the sky with today's modern technology...... Bunch of losers, the Americans and Jews.....
    wtf? "please explain?"

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