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Thread: Why are so many chinese/thai prostitutes studying in Australian universities

  1. #21
    99 God Member (神級會員) AHLUNGOR's Avatar
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    One of my all times favourites: The very famous EE Cups Singapore girl Milo put herself through University working at 5 Star. Really smart cookie, knew exactly what she was doing and achieved her own goals . Great girl, great tits, great success story !

  2. #22
    99 Premium Member (特級會員) Littlewonder's Avatar
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    It starts off as a means to an end to finance their study!

    Unfortunately a lot of the working girls find out how much they can earn and so give up the study all together and just work to earn money.

  3. #23
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Littlewonder View Post
    It starts off as a means to an end to finance their study!

    Unfortunately a lot of the working girls find out how much they can earn and so give up the study all together and just work to earn money.
    Again, depending on what they are studying. If they are studying legit courses eg law, nursing, accounting etc, pretty sure they would want to finish up instead of wasting all those years of hardwork and effort. Also they can't continue to work if they give up study since your student visa would get cancelled the moment you quit the uni.

    Your scenario would ring true to those that study language or vocational courses instead, since they usually started working legit but low paying jobs, getting sick of it. Most of these students doesn't even know how expensive it is to live in Aus until they arrive since most adverts and agency paint Aus as a great place with great pay.

  4. #24
    Super Fans (忠實Fans) Mr Bastard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Babycat View Post
    They come here because they want to stay here: safe place, not as polluted as in Beijing or ShangHai; eat without worrying about poisoning, cancers...
    Have you ever had your IQ tested ? I will pay for the quizz if you wish too. And the councilling there after………..

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by AHLUNGOR View Post
    One of my all times favourites: The very famous EE Cups Singapore girl Milo put herself through University working at 5 Star. Really smart cookie, knew exactly what she was doing and achieved her own goals . Great girl, great tits, great success story !
    Is this called 争气?

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Bastard View Post
    Have you ever had your IQ tested ? I will pay for the quizz if you wish too. And the councilling there after………..
    Does my IQ affect your life, and someone used to say men like dumb girls. So don't have to worry or get annoyed with my IQ

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by cuteguy View Post
    Rooter is right here. Most Asian WLs are not studying in universities but in English taught or business colleges. Many are told by their migration agents what courses they should do to get into Australia. They are not really here to obtain qualifications. They are here to make money which can be sent home (especially for Thais) or to buy expensive items without anyone at home in their homeland suspecting that they are working as a WL and living well.

    I recall one Asian girl stating to me how she was working very hard in a restaurant and earning in the vicinity of $16 per hour. Her friend was a WL and was able to afford many luxuries and sent large sums of money to her Mum. The Mum was under the false impression that everyone got paid a lot in Australia and her daughter was working as a waitress. Her Mum and the WL's Mum were best friends. They would talk about their daughters. My friend mentioned how her Mum would criticise her for not being a good daughter because she didn't send enough money to her family. Unfortunately, she didn't know the other girl was working as a WL.

    Another reason why many girls come to Australia is in the hope of getting permanent residence and because they like our lifestyle of living.
    Most of Thai go for agencies and are recommended to go for English schools or lousy uni/college to keep visa, then they can stay here to work. They don't care much about the courses they go for but skip classes, pay for tutoring agencies to do assignments for them (it actually helps me to earn some extra money sometimes). They spend money on luxury items as others around have, or send home so families can run businesses.
    For Chinese mls, lots of them enroll good uni then they want to earn money for expenditures (school fee, renting...). One of my colleagues at KC before studied at a very popular uni and she can speak around 4,5 languages. Very smart one.
    Quote Originally Posted by BlueX View Post
    Can't really say much about Thais, but have frequented lots of Chinese WL previously, and there certain types out there
    1) Enrolled in real uni, studying real degree. Just doing this job to earn extra cash to either support their lives, pay school fee, or to have better life qualities. Many actually hold proper part time jobs, usually only do this job temporarily, also for the fear of being recognized if their classmates visited them (most Japanese and Korean WLs refuse to see respective customer race, but Chinese have no choice since they are usually the big chunk of customers)
    2) Language school students, pretty much similar scenario as (1), but often become WL for longer periods
    *** Some students may travel interstate to avoid being seen by someone in their area
    3) Working holiday, but have not seen many doing this job
    4) On tourist visa, just coming here to earn extra cash while on holiday, or purposely came over to do it.

    Many girls actually got on this job after being introduced to it by someone or their friends, obviously interested since it pays good. Have not encountered much that actually have prior experiences in this field or similar eg KTV

    There are also many who are inexperienced and naive, and have quit immediately after just few days
    Quote Originally Posted by AHLUNGOR View Post
    More on the Thai girls:

    I have met many Thai massage girls they all told me they have a main job working in some Thai restaurants. But obviously the massage job provided them with better income, the money they can either saved up or send home to their families.

    I also met this very busty Thai girl - Anita ? At 77 Fishwick in Canberra and she lives in Sydney, just go to Canberra every weekend to work in that FS brothel so that she won’t run into people she knows, she was a nurse in Sydney !
    One of my KC colleagues is a nurse in Hunter Valley, she comes dowm to Sydney on weekends too.

  8. #28
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    Good for you Babycat though I guess his name says it all
    Bliss Massage
    Where all your desires cum true
    244 Oxford Street
    WeChat: city girls in &out
    WeChat A0450754244

  9. #29
    99 God Member (神級會員) AHLUNGOR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mao View Post
    Is this called 争气?
    Not too sure, but not long after Milo quitted 5 Star after her studies, I saw her at the Coles in World Square with a legit looking man similar age by her side, they looked very much in love, I was very happy for her. Hope she lives happily ever after.

    BTW, if you count all the current shop owners who used to be a MLs and now running their own businesses successfully, that warms my heart too. And this is what happy endings is all about man !

  10. #30
    Super Fans (忠實Fans) Mr Bastard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Babycat View Post
    Does my IQ affect your life, and someone used to say men like dumb girls. So don't have to worry or get annoyed with my IQ
    Does the polluted air in Beijing affect your life? Did you think the Green Chicken Curry was poisoned, or the container it was in would give you cancer.

    You do not understand the meaning of annoyed, I will forgive you this…..

    Testing is on most days at the clinic if you change your mind

  11. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Bastard View Post
    Does the polluted air in Beijing affect your life? Did you think the Green Chicken Curry was poisoned, or the container it was in would give you cancer.

    You do not understand the meaning of annoyed, I will forgive you this…..

    Testing is on most days at the clinic if you change your mind
    I don't need your forgiveness.
    All of what I wrote are drawn from what I feel, hear, and experience. You're here and might have no idea about other places in the world. People here sometimes don't know how lucky they are while holding Australian passports.

  12. #32
    Shop Owner Marrickvill_5's Avatar
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    so aggressive lol what's going on?
    fight? bring it on! woof!

  13. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Babycat View Post
    I don't need your forgiveness.
    All of what I wrote are drawn from what I feel, hear, and experience. You're here and might have no idea about other places in the world. People here sometimes don't know how lucky they are while holding Australian passports.
    Fortunately it just your own self feeling.. When was last time your are in Beijing, Shanghai , Xiamen,...I keep travelling between Sydney and Chinese cities.(just returned last week) .. witness weather improvement in Beijing, Shanghai. Witness infra-structure ,technology and new business prcties accomplishment. Have you been to Alibaba Super Market in Shanghai, Woolworth CEO just mentioned in news press two days ago he wants to learn from Chinese retailers - technology and operating models. Also notice patriotic pride of lots of 90s 00s Chinese youngster are arising and proud to be Chinese. Nowadays Lots of Chinese students go back home after finished studies, achieved their study goals, in USA, UK, Canada and Australia . Most important these young Chinese are confident, of high self-esteem , they realize heaps of opportunities in today China as long as individual is CAPABLE . Get real! Get result , better life will follow.

  14. #34
    Super Fans (忠實Fans) Mr Bastard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Babycat View Post
    I don't need your forgiveness.
    All of what I wrote are drawn from what I feel, hear, and experience. You're here and might have no idea about other places in the world. People here sometimes don't know how lucky they are while holding Australian passports.

    I have travelled far and wide little lady……and every time I land back here in Oz it is very much appreciated for I know how fortunate I am………..

  15. #35
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    Yeah - I travel overseas quite a lot & feel like kissing the ground every time I get off the plane here...

  16. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by icecool View Post
    If you came from a third world county then of course it’s better to stay in Australia but there are many other countries that are better than australia . So not everybody want to stay in Australia .some people don’t like Australia they rather go home . I seem a lot of Chinese as soon they graduated they went home as they get more career opportunities in China and some don’t like the culture in Australia . Australia’s economy is getting worse by the day

    Shared with my Chinese team manager after weekly operation review, about BC's "Australian Passport" comment . My manager laughed and shared with me the Wolf warrior 2 movie and recent Chinese citizen evacuation effort carried out by Chinese government from waring zone and Bali. Very obvious, hey are so proud as Chinese and share with me the movie scrip from Wolf Warrior 2 movie on Chinese Passport. Well Well Well Warrior 2.jpg..

  17. #37
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Spoke to a Chinese university student, who is a close friend

    She told me it is easier for a Chinese student to enrol in Australia, compared to USA or UK (not exactly sure why, but I expect that the USA often require formal interview process)

    She also said that Australian universities arent as expensive

    Another thing - the timezone is similar to China, so parents are happy that they an easily contact their children in Australia

    Compared to the USA, where the opposite timezone means that often the family cant contact their children because they are asleep

  18. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by lockhart View Post
    Fortunately it just your own self feeling.. When was last time your are in Beijing, Shanghai , Xiamen,...I keep travelling between Sydney and Chinese cities.(just returned last week) .. witness weather improvement in Beijing, Shanghai. Witness infra-structure ,technology and new business prcties accomplishment. Have you been to Alibaba Super Market in Shanghai, Woolworth CEO just mentioned in news press two days ago he wants to learn from Chinese retailers - technology and operating models. Also notice patriotic pride of lots of 90s 00s Chinese youngster are arising and proud to be Chinese. Nowadays Lots of Chinese students go back home after finished studies, achieved their study goals, in USA, UK, Canada and Australia . Most important these young Chinese are confident, of high self-esteem , they realize heaps of opportunities in today China as long as individual is CAPABLE . Get real! Get result , better life will follow.
    China really does look like the land of opportunity these days. It's almost like how people felt about Australia and America many years ago but i feel that if you work hard you will accomplish what you desire otherwise many Australians would be aspiring to pursue careers in China.
    I met with an '89 chinese guy and he fits your description exactly. He knew how far china has come and speaks of his country with a lot of pride but on the otherhand i also spoke to another guy who came to australia on a work and holiday visa and he said although china is rich most of its people are poor and he has a point the people you described in your post do not represent average 90s,00s chinese. Any chinese or foreigner, for that matter, that can live in Australia esp Sydney or Melbourne is at the very least above average.
    China's a great place to make money for capable foreigners

  19. #39
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Yes, China is indeed where most people want to invest, and its people whom previously would have wanted to find opportunity outside, are going back owing to the lack of opportunity elsewhere. But this is where the fairy tales end.

    If you are witty and have good connections, you will succeed and get rich. But what many people don't understand is the amount of redtapes, corruption/bribes, nepotism, and most important, connections with important people needed. Same as Aus, but all you need is getting dead drunk with your mates and boss

    Lest we forget, not all is sunshine and rainbows. Beneath all the new and glitzy cities, majority of its people are still poor and scrapping by living, and its welfare system almost non-existant. People who are returning back are usually those from well off families, while those thats poor prefer to just stay in Aus knowing they are actually able to earn or fare better than in China.

    Also, you are always welcome to go China to be brainwashed by CCP as well, returning back claiming South China Sea islands to be theirs because it contains the word "China"

  20. #40
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    Lots of Aboriginal descendants state Jan 26 is Aborigines national sorrow day. Not really all sunshine and rainbows, so true.

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