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Thread: A message to the booking thief

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wlcc View Post
    People like this ruin the mood for everyone
    No need for political correctness. Miss to u handsome.

  2. #22
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Your a top bloke for doing what you did. This cunt will get it one day, he will cross path with the wrong person. I would of probably waited for him outside, to let him know what a cunt he is.

  3. #23
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spydii View Post
    I did this once on William St. I just did a turd and put it in a plastic bag.
    When he left i just dumped it on his head.
    He got the message.
    Lol, this sounds so awesome, but so fucked up at the same time. I can’t imagine even doing it, but also sounds so tempting. Lol

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by x11 View Post
    What an ass!
    Ur a good man for letting him have it
    Would you want to have an altercation with some other punter over a massage? These days it's best to avoid.

  5. #25
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by cuteguy View Post
    Would you want to have an altercation with some other punter over a massage? These days it's best to avoid.
    True. You dont know if the person is affected by drugs, or has a mental condition, and if he is likely to use violence. Play it cool and quickly find another lady, or just come back another time .
    After all there are plenty of Sydney options

    You should never engage in conversation with a deranged person, and that includes those on this forum

  6. #26
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    Should let the girl decide. That may result in the desired outcome and a deflated ego for the arsehole.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by birch View Post
    Should let the girl decide. That may result in the desired outcome and a deflated ego for the arsehole.
    The girls are working in a shop for someone else. It would be expected that the final say lies with the boss/manager or with reception.

  8. #28
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Have you check back since then with the ml? Hopefully she was fine. The girl just there do work for money and i feel this kind of people that really disturbing.
    Quote Originally Posted by asiafever View Post
    So yesterday I had just enough spare time to make a booking with my favourite little ml. I booked ahead and drove on over. An elderly square headed dude arrived just before me and headed in. When I walked in for my booking there was a little commotion. He saw that my girl was 'available' and was shouting the place down demanding to see her. After a few minutes everyone's day was being ruined, the other punters trying to have a nice massage, the girls trying to smooth over the situation, and me who had actually made a fucking booking unlike that fat headed buffoon. Anyhow long story short, when arsehole threatened to call the cops on the place if he didn't get his way I let him go, as the owner wasn't in yet the girls were panicking at how to handle the obnoxious jerk.

    So here is a song dedicated to that booking thief.
    Sent from my SM-G900I using Tapatalk

  9. #29
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    im a bit confused .... what would calling the cops have achieved for him ?

    Dude calls 000: Yes hello, i've got an emergency situation im at this massage parlour trying to get a handjob and their refusing to let me see little hottie. Please send the swat team ASAP.

    lol the manager should have just told the guy to leave politely

  10. #30
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼) garfield's Avatar
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    This is actually quite common but perhaps in more subtle ways. I had a number of my bookings stolen in the past. Many punter rocks up and ask for the same girl and when asked if they had booking they would say yes. By the time you arrived and they are inside its too late
    If you are one of them or the like, better fess up now for your crime or you might get bad karma.

  11. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by garfield View Post
    Many punter rocks up and ask for the same girl and when asked if they had booking they would say yes. By the time you arrived and they are inside its too late
    Only safeguard at your favourite shops is to get to know mamasan a little so they are less likely to fall for that trick. But hard to avoid this also

  12. #32
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Wow. That sucks and sorry to hear. I wonder how the girl who served him would have been like? Must have been uncomfortable!

  13. #33
    99 Premium Member (特級會員)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leon8888 View Post
    im a bit confused .... what would calling the cops have achieved for him ?

    Dude calls 000: Yes hello, i've got an emergency situation im at this massage parlour trying to get a handjob and their refusing to let me see little hottie. Please send the swat team ASAP.

    lol the manager should have just told the guy to leave politely
    The shop is in an area where a heap of others got shut down, and he knew the owner wasn't there so he was attempting to scare the girls in to getting his way, one can assume many are on student visas etc, it's just a dick move on his behalf basically..

  14. #34
    99 Premium Member (特級會員)
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    So a follow up.

    I managed to find some time today to head over. I booked ahead, made triple sure that it would be me, and only me, seeing her. It helps that today the owner was actually in and handled the booking herself.

    I arrived and went to the room, sat on the massage bed and waited. Around 1 minute later came a knock and a head peered in, the face went from cold to smiling very quickly "Oh it's YOU! Thank god for that!" she said as she came forward for a hug. "Sorry about the other day, he is a terrible customer, I feel sorry for you." I reassured her that as long as she was ok then it doesn't really matter. I asked if he gave her a hard time, that got lost in translation, I instead went for "I hope he treated you well after causing that drama." She smiled, and said with a hint of cheekiness "Well I didn't treat him well!". As suspected, it would seem she gave him a very cold massage. (I should add, this girl does come across as quite frosty at first, she has quite a few walls protecting her, as well she might. It took me a few session to get to know much about her at all.)

    Anyway, long story short, the session was absolutely brilliant, as always. It would be hard for our sessions to get much hotter than they normally are, but, well, she managed that. How many massage sessions contain absolutely no massage? We both needed showers to clean up after that one.

    I guess the moral of the story is this, the cunt thought he won last week, I relented and let him go because he was being such a belligerent arse. In the end he got a shit service, while I got a brilliant session today. The only down side is next week I'll be in Singapore so won't get to see her for 2 weeks..

  15. #35
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    What a cunt.
    I can't stand these type of people, my temper is getting shorter as I get older. We are all out for a good time, shit man.
    And I truly feel for the girl, that must have been the worst having to please an asshat like that.

  16. #36
    99 Premium Member (特級會員)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hu6e View Post
    my temper is getting shorter as I get older.
    That pretty much sums me up 99% of the time. I am a short step away from sitting on my front porch shouting at people walking by to keep off my lawn...

  17. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by asiafever View Post
    "Terrible customer." She smiled, and said with a hint of cheekiness "Well I didn't treat him well!". As suspected, it would seem she gave him a very cold massage.
    The troublemaker got his Karma .
    Simple way to get rid of the unpleasant customer is to only give him substandard service. Thats all he deserved

    Thanks for the thread

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