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  1. #1
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    Normally I try to avoid arguing with the keyboard warriors, I always remember what an old boss once told me, don't try and argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. Still, the shit storm that blow up yesterday after a harmless reply about a beautiful WL needs a place to comment. The tone of the vitriol was that us older and lonely men do have nothing better to do than think about young WL and read back our reviews and spend hours fucking these girls. The leap by our learned friend to the high moral ground was breathtaking. And it also became inclusive of other older men.
    Why I visit asian WL is simple really. I like them. Some of the ladies that work in the Sydney scene at present are just beautiful woman.
    Now how did I get to this place in my life. I am a baby boomer. For those who know what that means then they know that we have lived through the most exciting of times. We survived the sexual revolution of the 70's and the dire times of the Aids nightmares. More about all that some other time. Personally I have enjoyed an active sex life for coming up to 50 years. And I would like to think that I know what to do on a bed. I have worked hard all my life and done all the normal life deals. I have had lovers and partners. I have children and grandchildren. Own homes, businesses and properties. I am happy with were I am and I have always tried to look after my body, my mind and my soul. And it is this need to have a calm soul that has me still seeing WL.
    One of lives little mysteries is the advent of women's menopause. This basically ruined my last long term relationship for no other reason then our sex life ceased. This should give all you hypocrites another topic to attack. I found the need for sex far outweighed the need to be faithful. So what does a 50 plus person do with his new found problem. The first efforts at relationships came with all the baggage that I was leaving. I then found a young woman who basically became a mistress of sorts, it was a rewarding time but like most things, came to an end when the need for more was required. Then it was a harmless meeting in a coffee shop to a beautiful korean woman that changed my life. I thought I just fortunate with the day but it turned out I was being picked up by a WL. Once I got over the ruse, which took about 1 minute, I had a fantastic afternoon and I stayed with this girl for seven months. My mistress problem was solved.
    The downside with this world is that these woman all have a timeframe. If you are lucky, and I have been, then you can stay with them till they go home. They are here to make money and that requires that they will be with others. They will rarely let you into their heart and there will be times were the last thing they will want is to be with a man. They are working ladies. And you will fall in love with them many many times. I have learnt to deal with it by dreaming their dreams, living in the world that they want to live in and trying not to let them by part of my dreams. When the plane finally crashes you will survive. There will be pain but there will be wonderful memories.
    So this brings us to yesterday. Thanks to brother caff3ry, I discovered chinese Valentines day. So while all you good citizens were venerating over my reply I found myself at 310 with flowers and in the arms of a beautiful woman. She calmed my soul and I made her happy. Life is good. There is but one rule. I will go to her while ever she will have me. Yes I am an old man, Yes I pay money, Yes she is young and beautiful and yes I am grateful. She also knows that I am kind, caring and affectionate and I look at her as a beautiful, beautiful woman.

  2. #2
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    Mate, you have no regrets in life.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Lovely and very thoughtful thread

  4. #4
    Nice story and sums up very well the girls and most of the men who go to shops , just enjoy

  5. #5
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    Couldn’t agree anymore. The things I don’t understand about people is how quickly they like to judge. 👍 for the post and story

  6. #6
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼) Assandlegs's Avatar
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    Perfect response... well summed up.

    Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk
    If You could only save me,
    I'm drowning in the
    Waters of My Soul !!


    A woman who shares her body for pleasure
    is deserving to have that pleasure reciprocated.

  7. #7
    Senior Member(無間使者) ML_Lover's Avatar
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    Nice story, I wholeheartedly agree with all you said.

    I have dated 3 ML’s this year - cried once, maybe again next week. No, they don’t let you far into their heart (maybe just a little) but why should they; many of us are 20+ years older and live in a very different world to them.

    But so many wonderful experiences, memories and happy photographs makes all worthwhile.

  8. #8
    Senior Member(無間使者) vitamin's Avatar
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    Keyboard warriors aren't worth the effort. Just enjoy your life and live it the way you want to so long as it doesn't hurt anyone else.

  9. #9
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Beautiful women are natures gift. Enjoy

  10. #10
    99 Premium Member (特級會員) Raybo's Avatar
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    You're alright Tramp. Big-hearted, generous man. I am sure your regular WL's don't care how old you are and are happy when you see them.

    Did you ever have that Saturday arvo counter meal and a few bucks each way on the horses at the pub near 533?

  11. #11
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    cat's home
    Quote Originally Posted by Raybo View Post
    You're alright Tramp. Big-hearted, generous man. I am sure your regular WL's don't care how old you are and are happy when you see them.

    Did you ever have that Saturday arvo counter meal and a few bucks each way on the horses at the pub near 533?
    Save me a spot if you plan to meet up. Don't worry, I will be there eating chips quietly while you two chit chat. too fast for me to catch up all the stories, lol.

  12. #12
    99 Premium Member (特級會員) Raybo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Babycat View Post
    Save me a spot if you plan to meet up. Don't worry, I will be there eating chips quietly while you two chit chat. too fast for me to catch up all the stories, lol.
    Lol of course......i am sure some of your stories would be better than ours! Then there would be stories best not talked about. 😁😁😁

  13. #13
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    great story mate

  14. #14
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    I’ve been told by many WL’s that they prefer older men. They are usually way more mature, well mannered and gentle.

    Apparently, the worst are the 25 to early 40’s (I’m in this bracket). They tend to last the longest, expect the most (in terms pf service). This is just a generalisation pf course.

    Believe it or not, regardless how young and good looking you are, a lot of working ladies just fake an orgasm. Think about it, most men cannot orgasm 7 to 8 times per day every single day. Ladies can’t either.
    Many WL’s have told me the same thing.

  15. #15
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Nice story and thanks for sharing.

    Just continue to enjoy. As long as you are happy, that is all that matters.

  16. #16
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Thats a good point

  17. #17
    99 Premium Member (特級會員) Raybo's Avatar
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    My partner has gone through menopause and whilst we aren't as active as we used to be we still have a good time between the sheets. Maybe i am just a lucky guy.

  18. #18
    99 Premium Member (特級會員)
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    Thank you for your input trampslikeus (baby we were born to ruuuuun... great song..).
    I've been in a kind of self-imposed exile for a short time, but came out to respond.
    There will always be those kind of people you described, I take some solace in the knowledge that age does not discriminate, and one day the young will be old, and maybe then they will understand.
    Everybody in this industry has their own story to tell as to why they are here. All are valid reasons. You are right, people should spend less time judging others and more just focusing on themselves.
    There are those punters who are in this game to fill a base, primal need for sex only, and that is cool. Hell I spent most of my late teens and early-mid twenties avoiding commitment and emotional connection at all costs. As I aged, that changed.
    There are also those of us who seek something more personal, that's cool too. To be honest if someone just wants to be in the arms of a girl for an hour with a gentle scratch on the back, it is nobody's business but theirs and is totally valid. It's not a competition to see who can get the 'most' out of a girl, as some seem to think.

    For me, I try to live by a code that makes me a better, happier person, and helps me to also have better interactions with those I come across. It is as follows.
    Don't touch something with only half your heart.
    Be present in the moment.
    Be compassionate and loving towards others.
    Confront challenging situations first with a deep breath.
    Remember your own happiness and comfort must be a priority.
    Before reacting, try to understand.
    Find beauty in your daily life.
    Remember exactly what is important to you.
    Treat yourself kindly.
    Be honest, with others, but also yourself.
    Take time to get to know yourself.
    Do things at your own pace.
    Don't be embarrassed to feel anything, especially love.
    Remember that what works, or is right, for someone else may not necessarily be so for you. And that is fine.
    Never be afraid, or ashamed, to ask for help. No one is an island.
    Find joy in what life is really all about. Living.

    In this game leading with your heart can sometimes get you burned, but I would rather be burned and rise from the flames than feel nothing at all. That's just me though.

    Peace out.

  19. #19
    99 Premium Member (特級會員) Brothelcreeper's Avatar
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    Punterman can normally be found with his cock buried inside an Asian girls pussy in Western Sydney.
    Well what a lovey dovey thread

    Let's all hold hands and sing Kumbaya.

    I too have loved and been loved by two young WL's. A wonderful and a painful experience at the same time. Glad to have had them both in my life.

    The working girls I dated were both young and single. Good at the start but very messy later on.

    Now I have a married WL Chinese mistress who is an online bride, recently arrived here and recently married to a 70 year old Aussie guy in Australia so she won't fall in love with me and a new busty Korean mistress in her late 30's who just wants a good fuck and orgasm session every few days away from the shop to keep her going.

    A lot of Chinese WL's like the older men. Mature and gentlemanly they tell me. Perhaps Daddy figures who knows but whatever floats everyone's boat.

    Oh yeah, fuck the trolls.
    Is it a bird, is it a plane, no its Punterman. Always seeking out good value bbbj, DFK, DATY for $150 hr in the Western Sydney brothels.

  20. #20
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brothelcreeper View Post
    Oh yeah, fuck the trolls.
    Best words I have seen all night... A- fucking-men

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