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Thread: Falling for a WL. What do you do?

  1. #81
    Senior Member(無間使者) vitamin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marmont View Post
    Thanks for all the stories. Just asking, are there no single ladies around after a certain age?
    So many strings attached to being with a WL or ML not to mention your partner is having sexual relations every week with other men because thats her job
    Where are all the ladies in Sydney also wanting a companion?
    I know a lot of quality good looking single girls who are professional jobs.

    They are asking the same question. The issues with them is that they are not willing to put themselves out there.
    They use tinder maybe once or twice, few duds and give up on internet dating all together

    try to get set up to no avail. and simply start to give up or settle for the next guy they meet.

    Girls these days are putting marriage off later and later so there is less and less urgency to find someone. Hence less effort going out actively meeting people.

    Once you're past a certain age. Bars and clubs are a waste of time really. You just stick out like a sore thumb
    Pubs and bars are social groups. Pretty much have to become a pickup artist and that is a whole new set of skill sets noone past the age of early 20's have the time to really learn.

  2. #82
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    I have a few older female colleaugues at work, who meet lots of guys but are picky
    Their wishlist included tall, good body, funny, great job, no bad habits.
    One lady I know friendzoned a tall barrister with all these attributes because 'he doesnt have enough spark when we are together'

  3. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by JAV_Fan69 View Post
    Catch the feelings bro, fuck it. It's hard reconciling all the dick they take, but at the end of the day she's just after what everyone else is: someone who isn't a total cunt to spend her time with.
    Nup, not going there again**.

    I'm all for hanging out but almost all WLs are only here temporarily and I don't venture down that path with the girls I date. Also, my idea of a relationship is it being just you and her, no one else - I have never understood how punters are willing to be in a real relationship with a WL/ML. Even if you're allowed to punt when she is still working - that shit cannot be healthy, brings up a whole lot of trust issues, and almost invariably leads to a toxic relationship.

    **TL: DR version - I was in a relationship with someone in the industry which I probably shouldn't have allowed myself to get into. It knocked me around for a while after when it ended to point where I was acting a bit irrational.

    Holywalloftext, Batman:-
    She initiated everything - meeting up, hanging out, going 'official'. I went along with it because she had type of personality that I like in girls outside of punting and she was fun to be around with. Up until when we went 'official', I had been holding myself back because I was sceptical about her - are we going to have to make up a backstory for my friends and family? what is she going to do after leaving the industry? is she working an angle? We had been talking about meeting my friends and family, and we had come up with a backstory of how we met, what she does etc. My b'day was around the time we were dating and she went out of her way to arrange a little celebration for us two (I had to pay for dinner, which was a little bit weird, but I didn't mind because she dropped $500 on a pair of shoes when I wasn't expecting anything) - she was so sweet, and so I thought:- wow....this chick really digs me. Even my friends were saying the same thing when I bragged about the shoes.

    At the time I thought she had PR and was going to be around permanently, and so that plus the fact that she was apparently into me I decided to let myself go and catch the feelings.

    Things went south not long after that. In hindsight, it was partly my own doing because I did not properly express my expectations and boundaries like you normally would when you have 'the talk' with the girl. It may had also been because she thought was ready to be in another relationship when she really wasn't or that she had 'fish love'.

    I found out that she in fact did not have PR - this was my bad, I misheard her when she said it when we met. She was planning to leave in about 9 months and so there I was, after finally opening myself thinking that this is going to last for a while, she is leaving for good. So that got into my head and festered.

    She also starting acting a bit odd - kinda like a switch had been flipped right after when I said 'yeah, ok lets do this.' For some reason she didn't want anyone else to know about me, expect maybe a few of her friends. When I mentioned it in passing, she said that she wanted to 'protect' me. I didn't care too much about it, but this was one of the little things that added up along with some other things which did not align with my expectations and values.

    She also stopped wanting to go out whenever I suggested stuff to do - she wanted to stay home or didn't want to head to the city or go to somewhere nice. Completely opposite to what she was like before. (When we broke up she said my 'dating style was wrong' - dafuq?, and now she's being doing the exact same things I had Maybe because it was that 'fish love' thing again.

    The other little thing is 'the guy she told me to not worry about'. (I think we all know that whenever we hear that from a girl, it means we definitely should be worrying about that guy or at least be cautious, especially when we never prompted that out of them or even thought anything about the guy in question. I have been at the end of this a couple of times and so I have an idea of the real meaning of it.) They would be messaging each other frequently which, again, I didn't care - she was free to talk whoever she wants, like I was free to talk to anyone else. She seemed pretty secretive or vague about what that they talked about, and it seemed like banter borderlining on flirting. I knew that he was a punter and forum member, and so I figured it was one of those privacy/confidentiality things. I made a cheeky, harmless, comment about that guy and she had a pretty odd reaction to it. A little while later, I was being silly and made a playful comment about her messaging that guy a lot, and she got pretty defensive about it saying that her friend had said the same thing (or that she mentions him a lot).

    From the beginning, I knew I had to deal with guys throwing their dicks in her face (literally and figuratively), asking her out (she showed me a couple of messages from punters) and buying her things like any enamoured punters would.

    She had previously been in relationships with punters, and therefore her expectations on me may had been different to the norm - she may had been expecting a bit more 'rope' from me which I wasn't used to having to give.

    I was secure enough, but may be only enough for exclusive relationships where the girl does not have guys actively trying to bone her whilst she is being secretive about it and with the expectation of you being faithful.

    Being a relationship with someone from the industry would more than likely be difficult to maintain in the long run. Relationships can be difficult, but it shouldn't be that hard.

    And that kids, is how I met your mo-.....why I won't go there again.

  4. #84
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Hello Chaps!

    It's possible for a WL to fall for you and for you to fall for the WL.

    Just remember that the atmosphere in a shop is fantasy for both the WL and the punter. The mind plays tricks (on both of you) at times.

    For every punter that lives with the torture of knowing the girl of his dreams is swallowing the cum of otherwise respectable fellow punters, there's a WL who lives with the torture of suspecting her new found beau is doing a girl prettier/younger/dirtier/hotter than her as she pretends to enjoy swallowing her third load of the morning.

    Be advised: WLs are indifferent to most of their punters. It's money. They might flirt with a punter, they might turn on the charm, they might even cum hard with his cock which inevitably will be bigger than yours. But she has no emotional connection and thinks his aftershave smells like cat piss. Or her Father's underarm deodorant.

    It's a tough gig working. I wouldn't want to do it. Ah, but the money...

    It's also a tough gig punting. I do it. I know. Ah, but the money...

    Why do we do it? It's human nature. Most of us bravely admit that we're only there for the sex. Sometimes. Maybe. If it were only that simple...

    If you fall for someone, be honest. Put it out there. Unless you're a teenager or a dunderhead that's never loved a woman (advice: loving a woman, any woman, is always complicated). You risk embarrassment by being honest, or risk being taken advantage of, but make it clear, unambiguous: you want to get with her and you're wondering if she wants to get with you. You know, without paying. You'll know where you stand. Money is big hurdle. If it's not an LV handbag it'll be a leased Lexus. Or something. She'll think money grows on trees. She'll have outlearned you 10:1. Yes, sex work pays well. It's sort of how they get girls to put themselves out for all and sundry. If she doesn't want payment you know she's your soulmate, this week anyway. You'll still get hurt (love's like that) but its worth it, if only for a chance to reconnect to that sad friend, you used to think was funny, that everyone avoids since his divorce...

    If she's interested, you can start dating. Don't see her anymore in the shop. Don't follow her last punter outside to see what car he drives. Don't call the shop to see if she's been busy all day (she has, I assure you, and often enjoys herself despite the creepy guy who keeps asking her for greek, which she only did once to shut him up even though she doesn't do greek).

    If she laughs in your face when you ask if she feels the same way about you as you do about her (if only people were honest) then plan to never see her again. But if you need to go to the same shop always go on days when she's working. Finding a new WL to pursue in the same shop in full sight of your past regular is an easy way to get over your infatuation. Even if you secretly think your new WL regular smells funny because she doesn't gargle thoroughly in between each load of... you get the idea.

    Remember: the only person who could hope to embarrass themselves more than a spurned WL is a love sick punter. Clear the air. Early. Don't sulk, or stalk. Stalking ain't cool and is frowned upon more than the supply if illicit substances, women being equal but fragile and protected and all that...

    Disclaimer: I'm using humour as a device to illustrate the absurdity of love, life and the pursuit of happiness. Just try not to make a fool of yourself, eh?


  5. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by chemistry84 View Post
    Some WL actually enjoy fucking many guys and getting paid for it, similar to us punters fucking different girls. I personally wouldn't date a WL or ever fall for one. Probably only thing i would do is go for coffee and ask for a fuck afterwards but that's about it. Most of them have an agenda (PR, House/lifestyle etc) and I suppose the asian WL i fuck their broken English would turn me right off.
    I have no words. No words. Is it 2018 or 1818?

  6. #86
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    It's quite common, and hard for Immigration prove with the right forethought by the citizen and the foreigner.

    I would never sell my country's citizenship. I'm a dually too. Apart from anything else, it'll land you in jail and the girl will be deported if it ever comes to light. And secrets are very hard to keep forever.

    I knew personally one WL who stayed with me for a few months (Chinese) who's Chinese beau ended up in jail for trafficking (Ice of all things, go figure). She'd had a rough time in Australia and ended up working beneath sheets. Plenty of money but a soulless existence. She was very unhappy. Desperate to gain PR to stay in Australia. She managed to buy PR from another Chinese guy who's mother had married locally and was introduced to my WL friend by a Sydney based immigration agent (who herself deserves to be in jail). Do dodgy things and you have to deal with dodgy people. She was surprised he failed to complete and bank the final $40k. I explained that he'd had $80k for a few forms and nothing more. She couldn't speak for a while after that... went to work in Blacktown 24/7 then went back home. Hearsay, I know, but I was told by first hand by the WL, sobbing, explaining why she she was overstaying her visa and was as paranoid as all hell...

    Quote Originally Posted by cleetusvandamme View Post
    A Chinese girl asked me if I’d marry her friend for $150,000 a couple of years ago.
    Was enough to think about it for a minute.

  7. #87
    Senior Member(無間使者) vitamin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Targayayuka View Post

    Things went south not long after that. In hindsight, it was partly my own doing because I did not properly express my expectations and boundaries like you normally would when you have 'the talk' with the girl. It may had also been because she thought was ready to be in another relationship when she really wasn't or that she had 'fish love'.

    ' - dafuq?, and now she's being doing the exact same things I had Maybe because it was that 'fish love' thing again.

    Arhhh.. The mentioning of fish love..

  8. #88
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Just read between the lines when you meet a woman. If she is a WL, you never expect exclusivity
    Save that expectation for a nonworking lady
    Its like asking a cat to stay in its own backyard all night. If you know cats, you know that cats wont do something just because you ask nicely.

  9. #89
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Quote Originally Posted by marmont View Post
    Just read between the lines when you meet a woman. If she is a WL, you never expect exclusivity
    Save that expectation for a nonworking lady
    Its like asking a cat to stay in its own backyard all night. If you know cats, you know that cats wont do something just because you ask nicely.
    Old saying..punt....enjoy..leave....,,

  10. #90
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by vitamin View Post
    Arhhh.. The mentioning of fish love..
    L'chaim. Oy vey.

  11. #91
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    You know, WLs are some of the most jealous people I've ever, er, dated. Many expect exclusivity. But it's only work darling they say. Yes. Only work. They say it's only work as they message regulars on WeChat at home on a Sunday lining up bookings on Monday after they've said no to sex because they're too tired. I'd never, er, date one again. They are some screwed up people emotionally are WLs. Come to think of it, many punters are screwed up emotionally, too.

    Please, don't mention the war.


    Quote Originally Posted by marmont View Post
    Just read between the lines when you meet a woman. If she is a WL, you never expect exclusivity
    Save that expectation for a nonworking lady
    Its like asking a cat to stay in its own backyard all night. If you know cats, you know that cats wont do something just because you ask nicely.

  12. #92
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Yes. If you're there for anything but the sex and eye candy, then you've no business buying sex in the first place. Like casinos profit off compulsive gambling addicts, so to shops profit off punters who have a thing for one particular girl.

    Quote Originally Posted by Marc70 View Post
    Old saying..punt....enjoy..leave....,,

  13. #93
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    get in get out ... no fuss no strings . think of it as any other paid service ... like plumbing!

  14. #94
    Senior Member(無間使者) vitamin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by encoule View Post
    get in get out ... no fuss no strings . think of it as any other paid service ... like plumbing!
    what if you fall in love with a plumber when they come and fix your pipes? No rules saying you can't hit on them

  15. #95
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    So after a while, here it goes..
    The WL that I am seeing told me that I only want to see her because of sex. Of course, I disagree and told her that I wont be coming to see her again when she works. We then set up a date which was today.
    I took her to a lunch then off to Manly today - stupid me!!! It was windy and cold. But she didnt mind. We spent the day like a proper couple on a date. It was not a good date at the beginning but i ended the day with something special which surprise her and clearly made her be continued...

  16. #96
    Senior Member(無間使者) vitamin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Effindahead View Post
    So after a while, here it goes..
    The WL that I am seeing told me that I only want to see her because of sex. Of course, I disagree and told her that I wont be coming to see her again when she works. We then set up a date which was today.
    I took her to a lunch then off to Manly today - stupid me!!! It was windy and cold. But she didnt mind. We spent the day like a proper couple on a date. It was not a good date at the beginning but i ended the day with something special which surprise her and clearly made her be continued...
    Define "Special"

    so the WL initiated it? and you felt cornered into a date? or you actually wanted to go on a date with her?

  17. #97
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    Don’t mistake my comments as I’m in similar spaces now or before

    Are you also stopping side punts now that you’ve had your first ‘date’?

    If you’re serious wouldn’t taking the story off line perhaps to only come back in a month or 12 with an update and so all and sundry can congratulate you on your wedding plans or commiserate further in your anguish and or tut tut and say told yah so bro .. etc?

    Or is it a spectator sport

  18. #98
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    Id say both part. As previously mentioned, we have been planning for the past month and she told me those excuses till it was last Monday she told me she will have a day off on Thursday so did i took the day off yesterday. Apart from things happened, we will go for another date in a month or two. So within that time frame, if there is any other excuses. Id just stoples and what most u thought is correct that shes not just into me or relationship

  19. #99
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    I have thoughts now and then to see other WLs but somehow it still has not come to realisation yet. But i will try to keep one girl at one time till everything gone south - only if it happens.
    And no, not going to announce because everything is still definitely maybe..again you cant tell the night from the day till u actually there

  20. #100
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼) Riff888's Avatar
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    I personally love dating WLs, have been since 2014.

    I find them fun, smart and somewhat honest after awhile.

    I've had regular relationships in-between but found them too boring and I felt caged in.

    And it's true, having a GF and wife is much more expensive than WLs, I lost a house to my ex wife.

    I'm over responsibility, compromise and sharing my whole life with someone.

    A few hours a day a few times a week suits me fine plus I love sleeping alone.

    Some relationships with WLs were more serious. Like the ones who decide to stop.

    So this Japanese girl who just flew back to Japan on Tuesday, just in time for the typhoon and earthquake poor thing. I'll name her, Hinako from a popular shop. It's a lasting relationship since 2016 and I'm even going to stay with her family when I go to Hokkaido in December.

    Plus there's this girl from Szechuan I've been seeing for the last 2 years, been doing bare back for a over a year and cummin inside for a few months. I haven't done that since my ex wife. Even when I had a serious relationship for over a year after my divorce.

    Each to there own I say, as long as your having fun.

    Life is too short.

    Sent from my ONEPLUS A5010 using Tapatalk

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