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Thread: Calling it quits

  1. #41
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    Quote Originally Posted by rooter View Post
    All the best in 2019!
    Life is a rich kaleidoscope of feelings, thoughts, emotions, friendships, relationships, adventures, and experiences ... and boring daily chores too.
    Keep it varied and don't fixate on one thing (no matter how good it seems to feel at the time) and partake of the rich tapestry of life out there ... and in there ... Enjoy!
    You have been busy today rooter, but everything you have said is perfectly sound. Let's hope 2019 treats us kindly and the dream goes on. Good luck to all🤞

  2. #42
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by rooter View Post
    Punting should just be a hobby, something you do for fun.
    That's all it is for most punters. But for some punters it goes beyond that.
    If you are regularly punting more than 3 times a week, week after week, month after month, then you probably have some serious issues you need to deal with.
    You are probably trying to compensate for something missing in your life, or have low self esteem, or have mental health problems etc.
    And if in addition to non stop punting you are boasting and bragging non stop to strangers on a forum about paying for sex then your problems are even more serious.
    Get some perspective and balance in your life.
    Talk to your friends and family if you have them, or to your GP, or get on to one of these web sites.

    Beyond Blue

    Men's Shed

    Life Line

    Mens Line

    Reach Out

    All the best in 2019!
    Life is a rich kaleidoscope of feelings, thoughts, emotions, friendships, relationships, adventures, and experiences ... and boring daily chores too.
    Keep it varied and don't fixate on one thing (no matter how good it seems to feel at the time) and partake of the rich tapestry of life out there ... and in there ... Enjoy!
    This forum needs a like button 👍

  3. #43
    Super Fans (忠實Fans) Niceguy11's Avatar
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    Thanks rooter. I really need to think about my punting even though it's been with 2 regulars, punting more than 3 times a week is not good.

  4. #44
    I have decided to take a break for now and who knows it may lead to stopping all together.

    It's time for me to focus my energy elsewhere, I hope everyone has a great new year and that you achieve your goals that you have set for yourselves.

  5. #45
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    I'm not calling it quits but having a break.

    Unfortunately found out yesterday at a work meeting that our company is getting rid of a couple hundred position and as of the end of the month will be unemployed.

    As cost of living soar in Sydney and mortgage to pay off, every cent I can save will help keep me head above water and until I can find a well paid job again punting will need to take a back seat for a while.

  6. #46
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archie Boy View Post
    I'm not calling it quits but having a break.

    Unfortunately found out yesterday at a work meeting that our company is getting rid of a couple hundred position and as of the end of the month will be unemployed.

    As cost of living soar in Sydney and mortgage to pay off, every cent I can save will help keep me head above water and until I can find a well paid job again punting will need to take a back seat for a while.
    A lot of people trying to keep their head above water

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by moby View Post
    A lot of people trying to keep their head above water
    I like to sit in the bath with or without ml/WL . Sometimes after a dinner date where I may or may not have proposed marriage and blow bubbles..

    anyone else have an experience they’d care to share ...

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by moby View Post
    A lot of people trying to keep their head above water
    If you have a family and a mortgage, it would be imprudent to be spending your money on WLs or MLs like there is no tomorrow. On the other hand, if you're single on a good wage/salary and have no outstanding bills or mortgages then enjoy your life.

  9. #49
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    A lot of wise here punting is more then just sex at the end of the day

  10. #50
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    There is always some new girl just around the corner. Amazing sex with an amazing girl.

  11. #51
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    My moto is as one door closes another one opens!!!!

  12. #52
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by michaele View Post
    My moto is as one door closes another one opens!!!!
    To me more like as one pussy closes, another one opens!!! �� Lol

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by SexyBoi View Post
    To me more like as one pussy closes, another one opens!!! �� Lol
    When I hear some guys feeling depressed or upset that their favourite girl has gone home or left the job permanently I wonder why when there are many girls out there who will replace them. There are plenty more fish in the sea! Go get them guys.

  14. #54
    99 God Member (神級會員) AHLUNGOR's Avatar
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    From Sydney CBD to Central
    Quote Originally Posted by cuteguy View Post
    When I hear some guys feeling depressed or upset that their favourite girl has gone home or left the job permanently I wonder why when there are many girls out there who will replace them. There are plenty more fish in the sea! Go get them guys.
    Very true, the day when I found out my previous no 1 girl Lisa was retiring I got pretty upset and depressed too, as it was very hard to find another go to girl who knows all your needs and treats you like her boyfriend- even just for the 30 min........ haha - then later I found Cherry 🍒 and I’m all good !! Did I totally forgotten about Lisa? Of course not, her 上海風情 Shanghai erotica was sensual and unique - in comparison to Cherry’s 🍒 Unconstrained playfulness from the Northeast , different personality and body shape and uniquely different but equally invaluable.

    So many big big tits girls had come and gone and along the way I thought I would never find their equals again but the greater Sydney pool of talents always proved me wrong everytime:

    More recently: Iris ex QVB and 227 Broadway was one very special babe , I thought she was very hard to replace, then Alice gave us Rita and Linda and yes, since then 227 was a little bit lacking but then other shops like DOS would pop up someone like Emma and Hebe , Blossom gave us Elly, Selina , Bonnie, Miko and Nina and while most of them had fallen by the waysides bit there is still the one and only: Bonnie is back !

    And Rachel the Japanese girl from 426 Cleveland could well be a super star as well.

    So yeah, move on and keep searching , better Spanish Queens could be just around the corner ........ haha


  15. #55
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    These girls come and go. There will be more coming when times get tougher and girls need money to pay their bills and school fees as well as helping out their families overseas.

  16. #56
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Quote Originally Posted by cuteguy View Post
    When I hear some guys feeling depressed or upset that their favourite girl has gone home or left the job permanently I wonder why when there are many girls out there who will replace them. There are plenty more fish in the sea! Go get them guys.
    They have to find new girl to replace their favourite and regular. It cost money and time to try new one. This is one type of punter and the other type will see any girl that come along. Some want connection and feeling and some guys just want to bang bang thats it. The one have feeling towards the girl have withdrawn feeling still think about it after a few years that we see in this forum. I guess is hard because you enjoy the fuck and connection with the girl.

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