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Thread: Chinese vs Japanese vs Korean

  1. #41
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Found the best answer to this questions

  2. #42
    Junior Member(有D料到) penisuheddo's Avatar
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    Shidoni izen wa Tokyo
    Foods from different parts of the world look and taste different but they are all food
    And some people hate sushi but love curry
    Some people love potato but hate curry
    Also some people love beef and hate curry
    But in the end we are all the same and we are all different

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Chinese girls have the best tits
    Korean girls the best legs and arse
    Japanese girls have the best temperament more customer oriented and can be up for almost anything

  4. #44
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    I think this fits here in the 'asian ladies' section.

    Sometimes you could almost write a short story about non-verbal communication. Two glances of no more than a few seconds duration and a whole story can be told. Even with no words spoken it is amazing the level of data that can be conveyed by a look.

    People are masters of non-verbal communication. Animals are pretty good at it too, but being the more advanced, we are the best at it. It comes so naturally that we often aren’t even aware that things are being communicated without words - because it feels as real as words. In the absence of telepathy you could say the face is the closest thing we have to telepathy. And it is very good at it.

    Let me give you a recent example.

    I was leaving one evening the shopping precinct in my local suburb when I saw an attractive asian lady of about 30 approaching the same road crossing I was.

    Now, I admit here something that would no doubt strike a chord with many readers of this forum. And that is I find asian ladies to be more attractive than other girls. Quite a long time ago my sense of aesthetics evolved to reach this end point of appreciation. Hence, when I see an attractive asian girl in the street perhaps I may be accused of glancing at her for a shade longer than I would, say, at a 50’s plus caucasian boiler. In fact, it is very likely that I wouldn’t look at a 50’s plus caucasian boiler at all - unless she was actively blocking my path and refusing to let me by while raining blows on me with her handbag. And even then I may be doing more ducking and covering than actual looking.

    I suppose that isn’t really a fair comparison because I’m not a fanatic about it - it is just a preference I’ve developed. But the girls on, say, If You are the One I find are a smorgasboard of beauty and funny / cute personalities. I’ve become a master of speed reading the show’s sub-titles in order to spend more time back at their funny / cute faces / hairstyles / outfits. Even if it is just fractionally more time. I wish I could understand mandarin so I didn’t have to read at all.

    If there were a J-version of the show I’d definitely watch that. And if there were a K, V or T version I’d definitely watch those. They might not work as well however, without the perfection of Meng Fei, who in his summmarised wisdoms is the closest thing we have to a modern day Confucious.

    Such ship in a bottle attention to detail has, over time, re-wired the pathways of my brain to arrive at the conclusion that asian females are an ideal of beauty. I know that changes with the times and the ages. Michelangelo’s females for example I wouldn’t touch with yours.

    And as for Reubens or William Etty – both cellulite central.

    Candaules, King of Lydia, shews his Wife by Stealth to Gyges, one of his Ministers, as she goes to Bed

    So given my background of cultivated appreciation of asian beauty, I looked at this asian lady for a shade longer than I would have looked at a random caucasian girl. Most pretty girls, as you know, are used to being looked at, so they have stopped noticing it. That is why they exist after all. To be admired but not to look themselves. That is only a matter of practicality to their efficient navigation down the street. Horses might need blinkers to make them to look straight ahead, but pretty girls never do because they wear them as a matter of course.

    So of course I expected the same thing to happen this time.

    But, brief as my glance at this lady was (albeit a shade longer than a random one) about two thirds into it, to my surprise she reacted and looked right back at me. It wasn’t a blank look either, she had a look of expectation, like she thought I knew or recognised her, not well maybe, but a bit. But I didn’t know or recognise her, and confused by this unexpected development I looked away.

    But we were then left together at the pedestrian crossing waiting for the green light. But I could feel after our brief interaction a mutual curiosity lingering in the air.

    And then she broke all the rules of pretty girl behaviour - by looking at me again!

    Now this was very odd as like most average guys I am used to being all but invisible to such girls. Never mind about getting a second glance, I don’t even manage the first one. (Just to hold onto the few remaining shards of my vanity, I suppose that was less true when I was younger.) That is no big deal. As I said, pretty girls are only on earth to be admired by all, male and female, not vice versa. It is a universal truth. So what had happened now to alter this immortal truth?

    I looked back at her and saw that she was not so much looking at me as searching my face for clues. She seemed to have come to a conclusion and was looking at me to confirm it, either in her mind or in mine. Both happened. She saw in my blank, faintly surprised face that there was nothing to see. I wasn’t confirming anything. No faint smile, no twinkle in the eye, no debonair raised eyebrow, nothing. Nothing that is, beyond a clueless countenance more at home on a half stunned mullet.

    So she looked away.

    And that is when the penny dropped for me.

    I assembled all the data of the last few moments, of her counter-intuitive behaviour of looking at me twice, of our non-verbal exchange, the reading of our two faces and our reactions to it, of where I was, and the whole story suddenly presented itself to me.

    But the lights turned green and we went our separate ways.

    Before I tell you what it is I figured out, do you gents have a theory?

  5. #45
    Junior Member(有D料到) penisuheddo's Avatar
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    Shidoni izen wa Tokyo
    I like Chinese girls
    I do not know why
    I think it is cultural personality
    But for every race rule one makes
    You will find many exception
    Which makes choosing girl on race hit and miss

  6. #46
    99 Premium Member (特級會員) rooter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by penisuheddo View Post
    But for every race rule one makes
    You will find many exception
    Which makes choosing girl on race hit and miss
    I agree bro ... but Cherokee girls WOW! They are amazing!

  7. #47
    99 Premium Member (特級會員) Brothelcreeper's Avatar
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    Punterman can normally be found with his cock buried inside an Asian girls pussy in Western Sydney.
    I love all girls. Black, white, Arab, Chinese, Thai, Korean, Japanese. Love them all. To me variety is the spice of life.

  8. #48
    99 King Member (帝皇會員) CunningLinguist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by God Member View Post

    Before I tell you what it is, do you gents have a theory?
    Like others not really interested to hear it but I reckon you had just picked your nose and a massive boogie was hanging down from your nostril.

  9. #49
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    Chinese Love Cockroach , Japan Love to keep Running all the way , Korean Love to cry and cry ....

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bose0412 View Post
    Found the best answer to this questions
    Omg what is this obnoxious song?

    China girls 1,2,3,6 nuked Korea and Japan out of existence.

    On a side note CN2 is Carina from M5 lol.

  11. #51
    99 King Member (帝皇會員) GoldfishMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Labia Vortex View Post
    Chinese girls have the best tits
    Korean girls the best legs and arse
    Japanese girls have the best temperament more customer oriented and can be up for almost anything
    Excuse me sir, I have a different view on this!
    Agreed, Korean girls somehow have the best legs and ass combination. Must be the water in Seoul!
    Best tits I'll have to say goes to the Japanese girls, however the trade-off is their legs are no match for the beauty of K girl legs!
    Chinese girls are a mixed bag of goodies, some have nice legs, some nice tits, but I think this is simply because China is a much larger country compared to Japan or Korea. So you get a lot more variety from that one country!
    One very big difference between them that is very consistent, though, is the level of English skills. Both Korean and Japanese have at least some basic English skills. I've never met a J or K girl here in Oz where the only language they can speak was J or K. With the Chinese, I would say 8/10 girls have absolutely Zero English skills. Worse, the moment they know you're of Chinese descent, they expect you to know how to speak Mando, and put no effort into trying to speak English.

  12. #52
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoldfishMan View Post
    Excuse me sir, I have a different view on this!
    Agreed, Korean girls somehow have the best legs and ass combination. Must be the water in Seoul!
    Best tits I'll have to say goes to the Japanese girls, however the trade-off is their legs are no match for the beauty of K girl legs!
    Chinese girls are a mixed bag of goodies, some have nice legs, some nice tits, but I think this is simply because China is a much larger country compared to Japan or Korea. So you get a lot more variety from that one country!
    One very big difference between them that is very consistent, though, is the level of English skills. Both Korean and Japanese have at least some basic English skills. I've never met a J or K girl here in Oz where the only language they can speak was J or K. With the Chinese, I would say 8/10 girls have absolutely Zero English skills. Worse, the moment they know you're of Chinese descent, they expect you to know how to speak Mando, and put no effort into trying to speak English.
    In China English is not teach in all province especially girls from the country area. In K and J English is teach in school so most know basic English. Some chinese girls can learn English very quickly that I know.

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoldfishMan View Post
    Agreed, Korean girls somehow have the best legs and ass combination. Must be the water in Seoul!
    Maybe its just that Koreans wear short skirts so we get that impression?

  14. #54
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    In some ways Koreans are similar to northern Chinese, taller than average Japanese girls

  15. #55
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼) the_boss_king's Avatar
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    Korean girls are best.
    best looks, best service.
    tried and tested more than a 100 times.

  16. #56
    Junior Member(有D料到) sweetpariswong's Avatar
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    Omg more than 100 times

  17. #57
    Junior Member(有D料到) sweetpariswong's Avatar
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    Very tiring 100 times...

  18. #58
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Quote Originally Posted by the_boss_king View Post
    Korean girls are best.
    best looks, best service.
    tried and tested more than a 100 times.
    never once KPS?

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