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Thread: Becoming friends with a WL

  1. #61
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Don't recommend

  2. #62
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    I would not recommend being friends with wl cos most of them are not in a good place in their lives for any kind of healthy relationship. Most are depressed and do not have self love and respect. Unless you want to be dragged down to their level, it is best to treat them as one hour fuck buddies and not get too close.

    Selling your body for money speaks of low self love and respect. Even sluts have higher standards and don't let any random man sleep with them. That's why people have a dim view of prostitution. Making love with someone who you do not love or have an aversion for is painful. Working ladies know it but they continue to suffer this hurt and pain cos they don't love themselves. They do it for money.

    Many wl are emotionally messed up and damaged. Most come from broken or divorced families where their dad where hardly present in their lives. They do not have a male figure to love them and give love to. Their parent may constantly quarrel with each other and they feel no love or warmth at home. Some may be victims of sexual abuse by their father.

    Let's take Jerry (Christmas) as an example. As mentioned on her blog, her parents divorced because her mon cheated on her dad. She suffers from a lack of attention and confused parental guidance. Her subconscious pursuit of men derives from an attempt to overcome her feelings of isolation and inadequacy. She starts by dating a few guys hoping to find one as good as his father but tire and end up being addicted to sex and attention. Her sensuality gives her power over men. Each men she has sex with validates her shallow self-esteem and existence. Because her father was hardly ever there for her, she feels invisible unless she is entertaining and impressing other people. Her greatest fear is being unattractive, boring or ignored. Without people fawning over her, she feels powerless. Her lack of self love also manifests as smoking, tattoos and piercing.

    Her friend Victoria (M5) also known as Miranda (Kyoto) is less fortunate. Her father passed away when she was young and she has to work to support her mom as her brother has his own family to take care of. (I am sharing personal information since Jerry said that Victoria/Miranda is no longer working in Sydney.) Jerry was once upset with Victoria because she went to Kyoto without informing Jerry. After all the hard work Jerry put in to bring Victoria to Sydney and help her settle here, she felt deceived that Victoria just left like that. Truth is Victoria never had a fatherly figure give her such support. Victoria also don't know how to show appreciation for such support and has feelings of being unworthy.

    Worse Victoria cheated my feeling. We never dated outside. She was having relationship problems back in Korea so she decided to use me a backup or emotional blanket while she was here. I was never interested in her at first but allowed myself to be seduced by her. I fell in love after she showed me her skydiving video. I thought she was sincere, genuine, sweet, soft and submissive type of girl who would make a good long term relationship material but I slowly discovered that she is an emotional train wreck inside. I was hurt when I found out that she had another lover in Korea. But her lover was unavailable, married to or dating another girl. Her lover promised to leave his girlfriend or wife for her but she knows he is lying. He just wants her as a backup. Fatherless daughters always look for men who are emotionally unavailable and replicate their father's abandonment.

    Take my advice.Working ladies are in general emotionally unhealthy. If you are looking for a relationship, it is best to choose a girl who is emotionally secure and comes form a good family, one who has a good job and leads a fulfilling and healthy life, respect herself and you and one who keeps herself in good shape. Working ladies are the last people you ever want to have a relationship with.

  3. #63
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Babaekid View Post
    I would not recommend being friends with wl cos most of them are not in a good place in their lives for any kind of healthy relationship. Most are depressed and do not have self love and respect. Unless you want to be dragged down to their level, it is best to treat them as one hour fuck buddies and not get too close.

    Selling your body for money speaks of low self love and respect. Even sluts have higher standards and don't let any random man sleep with them. That's why people have a dim view of prostitution. Making love with someone who you do not love or have an aversion for is painful. Working ladies know it but they continue to suffer this hurt and pain cos they don't love themselves. They do it for money.

    Many wl are emotionally messed up and damaged. Most come from broken or divorced families where their dad where hardly present in their lives. They do not have a male figure to love them and give love to. Their parent may constantly quarrel with each other and they feel no love or warmth at home. Some may be victims of sexual abuse by their father.

    Let's take Jerry (Christmas) as an example. As mentioned on her blog, her parents divorced because her mon cheated on her dad. She suffers from a lack of attention and confused parental guidance. Her subconscious pursuit of men derives from an attempt to overcome her feelings of isolation and inadequacy. She starts by dating a few guys hoping to find one as good as his father but tire and end up being addicted to sex and attention. Her sensuality gives her power over men. Each men she has sex with validates her shallow self-esteem and existence. Because her father was hardly ever there for her, she feels invisible unless she is entertaining and impressing other people. Her greatest fear is being unattractive, boring or ignored. Without people fawning over her, she feels powerless. Her lack of self love also manifests as smoking, tattoos and piercing.

    Her friend Victoria (M5) also known as Miranda (Kyoto) is less fortunate. Her father passed away when she was young and she has to work to support her mom as her brother has his own family to take care of. (I am sharing personal information since Jerry said that Victoria/Miranda is no longer working in Sydney.) Jerry was once upset with Victoria because she went to Kyoto without informing Jerry. After all the hard work Jerry put in to bring Victoria to Sydney and help her settle here, she felt deceived that Victoria just left like that. Truth is Victoria never had a fatherly figure give her such support. Victoria also don't know how to show appreciation for such support and has feelings of being unworthy.

    Worse Victoria cheated my feeling. We never dated outside. She was having relationship problems back in Korea so she decided to use me a backup or emotional blanket while she was here. I was never interested in her at first but allowed myself to be seduced by her. I fell in love after she showed me her skydiving video. I thought she was sincere, genuine, sweet, soft and submissive type of girl who would make a good long term relationship material but I slowly discovered that she is an emotional train wreck inside. I was hurt when I found out that she had another lover in Korea. But her lover was unavailable, married to or dating another girl. Her lover promised to leave his girlfriend or wife for her but she knows he is lying. He just wants her as a backup. Fatherless daughters always look for men who are emotionally unavailable and replicate their father's abandonment.

    Take my advice.Working ladies are in general emotionally unhealthy. If you are looking for a relationship, it is best to choose a girl who is emotionally secure and comes form a good family, one who has a good job and leads a fulfilling and healthy life, respect herself and you and one who keeps herself in good shape. Working ladies are the last people you ever want to have a relationship with.
    thanks for sharing.
    god bless you.

  4. #64
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Just don't do it. It will always turn out bad. If you can't stop yourself, at least retain the fake name, occupation and address and go half and half with expenses.

  5. #65
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    I’m not being judgmental or issuing a blanket statement. Most of these girls have deep scars from early childhood. Lack of a father figure, abandonment issues, childhood sexual abuse, trust issues, etc, which results in low self esteem, need for constant attention etc.

    I will share my story sometime (it needs too much typing &#128512 - I once got involved with a young ML who had abandonment issues and once she got really attached to me, I found it so exhausting. She needed constant attention and validation all the time. Eventually we broke up (she’s now married and is expecting a child soon).

    Most guys feel they need to save these girls. They feel they can look after them and eventually make them normal. I’m not saying it’s not doable. It is. However, understand that it comes from deep childhood issues within yourself. It is called co-dependency.

    The best sex in our life is not the best life partner. You need an adult to adult relationship for it to survive long term. Most of the relationships with these girls end up either adult to child or child to child relationships which won’t survive at crucial crunch times .

    I find that being friends with ML or WL adds that extra bit of oomph into sex. That’s where I would stop. No further.

  6. #66
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    "If you are looking for a relationship, it is best to choose a girl who is emotionally secure and comes form a good family, one who has a good job and leads a fulfilling and healthy life, respect herself and you and one who keeps herself in good shape."

    Yes, we all know that but why people just keep falling in love with the WL and then some got cheated and hurt, why not falling in love with normal girl above? If the WL's are not beautiful, pretty or attractive, would you fall in love with them. Of course not! So it is men problem. They know that it's not an ideal to find and have a serious relationship with the WL particularly when they are still working, but they still jump in like a moth into a flame, OH Well.
    Not all WLs are like Jerry and Victoria, there are bad and good WL, the same as we punters.
    Sex Seller and Sex Buyer, they all have their own problem. That why they need each other.

    I always respect those WL's who fulfill my needs.
    So, if you really want to have a relationship with the WL's, come to the shop, become their regular and wait until they retire then propose to them, if they really love you, marry them have children and enjoy your life! Life is too short to worry, in the end we all become ashes. But wait, it's much safer to propose to the normal girl eventhough she's a bit boring and average looking. Well it's your choice. My two cents!

  7. #67
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by mankind View Post
    "If you are looking for a relationship, it is best to choose a girl who is emotionally secure and comes form a good family, one who has a good job and leads a fulfilling and healthy life, respect herself and you and one who keeps herself in good shape."

    Yes, we all know that but why people just keep falling in love with the WL and then some got cheated and hurt, why not falling in love with normal girl above? If the WL's are not beautiful, pretty or attractive, would you fall in love with them. Of course not! So it is men problem. They know that it's not an ideal to find and have a serious relationship with the WL particularly when they are still working, but they still jump in like a moth into a flame, OH Well.
    Not all WLs are like Jerry and Victoria, there are bad and good WL, the same as we punters.
    Sex Seller and Sex Buyer, they all have their own problem. That why they need each other.

    I always respect those WL's who fulfill my needs.
    So, if you really want to have a relationship with the WL's, come to the shop, become their regular and wait until they retire then propose to them, if they really love you, marry them have children and enjoy your life! Life is too short to worry, in the end we all become ashes. But wait, it's much safer to propose to the normal girl eventhough she's a bit boring and average looking. Well it's your choice. My two cents!
    Because those girls know how to attract and keep you, while normal girls just do normal things, especially in the bed aspect

  8. #68
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Also, i don't understand why people thought that WLs typically have some sort of mental/life issues and resort to prostitution. Some WLs i know came from pretty normal, decent or even well off family, some are not even in for the money. The way some guys here thinking that prostitutes are some low level humans just because they either had bad experiences with them or never got their way with them is just disgusting. They are girls, treat them like a gentleman. If you get cheated by them, its your fault for being naive.

  9. #69
    99 God Member (神級會員) wilisno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Momoe View Post
    Also, i don't understand why people thought that WLs typically have some sort of mental/life issues and resort to prostitution. Some WLs i know came from pretty normal, decent or even well off family, some are not even in for the money. The way some guys here thinking that prostitutes are some low level humans just because they either had bad experiences with them or never got their way with them is just disgusting. They are girls, treat them like a gentleman. If you get cheated by them, its your fault for being naive.
    Excellent comments, that’s exactly what it is ! Except one point I don’t agree with : “ Treat them like a gentleman.” My take is : “ Treat them like ladies !”

    I know some girls who are from very rich background.
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  10. #70
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    No, no, no...Very bad idea...
    Did it for 12 months, she always had some drama in her life but never cared to know or learn anything about me
    We fucked a few times outside of her work but it wasn't as much fun & she was more excited & interested in shopping than fucking . So I've been fucking many girls at different shops to make up for lost time

  11. #71
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    The moral of the story is we guys are not that innocent ourselves. We go and visit a prostitute. What do the wl think of us. 2 wl have told they don't trust men because of what they have seen
    Just don't judge them we don't know the full reasons why they work as wl. Just be careful and don't get too emotional with them. Go and have fun with them and be respectful and nice.

  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by kangheejeong View Post
    I would not recommend being friends with wl cos most of them are not in a good place in their lives for any kind of healthy relationship. Most are depressed and do not have self love and respect. Unless you want to be dragged down to their level, it is best to treat them as one hour fuck buddies and not get too close.

    Selling your body for money speaks of low self love and respect. Even sluts have higher standards and don't let any random man sleep with them. That's why people have a dim view of prostitution. Making love with someone who you do not love or have an aversion for is painful. Working ladies know it but they continue to suffer this hurt and pain cos they don't love themselves. They do it for money.

    Many wl are emotionally messed up and damaged. Most come from broken or divorced families where their dad where hardly present in their lives. They do not have a male figure to love them and give love to. Their parent may constantly quarrel with each other and they feel no love or warmth at home. Some may be victims of sexual abuse by their father.
    In my experience many girls have unique and diverse stories and not all fit into the stereotypical "messed up in the head" mold. I have found Asian working girls are a lot more likely to be normal than western girls that grew up here. Asian countries don't have welfare systems and families are pretty much on their own to be self sufficient and therefor have strong family support structures. This is why Asians are always so focused on money and being entrepreneurial, its a competitive society.

    I have met girls who were living normal adult lives with a loving family when the father suddenly tragically passed away, the father being the bread winner. I know of girls who's families business failed and incurred debt, some have normal families that are just poor, the parents might be aging and the girls had to step up and support and send money back. Some of these girls are extremely mentally strong to be able to put up with the BS that's thrown at them and still making a plan for the future.

    If you grow up during your formative years in a normal stable environment its very unlikely you going to be mentally broken or have deep underlying emotional issues, most of your brain development happens when you are a child. Sure they may be temporarily depressed and very likely not happy with the current situation, of course the job may take its toll if they stay in it for too many years. Some will just see this job as a means to fix the issues or maybe there is no issues and they just want to gain financial independence while they young and good looking. You see it a lot with Chinese girls, work, make money, buy a house, it's just a means to an end.

    This is not worse than sluts banging random dudes they met at night clubs for a one night stand, at least WG are being entrepreneurial, in my experience sluts are way more messed up in the head.

  13. #73
    99 King Member (帝皇會員) CunningLinguist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Climax598 View Post
    The moral of the story is we guys are not that innocent ourselves. We go and visit a prostitute. What do the wl think of us. 2 wl have told they don't trust men because of what they have seen
    Just don't judge them we don't know the full reasons why they work as wl. Just be careful and don't get too emotional with them. Go and have fun with them and be respectful and nice.
    Have you forgotten this is a sex forum...

    This is a classic: 2 wl have told they don't trust men because of what they have seen

  14. #74
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    Not all WLs are from broken families, have drug, alcohol or mental health issues or have been subjected to sexual and physical abuse at the hands of family members. Many WLs these days are on student visas because they can't afford to pay their college fees by working in a restaurant and need to send money home to their families overseas. There are other WLs who are single mums who receive Centrelink payments but still require more money to supplement their household incomes. Therefore, there are other reasons why women work as prostitutes.

  15. #75
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Damn post longer than war n peace lol

  16. #76
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Babaekid View Post
    I would not recommend being friends with wl cos most of them are not in a good place in their lives for any kind of healthy relationship. .......Working ladies are the last people you ever want to have a relationship with.
    Wow bro there is alot of details here to just be a cooked up story. Cheers for the lesson. I think wls thst are unstable and from broken backgrounds are there but not the majority. Certainly not as much as in the porn industry. Most just want the cash and know the boundaries. True though there are some with alot of issues but many normal girls do too. Just that with wl they are intimate with so many Horny and lovelorn men it gets more complicated than normal girls. I know this wl with the typical daddy issue that it was why she got into the work and later on affected her love life too.

    Just curious whats your take on MLs. I have been around them more than WLs and ML seem to be just as messed up or more in comparison. I know this former ml turned mamasan who had a regular bf but still cheats on him with a old regular/sugar daddy.

  17. #77
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    I think Mr Cuteguy’s friend and maybe some others are a bit hard on the WL here. Assuming they genuinely wanted friendship and nothing further (which I’m finding hard to believe) consider this scenario.

    I’m out with my tradie plumber mate, he owes me a couple beers and after a couple false starts we’re out and he’s paying. His phone rings, someone’s shitter is overflowing, he says to them at this time of the evening it’s $300 an hour, minimum 2hr plus travel. Customer says yes come now I’m paying cash.

    Well shit happens (boom tish), it’s their job, good coin to be made, we’ll catch up later...

    I think gents worried about being friends with a WL having a hard time keeping it plutonic. Or in the friend zone as young folks call it.

  18. #78
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Never trust someone who fucks you for money

    It's that simple

  19. #79
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Quote Originally Posted by sukeong View Post
    Wow bro there is alot of details here to just be a cooked up story. Cheers for the lesson. I think wls thst are unstable and from broken backgrounds are there but not the majority. Certainly not as much as in the porn industry. Most just want the cash and know the boundaries. True though there are some with alot of issues but many normal girls do too. Just that with wl they are intimate with so many Horny and lovelorn men it gets more complicated than normal girls. I know this wl with the typical daddy issue that it was why she got into the work and later on affected her love life too.

    Just curious whats your take on MLs. I have been around them more than WLs and ML seem to be just as messed up or more in comparison. I know this former ml turned mamasan who had a regular bf but still cheats on him with a old regular/sugar daddy.
    I have similar experience with another ML, she was cheating on her BF because she was trying to use her BF to get a PR. I can't give her PR but I am more fun to hangout with.

  20. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by loco_loser View Post
    Never trust someone who fucks you for money

    It's that simple
    You forgot another thing. Never trust someone who has many men (customers) around her.

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