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Thread: Opinions ? experiences ? your thoughts... (from both sexes please)

  1. #1
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Opinions ? experiences ? your thoughts... (from both sexes please)

    Wow, definitely NOT a PC question... (from both sexes LOL) !.

    I really think the title is misleading...

    But other opinions ?

    Especially the ladies here... ?

  2. #2
    99 Premium Member (特級會員) rooter's Avatar
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    Throughout history and cultures men have had fears/hang ups/disgust toward menstruation.
    Usually the more backwards the culture the higher those feelings.
    In some cultures women are caste aside and not allowed near food or other people while menstruating because they are considered unclean, evil, tainted by the devil etc.
    In some backwards Third World countries women get infections or even die because they can't get access to proper hygiene or products to deal with menstruation.
    Even in an advanced country like Australia until last year tampons were not exempt from the 10% GST because they were considered a "luxury" item. WTF?

  3. #3
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    I find it very normal
    I always do it with my wife.
    She doesn't mind...

    But i know in Chinese culture doing with ur partners when she on her period it may cause bad luck

  4. #4
    99 Premium Member (特級會員)
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    It's never really bothered me, it's just a natural body function, but as a single dad of a teenager you have to be cool with it. I had to have a talk with her teacher in y5 when it started to let her know that if my daughter seemed like she was going to the toilet a lot it was because of changing sanitary pads etc, she was surprised a Dad was so cool with it all as many Dad's just don't want to discuss or even acknowledge it. She was married with 3 kids and her Dad still didn't like discussing it. That's really common I've found.
    As for having sex with wife or gf on period, again never really worried me, but I often hear guys talk about how disgusting they find it, yet have no problem with anal etc.

  5. #5
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    Quote Originally Posted by asiafever View Post
    It's never really bothered me, it's just a natural body function, but as a single dad of a teenager you have to be cool with it. I had to have a talk with her teacher in y5 when it started to let her know that if my daughter seemed like she was going to the toilet a lot it was because of changing sanitary pads etc, she was surprised a Dad was so cool with it all as many Dad's just don't want to discuss or even acknowledge it. She was married with 3 kids and her Dad still didn't like discussing it. That's really common I've found.
    As for having sex with wife or gf on period, again never really worried me, but I often hear guys talk about how disgusting they find it, yet have no problem with anal etc.
    Agree with all above
    Even thought I dont have a daughter or a single dad
    But i definitely find it cool

    I even buy pads for my with at Coles or woolies

  6. #6
    Join Date
    i guess tampons are a luxury compared to rags

  7. #7
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    I had a booking for Wed this coming week and I've been texted to say she needed to cancel as her period was on . . . in those words . .. I liked it that she was comfortable with her body to say that(I find sooo many women have such a poor self-image)
    Was fine with me except now I'm puntless

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