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Thread: FFS Day Spa Place on Beaudesert Rd

  1. #1
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    FFS Day Spa Place on Beaudesert Rd

    Quick report. Walked in - met by middle aged Chinese something with a M - should have walked.
    Discussed options right away - she said she was so horny fuckie fuckie - should have walked.
    She said she was getting excited so we could finish with top to tail oral massage.She then get disinfected wipes cleans all around you know where ( I thought it was just water) then tries to shove it in my face.The Pine o clean stench had me dry retching just 10cm from my face.I say no no and then she tries to encourage me go to town on her stink hole.
    FFS I push her off, high tail it out of there. She starts complaining as I grab half the 2 pineapple stack. I tell her to get the manager now - she relents and quickly lets me out.
    Close to worst punt ever. ( and someone said this place had a good rep-ha)

  2. #2
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Professor View Post
    Quick report. Walked in - met by middle aged Chinese something with a M - should have walked.
    Discussed options right away - she said she was so horny fuckie fuckie - should have walked.
    She said she was getting excited so we could finish with top to tail oral massage.She then get disinfected wipes cleans all around you know where ( I thought it was just water) then tries to shove it in my face.The Pine o clean stench had me dry retching just 10cm from my face.I say no no and then she tries to encourage me go to town on her stink hole.
    FFS I push her off, high tail it out of there. She starts complaining as I grab half the 2 pineapple stack. I tell her to get the manager now - she relents and quickly lets me out.
    Close to worst punt ever. ( and someone said this place had a good rep-ha)
    Geeez bro this just isn't your week is it.
    A few months ago that Pine o' Clean would have been gold.

  3. #3
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Been to Cbd shop, Choose 20 mins for $25 to try, inside the room there was small Cabinet ,light was coming from inside so had a look and Saw 1 Blanket on the floor and 1 suitcase and few cloths hanging, ML stays there and sleeps in that Pit, anyways, She came and started doing her job, option 2 for $100, Not bad She quickly took off her clothes, but no touching policy, less then 30 sec, I got up and asked for refund, Got it back and left that place, Can't believe how ML was staying in that Small Pit.

  4. #4
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Quote Originally Posted by insane593 View Post
    Been to Cbd shop, Choose 20 mins for $25 to try, inside the room there was small Cabinet ,light was coming from inside so had a look and Saw 1 Blanket on the floor and 1 suitcase and few cloths hanging, ML stays there and sleeps in that Pit, anyways, She came and started doing her job, option 2 for $100, Not bad She quickly took off her clothes, but no touching policy, less then 30 sec, I got up and asked for refund, Got it back and left that place, Can't believe how ML was staying in that Small Pit.
    And this is where trying to work out the mentality of ML has got me beat. If you are living in a flea pit wouldn't you try to be as accommodating as possible to your customers. Now I'm not talking about to all even those smelly Indian taxi drivers ( yeah I said it) but why is it when you leave the poverty stricken SEA homelands do you suddenly think your pussy is made of gold? Its not uncommon for ML to sleep where they work.
    Now I'm not asking every ML to go bb and do everything a customer wants but when a fairly decent looking clean professional man walks through the door it should be a signal that if you are accommodating then you might just get out of that flea pit.
    Quite frankly men are not complex characters and good ML have worked out the secret to extracting the cash yet not becoming a common whore. Just ask ......

  5. #5
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    Not me Prof my experience some time ago was
    Greeted by A looks average mid 20s dressed in tights massage one of those weird towel on for most of the massage
    tried to start a conversation 3 times got short one answer reply each time so resign myself to a dud.Half hour to told to flip & if I want extras so I crack up laughing shes looking at me like whats the problem.So explain to her that her cold attitude with no TT don't make any play she's willing to offer now inviting.Carried on talking for quite a while well over time so much the the other ML yelling through door times up,felt sorrow for her because conversation got pretty deep with her saying she felt like a machine etc etc.
    Nice enough girl once you break the iceberg but not me

  6. #6
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    You're assuming insane593 is a decent looking clean professional man. Ask MLs and they'll say guys often just grab or touch without asking. Even if they say no, they try again or bargin with them.

  7. #7
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    She asked me $100 I paid $100, As soon as she took off her dress, I asked can I touch, She said " You go " I got up, Got my cash and left. I was expecting before she demands $100, she should have said, You can have a look at me but no touching, I will give you HJ only. Before she was smiling and easy going, suddenly changed as soon as I paid. A lot of punter must have experienced this. I don't know I look professional or not, but definitely not old and Ugly. always keep cash over $100 to get more options, However I want ML, to be honest about it .Been to Take5 so many times, never had issues, Never had issues at Anytime, even at Aqua.

  8. #8
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Quote Originally Posted by iamking View Post
    You're assuming insane593 is a decent looking clean professional man. Ask MLs and they'll say guys often just grab or touch without asking. Even if they say no, they try again or bargin with them.
    Bit harsh. I’m guessing you don’t know insane. But to be honest why would he need to come on here and lie about his experience. We all know how sincere and honest ML can be just ask there BF or husbands ������

  9. #9
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    I'm sure inssne593 is not a bad person or bad looking. My point was more we asssume a lot about the MLs and not the other way around, esp how they perceive us. Not every ML came from poverty and should be gratefully accepting money to do what we want. And some MLs are stuck here as they can't go back home (overseas or interstate) due to COVID and may be happy to save money and stay in s small pit for now.
    We may think we look ok, are clean and smell ok, but I know that MLs complain about hairy, fat, smelly, sweaty, dirty, rude and entitled customers. I'm not saying anyone here is, as I don't know anyone here personally. But I'm certain a vast portion of customers have girlfriends, partners, wives, daughters, so don't expect sincerity and honesty. I don't understznd the mentslity if customers who want everything for the lowest price and then either complain about shit service or justify it by saying the ML is poor or ugly so she should be happy she's getting paid.
    BTW, I've only ever paid for the massage fee up front and extras at the end, except for one time at Moonsea.

  10. #10
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    Staying in the shop and working is Fine, However my first thought after seeing that small pit, (specially after lifting up The restriction) was that she isn't local and must have travelled here from Melbourne or Sydney (could be from overseas) , while the shop was claming that none of their staff travelled outside or came from outside coz I could see the 1 big suitcase inside that Pit.

    Been to 1 popular shop recently, met girl at the entrance and she asked straight away, we are busy if I want just extras she can do it right away, Paid her $150, Straight up for option 4. I like that kind of honesty before ML take your cash.

  11. #11
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    " BTW, I've only ever paid for the massage fee up front and extras at the end, except for one time at Moonsea."

    Really??? So which shops does this happen - The norm as far as I know is pay first extras after.

  12. #12
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    I never pay up front anymore. No shop im a reg at ask for cash up front, learnt that lesson. Stood my ground last time she wanted money first, she missed out and i felt great walking.

  13. #13
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    I'm happy to pay up front to my regulars since I know exactly what I'm getting. Even the new girls these days will negotiate and get paid when the deed is done. I'm happy to show cash before action if they worry I'm not going to pay but it's only handed over when it's fulfilled.

  14. #14
    99 Premium Member (特級會員)
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    Met 3 newbies at various shops recently. None of them asked money upfront. Maybe becoz they’re inexperienced ??
    But at good shops like Feelgood or SSDS the girls don’t ask money upfront

  15. #15
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    4FoW2 not sure where you go. I've only ever paid the massage fee upfront, except the one time at Moonsea (my first time there and it included anal) and but on my return with the girl extras was at the end. Stopped going when she returned home. Personally everytime at T5 and all its previous versions, Feelgood, Zen (old one, haven't been to the new one), Rosemary, SSDS, Vivi's, Natural, Royal, Cure and Care and Touch. Going back to GTM, Bamboo, Angels and Star I've paid extras at the end. Even when I've visited GC or Sydney. To me that has always been the norm. I always wondered why guys paid upfront. Maybe its the shop, maybe its the ML. Maybe its the customer. Maybe its cos I'm Asian and the Asisn MLs trust me more because of it.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by 4FoW2 View Post
    " BTW, I've only ever paid for the massage fee up front and extras at the end, except for one time at Moonsea."

    Really??? So which shops does this happen - The norm as far as I know is pay first extras after.

    Same place, I guess most of the punters have done this here

  17. #17
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    I don't pay upfront no more for new MLs, if they ask I just ask them "do I look like a runner?" and if she insists then I just go without it cos she probably gonna provide shit hole services anyways...

    whereas for my regulars, I always just pay upfront with the whole amount because you know what you gonna get and I don't like the feeling of paying after you just had a GFE type of serivce

  18. #18
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Yeah - I'm not talking about your regulars but when you go to a new shop to test out. Regulars trust me too and always I pay at the end or just get the money part out of the way at the beginning.
    And hey I'd be ecstatic if this was the new norm in BrisVegas.
    Maybe I have been hunting the wrong shops - which could be the case.

  19. #19
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    i think you are a regular to the shop most would not even discuss price with you - some will say that's $XXX price ok? yes sure - the ones who insists you pay upfront other than standard shop fee is at best a mood killer.

  20. #20
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    wow that's new to me, I only ever pay upfront except extra. If shop allow me to pay after, that change the whole game! massage service will get better!

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