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Thread: Take 5 - Daisy

  1. #1
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Take 5 -

    it looks like some of the best girls are not coming back
    Last edited by memememe; 10-08-2020 at 09:38 AM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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  3. #3
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    All I said mate is that she isn’t coming back and she was a nice chick - as you know they change names at different shops so it’s not as thought XXX is her real name - a lot worse comments on here about MLS

  4. #4
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Real name or not, you've now given creepers and plod a name to look into and a location.

  5. #5
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Maybe I am Plod - maybe you are - do you think the coppers don’t know about this site, the shops, the ML’s - and given the tech these days they would know who we are too... “I went and saw H at such and such a shop and gave her 2 pineapples for number 4 service” - yeah very cryptic - no one would ever be able to guess what the code is

    Don’t kid yourselves - if the coppers wanted to truly target a shop they would be all over it , with or without this site.... they only do raids when there is a complaint - usually because a licences brothel gets fed up with punters spending their money elsewhere or a punters wife or partner sees a message and decided to do payback - or when there is an immigration or tax issue - the rest of the time they just leave the status quo alone ... if you think that the coppers can’t hack this forum and know who each of us are .... then you need to do some research ...

  6. #6
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Cool, so you just want to post it so there's no doubt about who does what and where? No deniability with people like you who've not understood doing every bit you can to assist these MLs in staying safe. Btw, Cops wouldn't hack the forum, none of the intel gathered would be admissable in court.

  7. #7
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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  8. #8
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunchbox Lover View Post
    Look mate we are trying to help you.
    When you post
    One guy reads that as “nice, i am glad you had fun”
    Another reads it as you had bareback anal with her and thinks he can get it at that shop for $20. I know you are not responsible for fuckwits, but we are all in this together.

    Maybe im a soft touch, but the amount of mls who have told me about guys that post on their private facebook about what they do, to their families back home or who stalk them out of the shop or rape them in the room.
    Again you are not responsible for this, but these ladies have a short shelf life doing this and a lot have profound mental health issues.

    Naming mls and shops has to be done very carefully or preferably not at all. Sometimes we get it wrong. With profound impacts.
    i know there is a sizeable portion of guys here who dont give a shit about anyone else.
    How would a customer find out their private facebook page or know how to contact their families back home. Maybe if they're a jealous boyfriend this could happen.

    Stalking is an issue, a regular told me that a customer asked her where she lived and she said Sunnybank, and then he asked what street? What, so he could drive up and down the street looking for her car?? He told her he knew what car she drove because he saw her park near the shop one day, probably sitting in his car waiting for her to turn up to work. Poor girl didn't deserve that, probably nervous about being followed home by this weirdo.

  9. #9
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    No one here actively or accidentally condones stalking, abuse etc of any women including MLs. But WTF all these self righteous prople. Hey we're doing something illegal to begin with. Memememe hasn't exactly been subtle, but he's right, there's a lot worse crap about girls on here than what he wrote. MLs mental health.... paying for an illegal service and acting all nice about it doesn't give anyone the moral high ground. I guarantee you that most MLs think we're as bad as each other. The advice I would say to Memememe is if the ML likes you she'll give you her details. If she doesn't give you her info freely, on her own, assume its just a service, she's a good actress and don't go looking for her.

  10. #10
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Meme...good question

  11. #11
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Well said, King.

  12. #12
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Gents. Let's take a deep breath and start at the beginning.

    Lunchbox took objection to memememe naming an ML and where she works. OK, it's fair to assume in this whole COIVD nightmare the law are keeping a close eye on things including this forum (Hello Officer) so brothers are just calling for caution

    Memememe we don't need to name MILs .. we can always PM each other for details … as the professor says "Loose lips sink ships"

    let's just learn and move on … no offence meant to anyone I'm sure

  13. #13
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by iamking View Post
    If she doesn't give you her info freely, on her own, assume its just a service, she's a good actress and don't go looking for her.
    No no no no she can’t possibly be faking THAT and how I make her feel she tells me to my face. And she loves me for who I Amrit, Not like the other customers...

  14. #14
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Batting100 she ❤ only 🙋*♂️.
    🤫 keep your 🤐. 😯 4 🙋*♂️.
    Others she will only💆*♂️
    But 4 🙋*♂️ we 👫 and 🤼.
    Because I'm here🥇.

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