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Thread: Handsome guys - why do you punt?

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by howareyoukk View Post
    i log in to my account in private browsing just so i can answer this question, albeit I am just a mediocre asian dude at best.

    I have been a virgin for 27 years and only until the last few years did I realize my I am severely lacking in social skills because of the bad developments in childhood and formative years. (strict parenting high school bullies etc)

    I don't like crowds or going out often. The girls i had a crush on in the past were full with excuses - "i am not into a relationship", "you are too young"etc

    I was struck by enlightenment this week that i might never meet a half decent girl that i actually like so why would I save my sexual encounter for that. So i booked my first session this week and I had no remorse.

    I am even thinking about losing my virginity to an escort or ML that i like in a few months because I am now all about the mentality that i would rather rent an audi rs3 for a short period of time than being stuck with a Corolla for eternality.
    There's no point being a virgin until you meet your ideal girl. As you said, girls will come up with all excuses these days not to get involved in serious relationships because they want to experience life and try out with a few guys before they decide to get steady or settle down. Life is short. Go enjoy life. Have fun but be safe in your adventures.

  2. #22
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Quote Originally Posted by manpower08 View Post
    Personally I want a quick fuk no complications.
    That’s pretty much my sentiments as well. No strings attached, quick fucking the way I want.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by pthong View Post
    Having sex/ flings with girls is different to punting, it requires effort & usually there are some strings attached haha. When it comes to massage, you lay down, relax & enjoy the hour
    In terms of $$, I've definitely spent more on paying for dinner dates than punting lol

    FYI: Not saying I look like Tom Cruise.. but I'd consider myself decent/ fit.
    One of my mates at work has said to me 'why would you pay for it?'

    He's a bit of a playboy at work. Handsome etc. He has a girlfriend and has fucked a few of the sales girls.

    It's put him in a lot of shit though and he's constantly working to try and keep himself out of trouble.

    He told me he was once on a date at a restaurant with his GF and one of the girls he fucked from work sat at the table next to him. FML. Said he was sweating bullets. Luckily she didn't say anything.

    HELL NO. Not worth the effort. Especially with people at work, or from your industry.

    With punting. You just walk in, choose a pretty girl. Put the money down. Pump away until you're balls are thoroughly drained. Leave. Go home. Everybody is happy.

  4. #24
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by vitrium View Post
    One of my mates at work has said to me 'why would you pay for it?'

    He's a bit of a playboy at work. Handsome etc. He has a girlfriend and has fucked a few of the sales girls.

    It's put him in a lot of shit though and he's constantly working to try and keep himself out of trouble.

    He told me he was once on a date at a restaurant with his GF and one of the girls he fucked from work sat at the table next to him. FML. Said he was sweating bullets. Luckily she didn't say anything.

    HELL NO. Not worth the effort. Especially with people at work, or from your industry.

    With punting. You just walk in, choose a pretty girl. Put the money down. Pump away until you're balls are thoroughly drained. Leave. Go home. Everybody is happy.

    Exactly this.

    Not worth the baggage or brain damage. Pump and dump.

  5. #25
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    Haha, I feel like I should weigh in here... I was a (pretty unsuccessful) male model when I was a bit younger, and I've kept in decent shape and looked after myself since then. I have never had trouble picking up girls in bars or hotels... or at work, work events, in the street, on trains... basically anywhere.

    BUT, that means coffee dates, lunches, dinners, deep connections. I used to love that, but if I was honest with myself, I was there to get laid, and after a while being a total sociopath and pretending to be interested in somebody, or a bunch of bodies at the same time, makes you feel like a dirtbag.

    When I punt, I get options, I get convenience, I get CONFIDENTIALITY (real important), and I get to get my rocks off with somebody who knows exactly what the deal is. Then, when I'm done, I get on with my day, no checking in, no phone calls, no follow up, no guilt.

    Punting isn't great. It's a bit sleazy, a bit dirty, and it's definitely not something to write home to mum about. But, if there's an itch to scratch, at least an ML or WL knows she's there to scratch it. And isn't that a little bit kinder than picking up a girl, talking her into bed (and sometimes, into cheating on her boyfriend or husband), leading her on and not intending on seeing her after that?

    That's why I punt.

  6. #26
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    Easy way to avoid trouble when you want to see someone and in a relationship

  7. #27
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    I've never had trouble picking up really good sorts at clubs, bars and restaurants. I have a pretty good strike rate with the Asian ladies. I am relatively good looking for a wog and I do have a bit of coin behind me which I do not flaunt. However I do seem to struggle in getting the same level of interest from girls in the massage space. Not sure how to interpret this.

  8. #28
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Long story short...the times when girl I liked and I were single and available never really matched...and never been able to find love now that she's married. The WL visits keep my needs fulfilled I guess

  9. #29
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Possibly the girls enjoy seeing the handsome guys more, give better service, and hence these guys can't resist more...

    For me punting gives decent sex consistently without all the games and wining and dining, sure you can take you time more not paying for it, but WL generally give great service if not tired etc etc.

  10. #30
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Punting is just easier in terms of satisfying yourself and not having any baggage after

  11. #31
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    For me, I lack the social skills, but I wouldn’t classify myself as handsome, even with a 6 pack. Of Nuggets

  12. #32
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    Not sure if I’d call myself handsome. Good looking enough perhaps. I punt because it’s fun. And I like the illicit thrill and variety.

  13. #33
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Growing up had a sporty body, blonde hair blue eyes athletic build. I would not say I am handsome but had enough women to know I was getting more than the average guy. Also had jobs where came into contact with lots of females think gyms, lifeguard etc.
    My old man was into sex in a big way and I think I must have inheritted some of his genes - dur.
    Also I was introduced to sex at a very very early age - not abused but led astray by girls usually a little older who knew much more than they should have at that age.
    If you ask me punting is in a man's DNA - go foth and multiply - and once you get a taste well you know the rest.
    I actually think now I'm older it would have been better to be less exposed to sex and actually have less experiences. For me if a girl grabs my cock its ho hum.
    I was no stud but if it was on offer its hard to say no. People will repeat pleasureable experiences. Agree with ego arguement too. Punting is a way of feeding our masculine insecurities and makes us think we are lord and master.
    Why do guys punt - why can't people stop eating pringles - handsome or otherwise.

  14. #34
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    Well punting is like cardio day for me. I prefer buying an hour of fun and sweat like a pig than going on a treadmill in a gym.

    Also handsome man is still a man. We get excited to do a stranger who is paid to serve instead of serving the other half at home.

    The only downside is punting requires a condom which feels different but what can you do lol.

    I had fwb while having a partner but things are just too complicated to handle and the emotional stress is no good. Punting is no strings attached and you get to choose

  15. #35
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    Getting rejected by uglier girls and some demand a lot of things. I agree to the comments above, mind you that I am in my early 30s, started like 7 years ago.

  16. #36
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    No strings attached, both parties know what to expect, multiple options, convenient time
    Also, it is safer for men with the current #MeToo and other anti-men views around

  17. #37
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    A factor for me is time picking up someone takes time, it rarely works like in movies I buy a drink for them wink wink we go back to my place. I don't remember who said it but you paid for sex for the sex part but for them to leave afterwards.

  18. #38
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    easier and cheaper for a punt then the process through apps and dinner etc etc

  19. #39
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    That's why we should have a system like in Thailand, Phil's etc - a venue where you go to meet girls, they go to pick up guys, everyone knows why they are there. Cut out this BS.
    Beach Club in Kl used to be like that - a club for one reason and if you were white and ok looking you'd have 20/30 sweet Viet girls front you, sometimes even fight over you.
    Well that's how it used to be in 2014. Alas now no BC.

  20. #40
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    I don’t pay them to come over; I pay them to go away.
    I don’t pay them for carnal encounters. I pay them to leave.
    You don’t pay a call girl to do what she does. You pay her to leave afterward.

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