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Thread: I think my house mate is a massage lady?

  1. #61
    99 Premium Member (特級會員) cisco's Avatar
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    So what will you do mrcookiemann ? any news of the mission ?

  2. #62
    99 King Member (帝皇會員) Travelmate's Avatar
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    he must be receiving more free massage

  3. #63
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    i think its Fiona, im moving in tomorrow. 176tall, black hair, b cup tits?

  4. #64
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrcookiemann View Post
    I have an update on my situation:

    The other night I was playing guitar hero at home (for those of you who dont know what that is it can be seen here; or just type it into youtube) and she was on her laptop in the same room, (she said she likes watching me play) anyway after I finished playing a song she said to me; gees you must have really strong fingers to play the guitar so fast? I just laughed it off and said - lots of practice, and I played another song. Then after I finished the song she asked me; do your hands get sore from playing this game? I can give them a little massage when you finish, if you like? So I said yeah they do after I've been playing for about an hour or so they start to feel tired...

    Anyway after the game I let her give my hands a massage which included my forearms. When she was massaging my hands she said to me in a cheeky voice; oh my god your hands are so big, (half joking half serious) and I thought I would love to know what is going through your mind right now you naughty little tease! So we put our hands up and compared sizes and of course most men would have a much bigger hand than hers, being a slim and slender Chinese female hand. I looked closely at her hands and noticed they were not the hands of a young girl or student but rather the hands of a girl who has been working, and her massage skills backed up those thoughts as well.

    The massage lasted for about 20 mins and afterwards she said; I hope that satisfied you? Sweet dreams... and she went to bed leaving me as horny as hell...

    I am so conflicted as to what to do. All the different advice of you guys has been food for thought but Im still unsure as to what to do next....
    Sounds like she was giving you all the hints and you missed the opportunity bro

  5. #65
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    If you value your current way of life, don't do anything Bro.
    There are some things best left to the imagination.
    If you really want to know where she works, just have a chat with her like a normal house-mate.
    Or ask one of your mates to do the dirty work for you, never do it yourself since it's so close to home.
    Just like the constant questions that we see in this forum about a punter falling in love with a ML/WL...what do we tell them?

  6. #66
    Senior Member(無間使者) Mozilla's Avatar
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    downtown to chinatown
    I think it's time.

    It's time to follow her once and for all. The u can strategize ur next move knowing she is a ML or WL

  7. #67
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    [QUOTE=akabf;22082]i think its Fiona, im moving in tomorrow. 176tall, black hair, b cup tits?[/QUOTE

    Please tell us the relevance here??

  8. #68
    Senior Member(無間使者) Shonkybasted's Avatar
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    Bro, if she gave you such a good hand massage I would say to her that you really enjoyed it and that she was very good at giving a massage. I would then ask her if she would consider givin you a shoulder massage and see where that leads.

  9. #69
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    MLs love talking about dick sizes. Start a convo about dick sizes (yours or someone elses, doesnt matter) ... If she really is an ML you wont be able to shut the girl up. If shes just a regular girl she'll blush and look awkward, either way mystery solved

  10. #70
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrcookiemann View Post
    I have an update on my situation:

    The other night I was playing guitar hero at home (for those of you who dont know what that is it can be seen here; or just type it into youtube) and she was on her laptop in the same room, (she said she likes watching me play) anyway after I finished playing a song she said to me; gees you must have really strong fingers to play the guitar so fast? I just laughed it off and said - lots of practice, and I played another song. Then after I finished the song she asked me; do your hands get sore from playing this game? I can give them a little massage when you finish, if you like? So I said yeah they do after I've been playing for about an hour or so they start to feel tired...

    Anyway after the game I let her give my hands a massage which included my forearms. When she was massaging my hands she said to me in a cheeky voice; oh my god your hands are so big, (half joking half serious) and I thought I would love to know what is going through your mind right now you naughty little tease! So we put our hands up and compared sizes and of course most men would have a much bigger hand than hers, being a slim and slender Chinese female hand. I looked closely at her hands and noticed they were not the hands of a young girl or student but rather the hands of a girl who has been working, and her massage skills backed up those thoughts as well.

    The massage lasted for about 20 mins and afterwards she said; I hope that satisfied you? Sweet dreams... and she went to bed leaving me as horny as hell...

    I am so conflicted as to what to do. All the different advice of you guys has been food for thought but Im still unsure as to what to do next....
    next time dude, instead of playing with your finger, use your "buddy" instead, and see if she offer to massage it too? get my drift? lol!

  11. #71
    Senior Member(無間使者) mannykay's Avatar
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    Massage Teaser!@#
    Whatever you do, don't do what Jerry Seinfeld did when he dated a masseuse.

  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by mannykay View Post

    Massage Teaser!@#
    Whatever you do, don't do what Jerry Seinfeld did when he dated a masseuse.

    I just saw that episode of Seinfeld the other night, what a crack up. He ended up trying to physically force his gf to give him a massage, then they ended up separating...

  13. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by dakrthunder888 View Post
    next time dude, instead of playing with your finger, use your "buddy" instead, and see if she offer to massage it too? get my drift? lol!
    Thats an idea, or not.... lol

  14. #74
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    [QUOTE=Beancounter;21170]I would have been naturally inclined to ask where she learnt to massage, when she was giving you one.
    You could have seen her reaction..

    It sounds like from your posts that you are after a challenge/conquest.
    Good luck to you bro, but keep your head screwed on and don't get manipulated.[/QUOTE

    Beancounter, I have asked her that already and she told me she learnt when she was in China.

    You are spot on mate, I love a challenge and Im a patient man so I dont need to rush things, in fact i use a bit of reverse psychology with her. Most of the time I pretend not to even notice her. You know how girls are? They usually want something they cant have, so I just pretend Im out of reach and its working a treat so far...
    Think of the opposite action, if i appeared too keen its easy for her to get scared and we dont want that...

  15. #75
    Senior Member(無間使者) Shonkybasted's Avatar
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    How do u get a ML to move in with u? Where did u find her?

  16. #76
    99 King Member (帝皇會員) Travelmate's Avatar
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    I would like to see the progress from the author of this thread

  17. #77
    99 King Member (帝皇會員) Travelmate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrcookiemann View Post
    Patience is a virtue brother. No need to let her think she is in control by giving in as soon as she starts giving hints. Women prefer a challenge, someone not easily obtainable. How many women do you know have gone after bad boys, or guys they shouldnt? Alot of them want what they cant have, so a bit of reverse psychology is in play here.
    Now, you are talking like TRAVELMATE!

  18. #78
    99 King Member (帝皇會員) Travelmate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrcookiemann View Post

    Having said that, I have had relationships with MLs in the past whilst keeping in the front of my mind the possible motives she may have. Nothing long term has ever come from any of these relationships but, gees it was fun. And fun is what makes my life enjoyable, so i go to bat fully aware of the risks involved and prepare myself accordingly.
    I am 1000% agree with this at any point of time!!!!!

  19. #79
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrcookiemann View Post

    I do value my current way of life, but doing nothing is not an option anymore, Ive invested too much time and energy in this yummy girl, I can already taste her sweet juices on my tongue, there is no turning back now.
    Asking one of my housemates to do my dirty work is neither an option nor my style. Its much better they stay out of the loop.
    You make an excellent point about not falling in love with ML/WL, you are quite right we should not do so for the obvious reasons, reasons that have been mentioned many times by brothers on this forum.
    Having said that, I have had relationships with MLs in the past whilst keeping in the front of my mind the possible motives she may have. Nothing long term has ever come from any of these relationships but, gees it was fun. And fun is what makes my life enjoyable, so i go to bat fully aware of the risks involved and prepare myself accordingly.
    That's cool dude. Looks like you're in total control of the situation. Like your strategy of ignoring her. It's amazing how needy girls are when one truly knows how to master this skill. Anyway I initially posted my response based on personal experience, but looks like you've also been there before, so all good. If you ever need to bounce ideas, feel free to let us know.

  20. #80
    Super Fans (忠實Fans) Alexlim's Avatar
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    Many MLs and WLs live in the same building and same level of my unit also. I've read this thread for long and thought I should share my experince or not.

    I think your case is look like my case, I met a K-girl at the shop in newtown. And I met her again at the building, I was a bit surprised and excited

    I remember the first time that I met her at lobby, that late night I couldn't sleep and came down to smoke, and I had a cigarette in front of the building, she looked like a normal girl (I hadn't seen MLs or WLs outisde their shop before) just came from taxi and asked me "Can I borrow your lighter?". I remembered her but I thought she couldn't remeber me.

    After that time when I couldn't sleep as insomnia, I took my laptop to lobby and wished "I wanna see her again tonight". Many times I was lucky and talked to her at lobby until morning. I talked to her a lot, except how about her job. If I don't know what she do, I might fall in live with her. But I realize I was in the real world.

    Then I went to her shop again and I saw her in line up... I chose her and got unforgetable session Just talked for 30 mins no shower, no service, nothing !!! ... She was very upset that she met me there and thought I was a stoker!, and told me "don't snoop her private life and her job again!" I tried to explain I'd met her before I met her at the building but she didn't want to listen!

    On that night I waited her at the lobby til morning, I thought I shouldn't talk to her again, during that time I met her walked from a car, this time she wore the normal clothes as everytime I met her here. I explained everything to her again, she accepted my reason, But she told me "she doesn't want anyone know what is her job, because this is her private life, she wanna be a girl!" and asked me "don't go to that shop again, if I wanna be her friend!" because she couldn't aceppt if she has to work for her friend!.

    Now she went back to Korea alrady and she's still my friend.

    Anyway, You are so lucky. Enjoy your way

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