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Thread: A little thing I wrote.

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    99 Premium Member (特級會員)
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    A little thing I wrote.

    Last year during lockdown I decided to put in to story an event that happened a couple of years ago. Of course some details have been altered to protect anonymity etc, but most of it is based on true events. It is long, obviously.
    If you're hoping for some hot and heavy sex nasty shit, sorry, this will disappoint. Just needed to print it somewhere as I've been sitting on it nearly a year. It is moat likely shit as emotion based writing usually is...

    Dreams are supposedly your subconscious playing out your wishes, fears, conflicts and so forth. Like your own movie you get to direct without knowing it. The only problem is you can't pause, skip or look away when those dreams turn to nightmares.

    I was in Brisbane around New Year, I come up at that time every year, to catch up with family and friends, but also to check in on some family business.
    I was walking along Southbank taking photos on a beautiful Brisbane day. It was as busy as you would expect on such a glorious day. I like to play tourist wherever I go, and so I was taking a shot of the river with the city Skyline in the background when I spotted her boarding a river cat. At first I thought my eyes were deceiving me, the resemblance was uncanny. I tried to take a photo with my phone but only succeeded in getting a few blurry profile shots.

    I hadn’t seen Rinoa since 2003. I don’t recall falling so hard for a girl as I did with her. She was beautiful, charismatic, sharp, independent and fun. Every moment around her was pure joy. She wasn't a stereotypical looking Japanese girl. Tall, long arms and legs, rounder eyes, she looked eurasian, and she didn't possess the cute, almost squeaky voice of most of the Japanese girls I knew. She would often dye her hair in outrageous colours, pink, cardinal, etc. She also dressed beautifully, her sense of style was perfect. She dabbled in modelling and acting, and was an accomplished musician and dancer.

    We first met in 1999, and were good friends for a while before we took the plunge on a relationship. I had to movw home from Tokyo, and so we took turns visiting each other in Japan and Australia, going on holidays together and so on, then one day she disappeared. At first I thought she just didn’t want contact with me, Japanese girls have a tendency to do that, just cut communication when a relationship ends, so I took the hint, but then our mutual friends said they too hadn’t heard from her. Her parents said she had been acting a little strangely, and then one day she just left home. I checked in with them every now and again in the months that followed, until finally I realised every time I contacted them it just reminded them of their missing daughter, so I stopped. After a while I got on with my life, married way too quickly afterwards, started a family, but all the while Rinoa was in the back of my mind. I guess that's why my marriage failed..

    There’s no doubt that in 16 years she would have changed, but the person I saw had the same profile, same or similar figure. The mind is a funny thing, sometimes we can deceive ourselves in to thinking we saw something because our mind wishes it to be true. I had found an old picture of Rinoa just a week or so earlier while cleaning out old boxes, and had been thinking about her once again. I even had a dream about her, and then for me to see her in Brisbane of all places? I doubted myself... but those pictures...

    I went straight back to the hotel and downloaded the pics on to my laptop to try and see them on a bigger screen, the more I looked, the more I was sure it was her... I called up my two closest friends in Brisbane and we met at the Story Bridge hotel. When I arrived they were arguing as usual about football or something, they started to include me but then Ben noticed the look on my face.
    “What is it?”
    I showed them the picture. “Who is that?”
    Neither of them had any idea.
    “Look again, colour her hair pink, who does it look like?”
    Again neither saw it. “Guys, that’s Rinoa.”
    Ben rolled his eyes, Nath shook his head “No, that is someone who kind of, sort of resembles her, but mate I think you are off here.”
    I stared at the pic again. Recently I had been going through something of an existential crisis, I had given up on the idea of ever meeting a girl/woman who was, to use a cliched expression, my soul mate. I’d had a few failed attempts, although one of those did give me my daughter who I love dearly. Rinoa and I went through so much to be together, so her disappearance had affected me terribly. I still carry a picture of us from one of those Japanese photo booths in my wallet. I removed that old picture of us together and compared it with the one taken that day. Ben shook his head, “Come on mate, let’s go for a walk.”
    “I don’t want to walk.”
    “Yeah, well you’re going to anyway.”

    We walked along the river slowly for a while, I wasn’t sure if they were waiting for me to speak, or if they felt the silence was helping me clear my thoughts, neither was the case. Finally Ben broke the silence.
    “Nobody knows better than me how much her going missing affected you, so I know what this means, but I think you’re clutching here man.”
    I’m nothing if not stubborn, I’ll be first to admit that, so I wasn’t going to cave in straight away, and Ben knew that. We’d been friends since meeting at school in the early 80’s.
    “I know what I saw Benny.”
    “I know you believe what you saw was her, but it has been nearly 20 years, she most certainly doesn’t look like that anymore IF she is still alive.”
    I sighed, maybe he was right, but Nath decided we weren’t stopping there.
    “Look at it this way, IF that was her, IF she was here in Brisbane and you saw her, why hasn’t she contacted you? You haven’t changed your phone or email for 25 years, why hasn’t she contacted you?”
    “Maybe she lost them, maybe she is embarrassed, maybe..” I trailed off, shit excuses and even I knew that as I offered them.
    “Why. Hasn’t. She. Contacted you?"
    Ben chimed in "Save yourself any more pain man, I’ve known you for 35 years, I love you like a brother, let it go.”

    Predictably I didn’t sleep that night, and I knew this was going to be a common theme for the forseeable future. Luckily my ex-wife was looking after my daughter for a week so I extended my stay in Brisbane. I had to know for sure, though I had no idea what I would do if indeed it turned out to be her. I had no idea where to start searching, so the following morning I decided to visit all the tourist hangouts around Brisbane. Not exactly an exhausting task. In a more sensible moment I might have thought to pick one spot, like Queen st mall, and wait for her to walk past.

    I wore through the toe of my sock walking the streets, all to no avail. I barely ate, I had no desire to. Still no sign of her. I kept re-checking the photo, like somehow there was something i was missing. With a clearer mind I would have noticed it earlier. It wasn’t until I showed the photo to Ben again that night that he saw it. “She’s carrying a tote bag, it’s from The Calile.” I immediately stood up and started walking out, Ben picked up his stuff and followed.
    “You don’t have to come with me.”
    “I know I don’t, but I'd be a pretty shit mate if I didn’t. I know a guy who works at a restaurant nearby, he might have seen her.”

    We booked an uber and headed over. Ben went in to the restaurant to check if his mate was there, I went to the lobby. Nath arrived too. I must have worn my thoughts because Nath answered before I even asked what he was doing there.
    “Benny messaged me, they can’t reveal guest names obviously so don't bother asking.”
    I stopped for a moment, I guess the lack of sleep and wave of emotions I was riding was showing. I wasn't really sure what I was going to do.
    “I still think this is a shit idea, but I know what this means to you.”
    “Thank you...”
    Ben came over “He’s not on, send me the pic on whatsapp, I’ll show it to the maitre’d on now.”

    I sent the pic to both of them, and we started asking around if anyone had seen her. Not surprisingly, nobody had. There’s an old cliche that to get information from employees of hotels and bars you need to slip them some sheets of plaatic/paper with an old ladies face on it, I approached a staff member with the pic on my phone and a $50 note under it “Any chance you recognise this woman?”
    He looked, ignored the money, and shook his head. “No sir sorry.”
    I was losing patience, the guys knew it, Nath put his massive hand on my shoulder “Let’s grab a drink, or two, see if she comes through.”

    I think my mates knew that we were starting to look out of place, it was hard for a 6 foot 3 120kg bearded bogan, a 5 foot 6 eurasian muscle head in gym gear and a well-groomed 6 foot athletic guy with glasses to be inconspicuous at the best of times, and I needed something to dull the senses. I’m not a straight spirits drinker, too many bad experiences. Ben returned with three scotches. “Really?” I winced.
    “just drink it you faggot!” Nath shot at me.

    We stayed there for a couple of hours, had too much to drink, and all to no avail. No sign of her.
    “I think we have to give it up mate.” Nath offered as he polished off his glass.
    “Agreed.” Ben added as he finished his, and mine.
    “Thanks guys. Maybe you were right. Why hasn’t she contacted me? What the fuck am I doing here wasting your time? Sorry guys, this is stupid..” I said as I stood and headed down the stairs to the exit.

    I got out on to James st and it was pissing rain, I decided I needed a sobering walk so started wandering along the street getting rinsed. A massive clap of thunder very quickly followed by lightning changed my mind, so I ducked in to a shop entrance for cover and reached for my phone to get an uber. It was flashing with a message, my heart raced for a second as I considered he possibility. It was my daughter.
    “good night Dad. Love you.”
    It jolted me back to reality. What did I want to achieve from this? What was I sacrificing? I got back to my apartment, took a melatonin my father had given me and tried to sleep.

    I managed a few hours, but it was fitful, and punctuated with horrible dreams. Some of them about Rinoa, some of them about my daughter, and even my late mother made an appearance. I got up, showered and checked my phone. Ben had sent me a message.
    “My mate might have seen her. Meet me at Calile at 11am.”
    I got ready as fast as I could, though I don’t know why, it was only 8am. I guess the excitement cured the savage hangover I had felt about 3 minutes earlier. I tried watching tv in my apartment to pass time, but i wasn’t looking at the images on the screen, I was remembering/daydreaming about past times. Trips to onsens, nights out watching her or our friends in bands perform in small Tokyo bars, the time she got dressed in yukata to take me to Kamakura, karaoke, the weekend in Okinawa...

    I arrived at James st a little early and walked around, it was a typical Brisbane December day, the sun was sharp and bright, the air humid. The rain the previous night had left a trail of leaves where the torrent of water had flowed. I walked slowly from shop to shop, starting to have second thoughts. I stopped to look in the window at Kookai as I promised my daughter a new dress, and...
    It was her.
    She had barely aged a day..
    The brightly coloured hair was gone. Now a light Brown, and no more funky hairstyle, rather, a more sensible straight cut. The jeans and sneakers has given way to a long skirt and heels.

    I walked in the shop to get a better look, and I had no doubt, it was Rinoa.. and.. at her side, a small boy maybe 5 years old... A middle aged man in Kookai is going to stand out, she looked over as I walked in and immediately saw me. She stopped for a moment. Time stopped for a moment. She didn’t look shocked, she smiled for a second, then shook her head slowly at me, looked down at the boy, and turned away.
    A shop assistant came to me “Can I help you?” I stared at Rinoa a moment, then tuned to the girl.
    “No, sorry, I was going to buy something for my daughter, but I don’t know her size.”
    “Oh ok, no problem then, you could message or call her.”
    “That's a good idea. I have to go and meet my friend so I will come back when she has messaged me back.”

    I got out and walked in to the Calile, Ben was there “I’ve got good news..” he started
    “It’s her, I just saw her, she doesn’t want to see me. Let’s go.”
    Ben stood there a moment, stunned. “Ummm, what?”
    “Let’s go, you were right!”
    We walked down the stairs and out on to the street, I made sure to turn in the opposite direction to kookai. “she was in Kookai Benny. She had a little boy with her I assume is her son, she saw me and shook her head then looked away. I was right but so were you, she doesn’t want to see me.”
    “What about her parents?”
    “I don’t know, should I tell..” I was interrupted by a loud shout.
    “FEVER-CHAN!” I turned to see her marching down James st towards me, alone, with a stern look on her ageless face. She got to where we were standing “Meet me tonight, 11pm, where you proposed to me…" she turned to Ben "Hi Ben..” With that she walked off again. Ben turned to me “Oh now She is DELIGHTED to see you, clearly.”

    I may have left that fact out, see, when we were staying with my father back in 2001, in an alcohol fueled display of affection, I got down on one knee and proposed to her at the ferry terminal under the Story Bridge at Kangaroo Point, with an onion ring. She called me “baka.” (stupid in Japanese) and that was the end of it. I proposed once more, seriously this time, in Malaysia in 2002, where she told me she wasn’t ready for marriage, but when she was she would tell me. I never pressed on the subject again.

    The rest of that day seemed to go at a snails pace. I distracted myself as much as possible, but it was futile. I went back to kookai to buy a dress as promised, the girl remembered me, “You’re such a good dad, my Dad would never do something like this for me! How old is your daughter?”
    I felt old. I was old enough to be this girls dad too. Normally I would have flirted with her, but not today. I picked out a nice lemon dress, the young assistant assured me my girl would be impressed (and she was.) She asked if I should get something for my wife too. “well, we’re separated, so that’s going to be a hard no!”
    “Oh, that’s too bad! Don’t worry, I believe there is someone right for everyone!” I laughed out loud, then had to explain myself “Me too, I think I’m just looking in the wrong places.”

    Holman St ferry terminal is not every girls dream spot to be proposed to I imagine. I stood there staring at the Brisbane skyline, it is rather a pretty city. I had decided all I wanted from the exchange about to take place was an explanation. A car pulled up and the door opened. It wasn’t her. So I waited more. 11.10pm, I started to think she wasn’t coming. 11.12pm, nothing. Finally my phone buzzed. An sms from an unfamiliar number.
    “Be there 5 minutes.”
    Finally she arrived in a car. She was driving. She HATED driving. “get in.”

    We drove a little in silence, it was like a Mexican stand-off. I have never felt so uncomfortable, including the time I was detained by Japanese immigration and threatened with deportation. Finally I had to say something. “Should I start or...”
    Ohhhhhhkay then. So we sat, in silence, as she drove wherever the fuck we were going. She finally pulled over at a park in Bulimba. How the fuck did she know where she was going?
    “I will start.” She said. As I looked at her eyes, she had been crying. “I’ve been living in Perigian Beach on Sunshine Coast since 2015, I come down here sometimes for shopping and just to get away. I know I should have contacted you, gomene..”
    I gave her a moment to gather herself. I couldn’t tell exactly what emotion I was feeling at the time. A strange mix of anger, sadness, and excitement too. Angry that she had never contacted me. Sadness that she had obviously chosen for it to be that way, but excitement that now we were here, now...
    “When I ran away... everything was too much... My parents pressure me to marry another.. you proposed to me but we lived apart, and we have to choose which place to live.. I was scared..”
    I had forgotten that she was so much younger than me. I absorbed all she was saying and resisted the urge to interject.
    “One day, I woke up, packed my favourite things, and left. I’m sorry, I should have talked to you..”
    “What about your parents, do they know?” I said quietly, as calmly as I could muster. Rinoa shook her head.
    “Don’t you think they have a right to know?”
    She let the question hang in the air a moment. “There is a lot you don’t understand...” You got THAT right.. “My parents... they told me I must marry as they demand, to their family friend son. So I left..”
    I had long suspected as such, the parents, as welcoming as they had been, had never really accepted the idea of her marrying a gaijin. They mellowed over time, so it seemed.
    “Where did you go? I mean, we tried contacting everybody, you just disappeared.”
    “At first I went to trabel around Japan. Then I mobed to Vietnam. I taught Japanese there. After a while I decided to travel through Asia.. Eventually I got to China, I did some work as a model, and after a while I decided to stay. I met a Chinese guy, we got married, we moved here a few years ago. That's the story. The hotel manager told me someone was asking questions about me. Why were you looking for me?"
    I lost my temper. “You disappeared without a trace, everyone who knew you and loved you were devastated. Eventually we all moved on with our lives assuming the worst, then suddenly you show up one day in Brisbane coincidentally when I am here and you expect I would just let you go? I saw you at Soutbank. I couldn't believe my eyes, I knew it was you.. after all these years…"
    “ I didn’t contact you because I didn't want to feel this again.”
    “Feel what exactly?”
    “I loved you. That’s why I still carry this.” She showed the bracelet I had given her 20 years earlier.
    My head was spinning. This was all too much to take at once.
    “I couldn't tell you we can't be together. I decided I needed a new life. I was happy in this new life. I have a son, we are comfortable, and now I am confused again... “

    I sat silently for a moment. I had barely slept since I spotted her that day, I had been caught in a swirling vortex of emotions and now here I sat, face to face with the girl I had given up on ever seeing again, telling me she still loved me.. but I could see it was hurting her..
    “I spent so long hoping I would find you again one day, I never stopped to think what I would do if I did...”
    I stared out the front window for a moment, then turned back.
    “So what do we do now?”
    She smiled at me. It was a smile of resignation rather than of any form of happiness. “What would you like to do now?”
    “What.. you mean right now? I meant going forward..”
    She tilted her head with a look of slight bewilderment “Eh? No what would you like for us.. start again? Walk away?”
    I must admit I thought for a second she meant... anyway..
    “Are you... thinking of sex NOW? Tsukebe...” she scolded me.
    “No! I thought YOU were! I meant what do we do about this situation..” I could feel my face turning various shades of red.
    “I know... I’m just fucking with you..” She let out a giggle, and instantly I was lost in her smile. It soon faded though. “So what is your answer?”

    I sat silently again. What DID I want? This whole situation was lunacy.
    “Can we meet again. Tomorrow. I’ll give you an answer then.”
    She nodded. “Ok. Tomorrow you can tell me.”
    We sat in her car a while, the air was certainly tense.
    “So you’re saying tonight we can't...”
    “Oh shut up!” she cut me off, leaned over and kissed me.

    Kissing tells you a lot about a person I find. Rinoa was a passionate kisser, to match her passionate personality. I remember her lips always tasted of berries when we dated, because of her lip balm. With her brightly coloured hair and fruit flavoured lips she nailed the sexy-cute look. Now she was in her 30's, her hair colour a sedate Brown, but still her lips were sweet. She pulled back and hit the steering wheel with her palm. "Da-me!"..
    She got out of the car. I sat, not knowing if I should get out as well. I watched as she walked around the back of the car, eventually reaching my door. She opened it. I assumed she was telling me to get out, so I started positioning myself to step out of the car. She pushed me back in and climbed in to the front seat with me. We kissed again, deeper and more passionately this time. The car got stuffy very quickly in the Brisbane humidity. My hands roamed her body as they had 20 years prior. She still had a dancers body. I cupped her face with both hands as she ran her hands through my hair. Our tongues danced as we groped at one another. She pulled back again. "No. Not like this…"

    We straightened ourselves up and chatted a while, a bit of catching up, but she soon brought the night to an end "I have to go back. So we will meet tomorrow night again ne?"
    "Yeah. Tomorrow night.."
    She dropped me back at my hotel and drove off. I watched the car drive off around the corner and went inside. I knew I wouldn't be getting much sleep that night. I had a lot to think about…

    I stood in front of the mirror looking at my reflection. I had aged, too. I hadn't really noticed, but my stubble now had a salt & pepper shade. My face had a few small scars from various misadventures. My hair, still Brown, but thinning, with a couple of greys poking through. My eyes, tired. Gone was the wry tilt to the brow that had hinted of invincibility and took in everything with a smile..

    The nightmare that night was vivid. I lurched awake. My heart was pounding in my chest and I was sweating profusely. I switched on the tv to try and distract myself. I flicked channels but I couldn't get the visions out of my head. I don't believe in dream analysis or such things, but it was clear this was all taking its toll.

    My last day in Brisbane I spent with my Dad. I spoke with Ben and Nath and told them what happened. Ben was empathetic, Nathan not so much. I didn't expect any less. Brutal honesty was his specialty "Mate don't pursue this. She moved on. About time you did too. You could be fucking everyone's lives up."

    I spoke to my daughter "Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow night." she said. Truth be told, in all of this, I wondered how I would explain this to her if I had to. She still secretly hopes her mother and I will get back together. That is not a possibility. The thought crossed my mind, not for the first time, had I stayed with Rinoa I would never have had her...

    The day rolled by and night time came. I waited at the same spot. Her car pulled up and I got in. I hadn't made a decision on what I was going to say. What did I want? Her. I wanted her.
    There are times when you know what is about to happen without anyone telling you. My heart was racing, my palms beginning to sweat. My nightmare was beginning again, only this time I was wide awake. "Fever-chan. I…"
    "Wait. " I cut her off. "I know what you're going to say."
    She nodded.
    I didn't speak. I didn't want to.
    "So, what am I going to say?"
    I swallowed hard.
    "Your son is the most important thing in your life. You love him dearly, and you don't want to do anything to upset the life you have created for him."
    She started to cry "So desu-yo."
    "So I have to say goodbye to you. Again."
    The words hung in the air.
    "But I asked what YOU wanted fever-chan."
    "It doesn't matter what I want. You moved on. You have a family and a comfortable life. I have to let you go."
    She cried hard. I may have smelled some onions being chopped somewhere too. I searched her car for a tissue box. An Asian woman with no tissues in the car? Unheard of! I found them floating around on the backseat and gave her the box. She dabbed her eyes and nose, then started shouting at me. "I DIDN'T WANT THIS! I DIDN'T WANT TO FEEL THIS AGAIN!"
    "I'm sorry, I…" I couldn't finish my sentence, there was nothing to say.
    "I will fly back to Sydney tomorrow."
    I had never told her I moved to Sydney. There was so much I hadn't told her.
    "Yeah, I've been living there for 13 years.. never mind.. I fly back early tomorrow. If you never want to see me again, I'll delete your number. I don't even know your married name, so I'll never chase you up. But, I'd rather have you in my life as a friend than not at all."
    "I will let you know."

    After she dropped me off, we said goodbye, and that was the last I heard from her.
    I arrived back in Sydney the next day, picked up my daughter and held her tightly. "Missed you bubblegum." I said as I squeezed her. She rolled her eyes. "Dad it was only a week."
    If only she knew…

    The many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics asserts that the universal wavefunction is objectively real. This implies that all possible outcomes of quantum measurements are physically realized in some "world" or universe. To me, this means that in some version of this world, Rinoa and I are together. Just not this one. I would have to be content with that.

    For of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these: "It might have been." - John Greenleaf Whittier.

  2. #2
    Super Fans (忠實Fans) OmniMime's Avatar
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    Now that, in itself, is indeed a story worth reading so far ~~ Very pictorial, as much as it was attention-grabbing ~~ At least in my own opinion for me.

    Sent from my SM-N975F using Tapatalk

  3. #3
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Good grief, my heart aches for you. I suppose you are the most qualified to answer this then: is it better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all?

  4. #4
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Very sad story mate, but that's what love is, pain, with few episodes of happiness. Those memories will never leave, they will haunt you from time to time but once you accept it, it becomes more bereable.

  5. #5
    99 Premium Member (特級會員)
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    Quote Originally Posted by blanet View Post
    Good grief, my heart aches for you. I suppose you are the most qualified to answer this then: is it better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all?
    I'm going to run with a solid no on that. But these circumstances are a little out of the ordinary I guess.

  6. #6
    Super Fans (忠實Fans) Nelly69's Avatar
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    wow Asiafever, that was a gripping read! Brave move, good on you!

    On another note, I lived in Bulimba for a few years and I could picture you guys talking at that park across from woolworths. (I am assuming its that park)

    Same thing happened to me 20+ years ago but it was me who ran away and left my then girlfriend unable to contact me when I moved back to Australia. I don't know what I would do if I see her, I'd probably run away incase she decide to stab me...

  7. #7
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by asiafever View Post
    I'm going to run with a solid no on that. But these circumstances are a little out of the ordinary I guess.
    Great recount of your experience. Great ending too as I've thought the same.

    I know it hurts but I tend to think that the fact that you can be so hurt by something like this shows the depth of human emotion and what you are capable of feeling, otherwise without this side of the spectrum, you would have never got to experience the love and infatuation you had with her. So I know it hurts but I think I have to disagree and say it's better to have loved and lost! (regrettably haha)

  8. #8
    99 Premium Member (特級會員)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nelly69 View Post
    wow Asiafever, that was a gripping read! Brave move, good on you!

    On another note, I lived in Bulimba for a few years and I could picture you guys talking at that park across from woolworths. (I am assuming its that park)

    Same thing happened to me 20+ years ago but it was me who ran away and left my then girlfriend unable to contact me when I moved back to Australia. I don't know what I would do if I see her, I'd probably run away incase she decide to stab me...
    I knpw the one you mean. The one we were in was on the river up near the golf club and the sailing club, looking back across to Albion Park and Brekky Creek Hotel.

  9. #9
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Wow, it hurts but you did the right thing.

  10. #10
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by blanet View Post
    Good grief, my heart aches for you. I suppose you are the most qualified to answer this then: is it better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all?
    Well said mate....better to have loved and lost......

  11. #11
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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  12. #12
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    If it wasn't for the fact you are one of my favourite forum contributors I would not have read that.

    Her parents definitely did not deserve the disconnection by her going missing despite the fact they tried to prearrange her marriage. Neither did you, not knowing where she went for all those years. I hope you can reach out to her parents and let them know their daughter is alive and try to connect them back. Family runs deep and I hope both her parents and her learnt to forgive each other.

    You definitely did the right thing. Time heals the pain but given she has a husband and child, best to leave her life run its course. You never know what the future holds, your paths may cross again. Of course you often reflect, but you must move on too. Thanks again for taking the time to write and share your amazing story.

  13. #13
    99 Premium Member (特級會員)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Minathy8724 View Post
    If it wasn't for the fact you are one of my favourite forum contributors I would not have read that.

    Her parents definitely did not deserve the disconnection by her going missing despite the fact they tried to prearrange her marriage. Neither did you, not knowing where she went for all those years. I hope you can reach out to her parents and let them know their daughter is alive and try to connect them back. Family runs deep and I hope both her parents and her learnt to forgive each other.

    You definitely did the right thing. Time heals the pain but given she has a husband and child, best to leave her life run its course. You never know what the future holds, your paths may cross again. Of course you often reflect, but you must move on too. Thanks again for taking the time to write and share your amazing story.
    Well one of the good things to come from it is she did reconnect with her family and friends. I have a lovely picture sent to me by our mutual friend, of her with her child, at a welcome home party with her parents and a group of our old friends.
    I suppose the other good thing to come from it was closure. As you say it allowed me to move on, which I kind of have, (or am in the process of maybe?) so there is that.

  14. #14
    Super Fans (忠實Fans) bigfatkilo's Avatar
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    Thanks for sharing and taking the time. It's a good read.
    Kind of demonstrates how fickle and obsessed we men can be. Myself included. We might not even realise it. And it can take decades to progress or finally finish. Women in the other hand can be the ones to make hard decisions. Cut off completely. All women I think, although I've had more experiences with Japanese women in thjs regard.

    Glad you made a decision to move on. Took a decade, but you did. I should too!!

    Thanks for sharing.

  15. #15
    99 God Member (神級會員) AHLUNGOR's Avatar
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    From Sydney CBD to Central
    Baga & da me desu ne !!

    Anyway, move on brother . But thanks for sharing !

  16. #16
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    I can't handle this and I don't understand why people do that.

    If I am in a relationship with a lady and she wants a break up just say it. Don't just disappear in the name of for the good of both of us. I don't mind what reason or no reason. But just cut off all connection and disappear is despicable.

  17. #17
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    I took a couple of different things from your story
    Never dwell on what could have been, the past is the past nothing more. After my divorce I used to think I wish I could go back and change this or the other, but when I look at my children I realize that even if were possible I'd change nothing, I love them too much.

    You shop at Kookai for you daughter where as I shop at Zara.
    My level of sarcasm depends on your level of stupidity.

  18. #18
    99 Premium Member (特級會員)
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    Quote Originally Posted by dotcumdotinyou View Post
    I took a couple of different things from your story
    Never dwell on what could have been, the past is the past nothing more. After my divorce I used to think I wish I could go back and change this or the other, but when I look at my children I realize that even if were possible I'd change nothing, I love them too much.

    You shop at Kookai for you daughter where as I shop at Zara.
    Haha, I also shop at Myer, DJ's and wherever the hell else her and her squad drag me, Kookai is not my normal choice but by God their hiring policy is spot on.

    Agreed. As I said if things hadn't panned out the way they have I wouldn't have my daughter.

  19. #19
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    My eldest must be going through a hip hop stage as she drags me to Adidas most times for branded apparel. My other two are the true Zara aficionados, although worryingly for me my youngest enjoys a wander through Gucci when we're in the city.
    My level of sarcasm depends on your level of stupidity.

  20. #20
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    OK, worthy of Mills & Boone, but for this old romantic it hits many familiar spots... my story yet to reach its conclusion...

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