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Thread: Dating WL or ML

  1. #1
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Dating WL or ML

    I recently started dating a WL after meeting in the shop. Has anyone else done this before? And how did you feel about it?

  2. #2
    Super Fans (忠實Fans) Niceguy11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rayhp View Post
    I recently started dating a WL after meeting in the shop. Has anyone else done this before? And how did you feel about it?
    All I can say is end it right now. All it will bring is mental anguish and nothing but stress. It hasn't happened to me as I have always only had friendships with WL's, mainly regulars and I have heard all their stories from dating customers.

    I don't speak to my regular anymore and sort of glad the friendship has ended because all it bought was stress and exhaustion. Stop the relationship before it gets serious because sooner or later, shit will hit the fan, you'll be heartbroken and most likely back to square one.

    You are better off meeting a girl outside the shop. Trust me.

  3. #3
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niceguy11 View Post
    All I can say is end it right now. All it will bring is mental anguish and nothing but stress. It hasn't happened to me as I have always only had friendships with WL's, mainly regulars and I have heard all their stories from dating customers.

    I don't speak to my regular anymore and sort of glad the friendship has ended because all it bought was stress and exhaustion. Stop the relationship before it gets serious because sooner or later, shit will hit the fan, you'll be heartbroken and most likely back to square one.

    You are better off meeting a girl outside the shop. Trust me.
    Wise words indeed ! BY all means fuck them in the shop or even outside but never get in a relationship with will go fucking mental with anxiety.

  4. #4
    99 King Member (帝皇會員) GoldfishMan's Avatar
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    Oh brother another one of these threads.

  5. #5
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    Jesus - not again. Niceguy, you must have an orgasm as soon as you see this topic as you’re always one of the first onto it

  6. #6
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Quote Originally Posted by kingwally View Post
    Wise words indeed ! BY all means fuck them in the shop or even outside but never get in a relationship with will go fucking mental with anxiety.
    I’m happy just to fuck her. She never ask for any money. She is the one pushing for the relationship. Time to back away.

  7. #7
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Well done Rayhp for starting the 151st thread on the exact same topic. Someone lock this thread before niceguy writes another essay on the do's and don'ts of dating a WL.
    Or am I confusing niceguy with cuteguy? Either way this thread can fuck off.

  8. #8
    99 King Member (帝皇會員) GoldfishMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by quackm2002 View Post
    Jesus - not again. Niceguy, you must have an orgasm as soon as you see this topic as you’re always one of the first onto it
    Too right! How many of these f-ed up threads do we need? Honestly I've had such a bad experience only as a friend of a WL, not even dating, that I really can't imagine why anyone would consider dating them?
    They have such a tendency to lie about everything. I mean, they have to lie about their work... think about it. That's half their lives that needs to be hidden behind lies. That kind of shit will instill in them the habit of lying. Every time they are faced with a problem in life, they will reach for the only tool they know how to use to fix problems... Lie.
    Like with a normal friend, you be kind to them, you get a great thank you and warmth and appreciation. With WL, all you will get is someone who thinks there's more they can get out of you. It's really a bizarro world they live in.

  9. #9
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rayhp View Post
    I recently started dating a WL after meeting in the shop. Has anyone else done this before? And how did you feel about it?
    Just a single piece of advice. Stay away from this site. You really don't want to see an AR of someone making your lovely lady gag.

  10. #10
    Super Fans (忠實Fans) Niceguy11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blitz View Post
    Well done Rayhp for starting the 151st thread on the exact same topic. Someone lock this thread before niceguy writes another essay on the do's and don'ts of dating a WL.
    Or am I confusing niceguy with cuteguy? Either way this thread can fuck off.
    Yes I agree, this thread has been overkilled but at the end of the day, people can post what ever the fuck they want. Yes, I know its the million time someone has started a thread about this topic.

  11. #11
    99 Premium Member (特級會員)
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    Skip to about 2.10 in the clip. Sums it up pretty well.

  12. #12
    Senior Member(無間使者) D.Li's Avatar
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    Unfortunately . . . We're not alone and that's why we're here and yes, and sadly there's 2 options . . .

    Option 1: Walk away, saves you pain and torture to your insecurity and heartbreak. Find a non-WL GF who love you for who you are . . .

    Option 2: You need a really strong will power to date a WL, and f you ever want to try it's really a low chance gamble on whether they like you more or you like her more. If she ain't the ONE, she's just ain't the one bro. In many fact, they feel you and we're just that amazing at sex The only rule is, you can't love them more for what they do for a living.

    Scenario 1: If they're working as a WL during the relationship, oh man you've failed . . . walk away right now . . . sorry boys, but hang on . . . it's not all over . . . if her plan is to make money, here's the deal and the strategy . . . convince her you'll wait until she makes the money and if she does quit as a WL for you (in most cases she'll do a massage job + extras ) . . . and you might have just made it, however if she's on a working visa and you're not ready to commit, I'd suggest it's not worth it cos you'll be back to [1].

    Scenario 2: Don't visit her her shop during the relationship, sounds easy, but fk . . . it's not, you feel insecure and just want to pay to see her everyday, but it's quite annoying for her and ruins her trust with you pretty quick. Checking on her and sometimes stalking isn't the best plan at all, I'd suggest end the relationship now and fk her at the shop.

    Scenario 3: Oh man, this topic is getting hard . . . You're not her only BF . . . she's got 3, 4, 5 Wait, hang on, what? Yes, you're not her only regular lols . . . fk another text message, who is it? Not sure how you can possibly ignore the text messages from her regulars. If you can, god bless you~ Don't look at her phone during the relationship, it will sink your ship made from vibranium . . . at first, you wont notice it much, but all the time constant text messages, constant calls . . . the fault isn't the regulars nor hers, it's only business. To her, you're a replaceable asset, nothing to her other than a bloke giving up his rent money to see her on dates, not like non-WL who watches you wallet and help you save. The world a WL lives is painful for herself and everyone around her, she needs to lie to her family and close friends, not something she'd ever be proud of, and you will only remind her of her past...and vice versa to you.

    Think it summarises the answer, I'd pick Option 1, but at the end it's your life and it's your call Happy Punting~

  13. #13
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    You lost me after Option 1.........ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

  14. #14
    99 King Member (帝皇會員)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niceguy11 View Post
    Yes I agree, this thread has been overkilled but at the end of the day, people can post what ever the fuck they want. Yes, I know its the million time someone has started a thread about this topic.
    There have been lots of posts about it, but they quickly get buried at the bottom of the index; how far back do we expect new members to go looking for specific topics to see if they have been broached before?

    Best advice I can give the OP is to pay this girl her fee each time you fuck her. That way you will both understand that it is a strictly business arrangement. I socialise with a ML on this basis, and it works quite well.

  15. #15
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Not sure what sort of dating OP is talking about, but if it's with a view to get married, then for older punters (over 35), it's easy, take a good hard look at yourself in the mirror, and a good hard look at your balance sheet, and ask yourself will I make a good partner of that 25yo girl? reality usually sinks in and drives out any wishful thinking.

    If it's just casual dating to have some fun (i.e you are not falling in love, but falling in lust), then why not? (if the girl feels the same way)

    Speaking of serious dating to get married, I can't help wondering if guys who love punting actually know what they are getting into when marrying a girl (any girl, not necessary a WL) he's madly in love with :
    family chores, constant arguments, difficulties at work and dealing with relationship with family members, and god forbidden, kids.
    Heavy burdens like these can quickly kill off any spark you had with the girl. I'd say marriage is a risky endeavor that most people are ill-qualified to undertake, unless they are prepared to get a seriously lower quality of life.

    Looking all around me, I can easily spot angry wife / sulky husband / pointless life everywhere that lead to the only solution possible : divorce.

  16. #16
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rayhp View Post
    I recently started dating a WL after meeting in the shop. Has anyone else done this before?
    Nobody has done that. Only you.

    And how did you feel about it?
    You feel like you are on a cusp of orgasm every minute of the day.
    So I heard.

    She never ask for any money.
    Oh yeah. That makes it better.
    Obviously, she is a saint.
    You should conclude from that she has no human flaws and that she loves you. 100%.

    She is the one pushing for the relationship. Time to back away.
    No shit!
    It seems you can reach an epiphany on your own.

  17. #17
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rayhp View Post
    after meeting in the shop.
    Come on man, don't be naive!

    The only maybe would be: you are around the same age than her, you met her outside the shop, she doesn't need you to get the citizenship.

    Otherwise sorry to say but the chances you should run are 99,99%!

  18. #18
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Good luck. You'll need lots of it.

  19. #19
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Maybe open relationship will make it work?

  20. #20
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    I’ve only been punting for a year. I’d never ask a WL out on a real date, feels way too inappropriate but twice in that time I’ve had WL’s give me their number with the intention of pursuing me outside of the shop. Because I’m new, relatively young and probably naive I went along with it both times because I thought fuck it, why not? Will at least be an adventure. The first time we went on a couple of dates but Covid hit and she went back to her country of origin and haven’t heard from her since.

    The second time the lady actually quit the shop the day after she gave me her number. We also went on a few dates but after a few weeks it got too real and she ended it. Noticed some threads of guys asking where this particular WL is now, apparently just doing massage and HJs now. I’d find it hard if the lady was still working FS personally, would be tough genuinely liking someone in that profession. I’d probably just try and trust my gut 🤷*♂️

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