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Thread: With the roadmap unveiled today, would massage shops be considered under retail?

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by rooter View Post
    Seems like there will be two major requirements for customers when the lockdown ends around mid October.
    One is the QR check-in at any business you enter. We are already doing this no nothing really new.
    Secondly will be having to prove you are vaccinated to enter some businesses.
    Which businesses you need to be vaccinated to enter has not been specified yet, but I am sure massage shops and brothels will be among them.
    Also how you prove you are vaccinated has not been specified.
    At the moment you can download your vax certificate from the Medicare app and save it onto your phone or print it.
    I would assume that the vaccination certificate will be integrated into the Service NSW app so that you can do your QR check-in and show you are vaccinated in a single swipe (or maybe two swipes)
    The vax check will be built into the NSW app. Whether it returns a combined approval or a separate flag depends on the link between the internal applications. Either way I doubt anyone will be able see anything other than an approval flag. At the moment it seems that govt is happy to allow individual businesses to decide, but if this procedure is normalised and not opposed, it's possible that some rules might well be introduced to "protect" some businesses that might drag their feet.

    Not sure how non smartphones and phone extant registrations will be handled! I have an idea but there are too many variables yet.

    It's a clause in the current PHO that allows customer registration to be off line, produced on demand by the CHO. This is a loophole that will need to plugged to ensure system integrity. If this clause disappears it'll mean firm rules are on the way. Watch that space.

  2. #22
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    Definitely watch this space, there is a case being brought before the supreme Court... Hopefully common sense prevails...

  3. #23
    I think I could write a basic app that looks exactly the same as a check in certificate in a day. Easy to circumvent. Not saying I will do that. But it is easy for someone to do. And just fill it with fake info: name etc.

  4. #24
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by adahar View Post
    There is no mandate on any business to require proof of vaccination of customers. It's up to the business themselves to require it. You don't have to go into the shop if you don't like it.
    You are saying the opposite of what NSW is mandating for businesses that want to operate when lockdown is over. It's obviously not up to the business. it's a rule they have to follow, just like how all retail businesses now have to have the QR code in place.

    Like you said. You can choose not to go into the shop... in fact it will be not going into any shop if you refuse to QR check-in to proof full vaccination.

  5. #25
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    There will be a huge market where lots of anti-vaxxers would buy that App. Bet the upgraded Service NSW + QR Scan will require a validation response from Medicare to confirm vaccination status. Not sure how it will display on the App with the validation. Would be interesting to see...

  6. #26
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Quote Originally Posted by studsg View Post
    There will be a huge market where lots of anti-vaxxers would buy that App. Bet the upgraded Service NSW + QR Scan will require a validation response from Medicare to confirm vaccination status. Not sure how it will display on the App with the validation. Would be interesting to see...
    I think your Medicare covid Vax will be exported to NSW service app like you can export your Medicare covid certificate to Google pay now.

  7. #27
    99 King Member (帝皇會員)
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    Quote Originally Posted by studsg View Post
    You are saying the opposite of what NSW is mandating for businesses that want to operate when lockdown is over. It's obviously not up to the business. it's a rule they have to follow, just like how all retail businesses now have to have the QR code in place.

    Like you said. You can choose not to go into the shop... in fact it will be not going into any shop if you refuse to QR check-in to proof full vaccination.
    It is mandated that shops must have a QR code, but the shops are not able to enforce that customers actually use it. There is very little in the way of checks.

    Pubs can probably use their security guards to block non-conformers, but I wonder how your local supermarkets will cope?

  8. #28
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Quote Originally Posted by dannyboy View Post
    Definitely watch this space, there is a case being brought before the supreme Court... Hopefully common sense prevails...
    Are you the case?

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by studsg View Post
    You are saying the opposite of what NSW is mandating for businesses that want to operate when lockdown is over. It's obviously not up to the business. it's a rule they have to follow, just like how all retail businesses now have to have the QR code in place.

    Like you said. You can choose not to go into the shop... in fact it will be not going into any shop if you refuse to QR check-in to proof full vaccination.
    There's a lot movement in the PHO's. They change from day to day, as you might expect. However there's a change I can't quite reconcile.

    There was a "main" PHO which laid out the general rules and then there was a supplementary PHO which was altered according to the changes made constantly. The "main" PHO I can't seem to track down now, I have a copy but I can't find a current link to it. Anyway......

    Clause 15 (2) states:- The person must ensure the person’s contact details are registered electronically then the person enters the premises

    Clause 15 (3) states:- The occupier of the premises must take reasonable steps to ensure a person complies with this clause when entering the premises.

    It's clear that the obligation to register is on the entering person. If the occupier fails to ensure you register it won't prevent the person from being liable but it won't mean that the occupier is liable either.

    I'm not sure I heard that the govt will mandate businesses to require proof of vaccination. Where did you get that information from? Please provide a link if you can.

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by aussiegaigin View Post
    It is mandated that shops must have a QR code, but the shops are not able to enforce that customers actually use it. There is very little in the way of checks.

    Pubs can probably use their security guards to block non-conformers, but I wonder how your local supermarkets will cope?
    I don't think supermarkets will do anything different. They are designated "essential" so are still available to those who don't have a certificate.

  11. #31
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by aussiegaigin View Post
    It is mandated that shops must have a QR code, but the shops are not able to enforce that customers actually use it. There is very little in the way of checks.

    Pubs can probably use their security guards to block non-conformers, but I wonder how your local supermarkets will cope?
    Fair call. Agree whether the business can enforce the QR check-in is going to be a question.

    My local Coles has hired security guards that blocks people from entering who did not do the QR check-in. That's a step in the right direction.

    Funny thing is my local cafe where I get my coffee. The barista keeps repeating, show me your QR check-in and refuses to take my order until I show it to him. Nice way of making sure customers check-in

  12. #32
    99 King Member (帝皇會員)
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    It has been mentioned repeatedly in media for the last few days:

    On Thursday, Premier Gladys Berejiklian announced that fully vaccinated people in NSW would be able to visit gyms, pubs and households – subject to capacity limits – once the state reaches 70 per cent full vaccination. Larger gatherings, in stadiums and theatres, will also be permitted subject to capacity limits for the double-dosed.[SMH 10/9]

    How it will be enforced remains to be seen. If you invite a few friends over to your home, are you really going to check their vax status?

  13. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by aussiegaigin View Post
    It has been mentioned repeatedly in media for the last few days:

    On Thursday, Premier Gladys Berejiklian announced that fully vaccinated people in NSW would be able to visit gyms, pubs and households – subject to capacity limits – once the state reaches 70 per cent full vaccination. Larger gatherings, in stadiums and theatres, will also be permitted subject to capacity limits for the double-dosed.[SMH 10/9]

    How it will be enforced remains to be seen. If you invite a few friends over to your home, are you really going to check their vax status?
    Nice one. That dude obviously lives on another planet where there is no Covid nor rules.

  14. #34
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    New PHO commencing on the 13th September. Note Division 1A (2.1A) page 8.

    This is the amendments contained within that PHO (just in case you don't want to read all of it, see page 3).

    The schedule for LGA's of concern" is being scrapped from 1st Oct. bringing them into line with everybody else.
    Last edited by adahar; 11-09-2021 at 03:49 PM. Reason: One line deleted as incorrect

  15. #35
    99 King Member (帝皇會員)
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    But there is still the grey area:
    Premises that must not be open
    The following premises in the general area must not be open to the public—
    (a) amusement centres,
    (b) nightclubs,
    (c) sex services premises,
    (d) sex on premises venues,
    (e) strip clubs.
    Waiting to see what happens on Monday

  16. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by aussiegaigin View Post
    But there is still the grey area:

    Waiting to see what happens on Monday

    To be clear the PHO refers to the "General Area", which doesn't include "Stay at home" or "Areas of Concern".

    So those outside of Sydney are fine, we still have to wait.

    As they are scrapping the schedule for "Areas of concern" on 1st October it might indicate that other rules might go then.

  17. #37
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    This is a potentially very interesting development if they get rid of the LGA's of concern on 1 October. We wouldn't have hit 70% by then.

  18. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMaestro View Post
    This is a potentially very interesting development if they get rid of the LGA's of concern on 1 October. We wouldn't have hit 70% by then.
    Removing the LGA's of concern may just be wishful thinking! It could change at anytime, and probably will if those vax numbers don't get up.

  19. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by GallBall2203 View Post
    I was reading the roadmap unveiled today here:

    It mentioned some specific stores like barbers, gyms, hospitalities and retail stores, but it doesn't say anything about massage shops? Do you think that they are part of this roadmap?

    Just a disclaimer, I think I am going to wait a bit before I go back to shops but it just came to mind.
    If the WL tells the police she is giving you a haircut then everything will fall into barber category.

    If the police asks why she is naked she can say she doesn't want hairs on her dress.

  20. #40
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    If I'm reading the orders right...

    Premises that must not be open
    The following premises in the general area must not be open to the public—
    (a) amusement centres,
    (b) nightclubs,
    (c) sex services premises,
    (d) sex on premises venues,
    (e) strip clubs.

    So what's the "general area"?

    Whole State other than stay at home areas and areas of concern
    The whole of the State is the general area other than an area that is—
    (a) a stay at home area, or
    (b) an area of concern.

    So brothels will be closed across the whole state.

    But how about "stay at home area", or "area of concern"? Because they're not the "general area", can brothels reopen? No: see pages 15 and 25, they have similar clauses.

    So it seems that what's happening this year is the same as what happened last year: brothels are being deliberately left out of the reopening plans.

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