Quote Originally Posted by vitrium View Post
The broken English gets me laughing every time:

Some of my favourite phrases from the pimps that write the ads:
- I'm watering for you
- Just arrived
- Me party girl
- I'm at my horny age
- New to here

I LOL at how many ads claim they are new to the area, even in the middle of a pandemic lock down. haha!
Looks like those pimps all got their mail order degrees from Sydney Uni, along with their Aussie permanent visa stamps. Must have been a package deal.

It is rather funny when a 60 year old granny claims she is “horny at her age”.

In the old days when there were ads in the daily newspapers, every Asian girl was described as “busty”. Punters would excitedly go to the shops only to find the girls were as flat as a board. Carpenters dream - flat as a board and easy to lay