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Thread: Handsome guys - why do you punt?

  1. #41
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    less effor than dating, and financially probs more worth than giving gifts and dining out every now and then lol. And you get to see and touch all different kinds of girls from diff backgrounds.

  2. #42
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Still can't get over the break up with my ex more than 2 years ago. Can't move on but too lonely, esp with the lockdown so I'm just looking for some physical connection, a bit of curdling/touching

    Not much into the body fluid exchange though, I'm very horny most of the time but just don't enjoy sex without the connection

  3. #43
    Senior Member(無間使者) jedibear's Avatar
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    Inside a pussy
    Getting a FWB rarely ends well. With a punt, it's just a no strings attached, you both get what you want and you go...

    Sent from my CPH2185 using Tapatalk

  4. #44
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    agree, definitely for convinience. even hollywood stars pay for sex.

  5. #45
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    I would hardly say im the most attractive man on earth but i do remain fit and like to take care of myself. Its definatley easyish for me to come by sex with dates and sex from friends and I usually fuck 2-3 girls concurrently at work and parties most of the time but i dont like the effort and BS associated with dating or clubbing to obtain sex. Not to mention the insane cost of associated with going out for dates or clubbing in the hopes of sex.

    In my head i also would rather save the money and blow it on myself as a treat. Heres how i do the math in my head for dating and why i prefer punting even as a reasonably attractive man:

    Typically most girls generally dont fuck on the first date unless your dealing with a more slutty girl. But im speaking more so professional women with careers etc. Usually speaking from my experience most girls will kiss but sex isnt on the table at least for 2-4 dates.

    Each one of these dates isnt free, its costs money. You start off with getting ready for the date. Usually if punt, i have a shower i pop on a hoodie, some footy shorts, a little deoderant and spend $3 on the train getting to the brothel. I walk in, unload and leave. But if have to get ready for a date, i have to generally drive which means $10 in petrol, the tread on my tires etc. Then you pick up the girl and get some drinks. Generally speaking girls will get you to cover the bill but sharing also works. Lets say you buy 3 rounds of drinks = 6 drinks total. If each drink is $10 thats $30 you spent on yourself and potentially another $30 for her, not to mention you didnt even get to get drunk and you harmed your body for no reason. Add in paying for dinner thats around $50 and youve already racked up close to $100 for that date. Multiply that by 2 and your looking at a quarter grand just to have mediocre sex once!

    The alternative math is for clubbing/bars:

    Lets say you start pre-drinking with your friends, Lets say you only bring a six pack of pre-mix drinks + a couple of extras, Thats around 30 dollars. Then because every is so drunk you all share an uber to the club. If you take an uber to the city alteast for me that $40 and if thers 4 friends that $10 a person. Then if you want to go to mainstream club like IVY in sydney your looking at $10-$30 minimum to enter.

    Then you start by buying a couple drinks for your self and each drink in a club is at least $15. Thats $30 just for you. Then if you try and chat up a girl shes not gonna leave the club without a couple drinks, add an extra 30 right there from your wallet. If you split an uber with her back to your place thats $20 give or take. Add all that up your looking at around $120 mimimum for a big night out. And all of that and you may still not even fuck.

    The last thing i'd also add in about going for a punt even though you can pick up girls is that punting releives that urge and desparation to fuck. Women love to be the gate-keepers of sex and hate desperation!

    If i punt more often i'm less likely to try extra hard to get a woman and therefore the demand vs supply for sex equals out because i dont need a woman to have sex with me, i can just punt instead

  6. #46
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    So everyone “pays”

    If you are a bit disillusioned you could use tray but it’s pretty individual

    I’d say convenience and ease - a brother cut out the bullshit but done enjoy that part of it

  7. #47
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    What about Ugly guys why do you punt, because money makes me more handsome for an hour.

  8. #48
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Quote Originally Posted by suckitbaby View Post
    What about Ugly guys why do you punt, because money makes me more handsome for an hour.
    God made man, money made them equal

  9. #49
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    I think some guys do it for the thrill

  10. #50
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    I am just as lazy as the next guy and prefer to pay a fee for someone who is supposed to know what they're doing. This becomes more relevant as you get older of course. Anyway, being a half decent looking dude doesn't make that much difference. Sometimes it actually has a negative effect. You get rejected because they think you are going to be a hard job so they take the ordinary looking dude instead because they think he will probably cum easier and have lower expectations.

  11. #51
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    You guys should check out Aaron Clarey (economist + author + podcaster) who covers this exact topic in detail.

    He has a book titled "The Book of Numbers: Analyzing the ROI on the Pursuit of Women" that goes through an economic analysis of the cost of dating for sex versus paying for sex.

    His theory is that you're paying either way so it makes sense to just go with the cheaper option.

    His conclusion is that it's far more economical to pay for sex than dating women for sex.

  12. #52
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by BLEPSICHUNGUS View Post
    I would hardly say im the most attractive man on earth but i do remain fit and like to take care of myself. Its definatley easyish for me to come by sex with dates and sex from friends and I usually fuck 2-3 girls concurrently at work and parties most of the time but i dont like the effort and BS associated with dating or clubbing to obtain sex. Not to mention the insane cost of associated with going out for dates or clubbing in the hopes of sex.

    In my head i also would rather save the money and blow it on myself as a treat. Heres how i do the math in my head for dating and why i prefer punting even as a reasonably attractive man:

    Typically most girls generally dont fuck on the first date unless your dealing with a more slutty girl. But im speaking more so professional women with careers etc. Usually speaking from my experience most girls will kiss but sex isnt on the table at least for 2-4 dates.

    Each one of these dates isnt free, its costs money. You start off with getting ready for the date. Usually if punt, i have a shower i pop on a hoodie, some footy shorts, a little deoderant and spend $3 on the train getting to the brothel. I walk in, unload and leave. But if have to get ready for a date, i have to generally drive which means $10 in petrol, the tread on my tires etc. Then you pick up the girl and get some drinks. Generally speaking girls will get you to cover the bill but sharing also works. Lets say you buy 3 rounds of drinks = 6 drinks total. If each drink is $10 thats $30 you spent on yourself and potentially another $30 for her, not to mention you didnt even get to get drunk and you harmed your body for no reason. Add in paying for dinner thats around $50 and youve already racked up close to $100 for that date. Multiply that by 2 and your looking at a quarter grand just to have mediocre sex once!

    The alternative math is for clubbing/bars:

    Lets say you start pre-drinking with your friends, Lets say you only bring a six pack of pre-mix drinks + a couple of extras, Thats around 30 dollars. Then because every is so drunk you all share an uber to the club. If you take an uber to the city alteast for me that $40 and if thers 4 friends that $10 a person. Then if you want to go to mainstream club like IVY in sydney your looking at $10-$30 minimum to enter.

    Then you start by buying a couple drinks for your self and each drink in a club is at least $15. Thats $30 just for you. Then if you try and chat up a girl shes not gonna leave the club without a couple drinks, add an extra 30 right there from your wallet. If you split an uber with her back to your place thats $20 give or take. Add all that up your looking at around $120 mimimum for a big night out. And all of that and you may still not even fuck.

    The last thing i'd also add in about going for a punt even though you can pick up girls is that punting releives that urge and desparation to fuck. Women love to be the gate-keepers of sex and hate desperation!

    If i punt more often i'm less likely to try extra hard to get a woman and therefore the demand vs supply for sex equals out because i dont need a woman to have sex with me, i can just punt instead
    great analysis!

  13. #53
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Could sound odd, but there's some sort of allure to the quasi taboo feel of it all. It makes the whole thing almost irresistible.

  14. #54
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    The reason I punt is because I’m single and young, I don’t want to commit into a relationship yet and would like to adventure sexually. I make a good dollars every year as I usually qualified for bonus and have a few side business. So punting kinda stress relief and reward for me ha3x

  15. #55
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Consent. There are establish rules and protocols.

    There is no consent when you approach a stranger at a pub or club, and this has always bothered me. Fotunately I'm financially well off aswell.

  16. #56
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    because punting is the best

  17. #57
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    bec i am poor! Girls love money do not care who fucked them at all

  18. #58
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Convenience, just pay and get a root. For apps you got to put in effort and troll for god know how long to find someone real. Also the variety, bored with the same chick after 2 - 3 times.

  19. #59
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Sometimes it's easier, get what you want straight away without beating around the bush

  20. #60
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    I would guess the same reason as ugly guys

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