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Thread: Dinner With My ML, Her BF & My ML's Younger Sister...

  1. #1
    99 Premium Member (特級會員)
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    Dinner With My ML, Her BF & My ML's Younger Sister...

    Minnie messaged me on the day, confirming that dinner is going ahead, and everyone had been notified. She also said that it would be a good night for a gathering. Minnie had decided to do something special for Daisy and me…

    Dinner. I arrived at the double glass doors of the apartment block and pressed in the number of the unit of the intercom. The door clicks and I push it open. A Deliveroo courier was just behind me, after the glass doors had closed. He faces the intercom. I walked to the lift foyer and take the lift to the floor. A cake under one arm, and a carry bag with a few bottles of red and white wine. The doors open and I step out of the lift car and look for the numbers on the units. I turn to the left. A young Chinese girl, in her trackies, wearing a Mickey Mouse jumper and Ugg boots on, walking in front, carrying what looked like a brown paper bag of takeaway food. It smelled good…

    I hear a door open down the hallway on the left, it was Daisy. She smiles at me, waves and beckons me over. My eyes light up, and I smile back. We greet, and I give her a quick peck on the lips. She was a little hesitant at first, because of the others in the apartment.

    I step inside, gave Daisy the cake. I slip off my moccasins and walk in behind Daisy. I hear Minnie call out and ask Daisy for a hand. Minnie greets me from the kitchen. I don’t see anyone else in the living area and ask if there were others around. Minnie was busy finishing up her last cook of dishes. She asked me to have a sit in the living room and make myself comfortable, whilst Daisy gets me a drink…

    The front door opens not long after I had settled down on the sofa. It was an Asian male. I get up to face him. We exchange looks and he greets me, introducing himself as Mickey. He was taller than me, and a lot taller than Minnie. He was gangly thin, and around the same age as me. Short black hair parted to the side, three-day growth on his face that forms a faint goatee. He had a serious face, that soon turned to a smile when Minnie yells out for his help as well. The cooking is done, and she needs him to bring out the heavier plated dish.

    Steamed mud crabs in ginger and shallot, deep fried grouper with sweet and sour sauce, stir fried jumbo green prawns in Chinese white wine and soy, scallops steamed with soy and ginger, stir fried crispy noodles in a wet eggy sauce and a platter of steamed Asian greens with mushrooms in oyster sauce. It was a big seafood feast for the four of us. I remembered the dishes because Minnie had elaborated what they were, and how she cooked them. Minnie had singlehandedly cooked one after the other...

    Dinner came sooner than I thought. There were no awkward conversations with Mickey earlier. There was no initial catch up with Daisy either. I was asked to head towards the dining table, as soon as all the plates were arranged on a lazy Susan, on top of a round table. Minnie whips off her apron, with Mickey by her side. Daisy comes towards me. We all stand there around the table, smiling, marvelling at the food in front of us, then pulling out a chair to seat…

    As we sat, Minnie stops everyone and calls out, ‘Goofy! Are we forgetting something?’ She looks at me with a glint in her eye, and smiles wickedly, before exclaiming, ‘Alcohol!’ She asks that I do the honours by picking a bottle that I have brought in and serve everyone. Everyone agrees and laughs. As I pour out the wine, Minnie was sharing a story of how she would look after Daisy when they were younger. She always looked after her like she was the mother. Minnie was the eldest, with Daisy in the middle, and then a younger brother…

    We brought our half glasses full of wine and toasted to the dinner. Minnie wished Daisy a happy Mother’s Day, wished Mickey many happy moments and wished me to find the love of my life. I was touched, genuinely felt her warmth and sincerity. We clinked glasses, I acknowledge the couple, then to Daisy on my right. The atmosphere was lively with Minnie’s stories about Daisy and what they got up to when they were young. Both men, sat back and listened to it intently...

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    99 Premium Member (特級會員)
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    Between eating, drinking and listening, we were preoccupied. The sumptuous feast that Minnie had prepared was already a conversation piece...

    Now, Mickey appeared to be an easy-going sort of guy, who would go along with whatever Minnie said. Mickey didn’t say much during dinner and would leave most of the conversation topics to Minnie. He would either nod in agreeance, laugh or give a few words in participation. But once the alcohol was served, he became a lot more expressive.

    I observed the interaction between the two, and they seem genuinely like a couple who loves each other. Even if she did the cooking and cleaning, I sense that Minnie is the dominant one in the relationship. She aims to please everyone that she loves in her life but knows how to keep others around her in check…

    A few glasses in, we were starting to ease off the food, and continued our drinks slowly. Minnie hadn’t stopped talking and for a brief moment, I had just wandered off in my thoughts and observed my surroundings, my company and the night.

    I note that Minnie loves being the host, welcomes the attention that men give her, and wants everyone around her to feel the happiness that she is feeling. Minnie is also protective of her sister Daisy, and always wants the best for her. There is a 5 year age gap between the two. However, they are literally chalk and cheese, in the way they act, the way they speak and the way they approach things.

    I could not find any resemblance at all between the two. You would never have guessed that they were sisters. Although, they seem to bond well with each other. I just couldn’t understand why they wouldn’t visit each other more, seeing that they are the only siblings in Sydney. I guess this is the dynamic of their family relationship and it really isn’t too much of my business. Mickey watches on, almost in admiration and awe, of Minnie, like it was the most entertaining thing he had ever seen…

    Mickey was starting to open up, being a lot more talkative now. He told a story of how his friend went to a massage parlour, and in the middle of the session, was contacted by the wife. So, the
    friend had to leave the session abruptly, and rushed to meet his wife somewhere close by. Running through the city, then cutting through a park, only to find, an unused condom stuck to the sole of his work boot once he had arrived. His wife met him, then noticed it from the back of his boot. She told the husband not to run through the bushes of that park as a shortcut anymore, because of the gay men that frequent there!

    We couldn’t work out what we were laughing at the most. The fact that the husband had an unused condom on the sole of his work boot or that his wife had told him not to run through the bushes of the park frequented by gay men. It was known that the said park was a popular meeting point for gay men, as it was secluded.

    Still nursing her first glass of wine, Daisy takes a small sip during that story, before spitting it all out at the end. It was obvious that the laughter took priority over her drink. Both Mickey and I looked at each other and couldn’t control ourselves after seeing her reaction…

    The night wore on, the stories got bawdier, and I think I had reached my limit with my drinks. I knew that I didn’t have far to drive, but would rather not take the risk, should I have gotten breathalysed by the police.

    It appears that Daisy was spending a night over, seeing that she had further to drive home to. She hadn’t planned on it but decided once Minnie offered her to stay. We didn’t get much time to be alone, Daisy and me. Instead, we spent it as a group. With a sly smile, Minnie said that I could stay over too if I wanted to, seeing that I was a little drunk. But I said that it would put Daisy in an awkward spot. Daisy said that she didn’t mind either way, and it was up to me. I asked if she was comfortable with it, and she said that she was…

  3. #3
    99 Premium Member (特級會員)
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    Mickey and I relocated to the couch after he offered me a scotch on the rocks. We spoke briefly alone while the girls cleaned up the dining table. I offered to help, but Mickey asked me to relax and insisted that Minnie will look after it. Minnie is a little fussy and likes to do things her way.

    After all, I was a guest, and I should feel comfortable at their place. Minnie yells out from the kitchen and asks Mickey to take the trash out downstairs. She said that she wanted a quick break and have a cigarette.

    Mickey heads off after being called, while Daisy is left doing the dishes. I hesitated a moment before heading in the kitchen asking if I could help her. Before Daisy could answer, Minnie asks me to join her out in the balcony. Daisy motions me to go, and I try to give her a kiss, but she playfully pushes me away.

    I went outside and see Minnie lighting up a cigarette. She asks if I wanted to share one. Minnie asks if I had a good night, and if I enjoyed the food she cooked. I said that it was a delicious meal, and I thanked her again for inviting me…

    All of a sudden, Minnie blurts out in a hushed tone that Mickey is still legally married to his wife. I gave Minnie a shocked look, not replying back. She said that she found messages on his phone from the wife back home, and that they are still in contact with each other. It seems that Mickey had lied about being divorced, after they had gotten together. Minnie felt stupid and asked what she was going to do. She asked if she should leave him or give him another chance.

    It all made sense now, all the worries that she was pouring out to me about the other night at the bar. She did not once mention this about Mickey in our catch up. She asked that I keep this a secret. She hadn’t confronted him yet but will do when the time is right. I could see in her eyes that she is starting to well up and getting a little emotional. I said that she should talk to him calmly, when she gets over the fact that she had read his messages. And when she is ready too.

    We rested our arms on the glass balustrade of the balcony, passing the cigarette back and forth, breathing in the smoke, and keeping still in the night, staring out into the streetlights as the air gets cooler…

    Mickey comes back in the front door, and then disappears towards the corridor of the main bedroom. Minnie makes her way towards the corridor and disappears into the room as well. I
    stepped back into the living area and caught up with Daisy. She looks at me and smiles. I hug her and we embraced before retiring to the sofa and started talking. I had just remembered about the cake, but I think we were all full of food and drink, we hadn’t left any room for dessert…

    All the lights were turned off, apart from one, left on from the exhaust hood in the kitchen. I sat on the sofa, trying to adjust my belt, before Daisy rests her head on my shoulder. I place my arm around her head and held her hand. There was a moment of silence we shared, and all I could hear was my breathing and soft music coming from Mickey and Minnie’s bedroom…

    I asked Daisy if we should retire to the bedroom. She says only if I could carry her in. I picked her up, balancing myself, trying not to stumble in the dark, and slowly made my way into the only open door of a bedroom. I put Daisy onto the bed, and she said that she was getting a little sleepy. I looked at her, and she pulls me slowly down to the bed, and we start kissing. All I could think about was that the door was still open, the light was still left on in the kitchen exhaust hood, and, and…

    Daisy doesn’t tell you what goes on in her head sometimes. But her actions usually give you a clear indication of what is going on and what is about to happen. I start kissing her passionately, but I am still thinking about stuff. Perhaps, I am drunk, or that my senses were unconsciously aware of my situation. But I keep reminding myself to forget about it and be present in the moment.

    We start to hear moaning coming out from Mickey and Minnie’s room. I am a little startled by it. I look at Daisy. She doesn’t even flinch. She gazes into my eyes, and softly caresses my face. I said quietly that we should close the door. She nods, smiling. I get up and turn to the door, before shutting it. The love making next door gets a little louder...

  4. #4
    99 Premium Member (特級會員)
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    I shrug, and Daisy quietly giggles. I could hardly see her in the dark but make my way under the covers. While I had my back turned, she had already stripped down to her underwear. I didn’t even hear a sound of any item of her clothing unzipping or unbuttoning.

    We faced and held each other. The lovemaking next door is reaching a climactic end. A sudden silence, then I hear Minnie yelling out at the top of her lungs, ‘Don’t cum inside my sister… she won’t appreciate it!’ Then raucous laughter from both Mickey and Minnie…

    Daisy looks at me and I, at her. I was gobsmacked, and she was baffled, like ‘what the fuck?’ She breaks out into a laugh, and I join in uncomfortably. I could have died there in her arms after hearing that. I couldn’t believe what Minnie had said. That line will now forever haunt me.

    Daisy and I spent the night together, and it was how it was meant to be. Naturally. We didn’t talk about it or planned it. The spontaneity of it all made it quite special. It felt right. After the night, we did get two to three hours sleep, before waking up at six in the morning to leave for home.

    I left Minnie’s place thinking what a relationship would be like for Daisy and me. I don’t know yet. But, I guess I’ll just figure it out along the way…

  5. #5
    Join Date
    I really enjoyed reading that, you didn't need to go into details which was great, good luck to you both............

  6. #6
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    Read the first post then to much to read…..just hoping there was a foursome in all that text……just joking

  7. #7
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Nice story dude

  8. #8
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    Great read! Thanks for sharing.

    Hope it works out well for the both of you. And for Minnie.

  9. #9
    Super Fans (忠實Fans)
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    cmk sir - you are indeed an accomplished wordsmith and I really enjoyed reading this.

    Thank you for sharing this with us.

  10. #10
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Excellent writing, had me glued to the story all the way. Even left me wondering what happened to the cake.

    Good luck to all 4 of you.
    My level of sarcasm depends on your level of stupidity.

  11. #11
    99 Premium Member (特級會員) woods23's Avatar
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    My 兄弟 CMK. Good luck to all 4 of you !

    It took me last night nd this morning to finish reading it haha. A very good read

  12. #12
    99 Premium Member (特級會員)
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    As always, best of luck, see where it goes and the enjoy the journey on the way. Love that you take the cake and the wine.
    Good to see a win for the good old blokes every once in a while. 76 truly was a vintage year.

  13. #13
    99 King Member (帝皇會員) GoldfishMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by asiafever View Post
    As always, best of luck, see where it goes and the enjoy the journey on the way. Love that you take the cake and the wine.
    Good to see a win for the good old blokes every once in a while. 76 truly was a vintage year.
    Year of the Fire Dragon in Chinese zodiac. They tend to have certain traits.

  14. #14
    99 King Member (帝皇會員) GoldfishMan's Avatar
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    That's the first time I've heard or seen anyone have a lazy Susan on their dining table at home. Doesn't sound like she's got a big family to feed either.

  15. #15
    Super Fans (忠實Fans) PKING2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoldfishMan View Post
    That's the first time I've heard or seen anyone have a lazy Susan on their dining table at home. Doesn't sound like she's got a big family to feed either.
    Lol you can get it under 10 bucks from kmart lol

  16. #16
    99 King Member (帝皇會員) GoldfishMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PKING2 View Post
    Lol you can get it under 10 bucks from kmart lol
    That shows how much i know about home furniture, lol!

  17. #17
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Thank goodness it wasn't a set up and Mickey wasn't Chinese mafia that wanted to end you for shagging his Mrs.

  18. #18
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    This was a great read. Well done! Best of luck with the next steps and I look forward to the next instalment.

    Sounds like Minnie will forgive Mickey, and you can proceed slowly with Daisy… suppose you never speak of it again RE Minnie and you at the bar, nor visit her again for massage given things are more serious with Daisy.

    Best of luck again!

  19. #19
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Good read, can't tell if its fact or fiction

  20. #20
    Junior Member(有D料到)
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    haha. Good read! TY

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