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Thread: Retiring from punting

  1. #1
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Retiring from punting

    Guys, we all know there 4-5 gems out there in a lot of 100's counting who are underperforming. I believe Brisbane is not the same as Sydney. We are all being tired of being nice to these ML's with no return of value. I quit because I dont see value in investment its always like the house wins in casino.

    I am done as the adrenaline rush that we get when we see the hot chick and it underperform there is no point of that drug.

    Most of these gems are booked most of time or you dont get that feeling as there are many people behind her service.

    Even with escorts and babes its always a hit and miss..this affects our mental wellbeing as they take advantage of we being nice ... Anyways we don't want to abuse ladies that's a first no no as we don't know what they are going through.

  2. #2
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    that's a reasonable assessment but 'retirement' means never coming back. maybe you just need a reset.

    a few weeks ago there was a thread about just stepping out of your comfort zone. do something crazy, book a random, book a $1,000 hour chick. visit the Inala barber. meet some random fatty off Tinder.

    join me on a trip to Asia.

  3. #3
    Loyalty Member(超級無聊鬼)
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    Well Done partyboy ...exactly how long do you intend to retire for...a week, 3, maybe 5 at best, being nice.
    Yes Brisbane is shit. Have you considered saving up for an OS adventure. The money you save each week could fund a nice adventure in Phil or Thai where ladies are more receptive.
    They say everyone should have somethoing to look forward to- Pre COVID I went OS twice a year, June and Xmas. Boy did I look forward to those trips and spaced 6 months apart it was just enough time to keep the heart wanting.
    Of course a trip every 2/3 months would be better but....

    For many us, punting is in our DNA. I haven't yet worked out whether its good for me or not. But I don't get caught up in that moral / ethical arguement either I just enjoy.
    There are also ways to make sure the odds are better in your favour, I find many mongers turn up to a MS hoping for a good time. Do you research, think about the punting process, think about the psychology and motivation of the girls - I consider myself a student of punting - always learning, always trying to decrease the odds in my favour. As in the current stock market you must be prepared to take some losses too, thats the nature of the game.
    Best of luck for the future.

    Hey Brad - great minds think a like - maybe we could organise a Brisb punters trip ???? Collected knowledge surely will bring increased pleasures.


  4. #4
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    I've posted this before, but it is relevant as we all get older, and like yourself are in "semi-retirement" but enjoying it with a couple of girls who genuinely enjoy my company....

    25 years ago we were younger (obviously) and the young girls were happy to see fit, young men.

    25 years later, a different group of young girls aren't keen to see that guy nudging 50, and we become bitter.

    Whilst we all sit here and criticise all the "old boilers", we are not getting younger ourselves.

    Sent from my SM-G991B using Tapatalk

  5. #5
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyp View Post
    Whilst we all sit here and criticise all the "old boilers", we are not getting younger ourselves.
    that's true, so choose your market and set expectations.

  6. #6
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Just save your punting money and have a month in Thailand…
    They don’t care how fat or old you are…just as long as you have money and if one does not look at you like you are Brad Pitt…the next one will…
    I love Pattaya…
    It is ridiculous the amount of beautiful women there …

  7. #7
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by partyboy202020 View Post
    Guys, we all know there 4-5 gems out there in a lot of 100's counting who are underperforming. I believe Brisbane is not the same as Sydney. We are all being tired of being nice to these ML's with no return of value. I quit because I dont see value in investment its always like the house wins in casino.

    I am done as the adrenaline rush that we get when we see the hot chick and it underperform there is no point of that drug.

    Most of these gems are booked most of time or you dont get that feeling as there are many people behind her service.

    Even with escorts and babes its always a hit and miss..this affects our mental wellbeing as they take advantage of we being nice ... Anyways we don't want to abuse ladies that's a first no no as we don't know what they are going through.
    This has crossed my mind. The girls' rigid pricing systems were not universal back in the day so there was more room for indiscretion, flirting and possibility. Anyone care to speculate why this is the case? Hence the word punt being applicable. I've noticed the terms punt and blue balls have almost vanished from the forum.

  8. #8
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    dude wont give up his glory hole visits tho... TELL THE TRUTH

  9. #9
    Baby Member(留言版初哥)
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    Great ideas guys. Best to save up and have a trip.

    We should just boycott theses ML's and shops who are not doing enough. They have taken us for granted, time to leave them dry. 10 mins covered bj costs $150 and with shitty massage add another $75. No fucking value for money to be honest. Such earned money will always go to shits. They don't understand Karma is a bitch and it does come back and bite in the ass real bad some or the other way.

  10. #10
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Yeah, my go too girl has just retired. I'm fucking devastated! There's no desire to adventure out and explore new venues. I'm in a state of depression, lucky I've got an Asian missus to get over all that. But it is good to jump the fence when the moment calls for it....

  11. #11
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    Quote Originally Posted by bradpitt View Post
    visit the Inala barber.

    Getting herpes isn't exactly a good advice but it will definitely get you out of your comfort zone for the rest of your life.

  12. #12
    Senior Member(無間使者)
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    This is an interesting thread…..probably the closest to my mindset, which I’ve read on this platform?

    I’ll qualify myself; been punting for about 5 years, only in the SEQ area.
    Prior to that, a loyal 20+ year marriage, abruptly ended.
    It’s since been explained to me as a menopausal divorce?
    Never visited Asia…don’t even hold a passport.
    Anyway, whatever….moving on.

    When I first started punting, it was awesome…a whole new World of discovery.
    Met a couple of standout gems along the journey…..always mutual, really enjoyable times.

    Post Covid; my memorable punting experiences have fallen off the face of a cliff.
    Maybe, I no longer feel that initial euphoria, excitement?
    Or, maybe, the whole punting demographics have changed?

    There’s a dozen ‘regs’ doing the rounds…getting pumped by half of Brisbane.
    If you want to make an appointment….gotta book a week in advance.
    None of which appeals to me.

    Look outside the square…..13 shops later, 1/2 a day of life wasted, plus lunch, and fuel bill….yawn.
    It’s become arduous?

    I’ve been thinking about an overseas trip….but that’s probably a pipe dream?
    Fear of the unknown probably restricts me….and getting bashed on the head with a 4x2, cause I was a tourist in the wrong precinct…lol

    On a tangent….remember listening to an interview with Noel Callow, professional jockey.
    He said, in Asian, was treat like Brad Pitt……in Australia, he’s just arm pit…
    He wasn’t referring to punting…..well, not the punting we’re talking about….lol

    Anyway….I’d be up for an overseas trip?
    Not just for the punting……just the whole gambit, something new which breaks the daily monotony?

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